Am 29.09.21 um 19:11 schrieb Steve French: > gitnub is fine for many things, and we can automated "kernel > development process" > things presumably with github easier than alternatives: > - running "scripts/checkpatch" > - make with C=1 and "_CHECK_ENDIAN" support turned on > - kick off smbtorture tests (as Namjae already does in his branches in github) you can also add "doing review". :) As for running tests: I want that as well! :) How can I get that? Maybe other want to run CI on their patches too before posting them. > BUT ... we have to ensure a couple things. > - we don't annoy Linus (and linux-next and stable maintainers) by doing things > like web merges in github (he complained about the meaningless/distracting > github web ui empty merge messages) as said before: just don't do the merge there, just the review. That's the way Samba has been doing it for years. Are you actually aware of the current Samba workflow? -slow -- Ralph Boehme, Samba Team SerNet Samba Team Lead