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Subject: + linux-next-git-rejects.patch added to -mm tree
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 18:20:19 -0800	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

The patch titled
     Subject: linux-next-git-rejects
has been added to the -mm tree.  Its filename is

This patch should soon appear at
and later at

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From: Andrew Morton <>
Subject: linux-next-git-rejects

Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>

 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_gtt.c | 2907 --------------------------
 1 file changed, 2907 deletions(-)

--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_gtt.c~linux-next-git-rejects
+++ a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_gtt.c
@@ -69,2914 +69,7 @@ void i915_gem_gtt_finish_pages(struct dr
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-	if (!px_dma(&vm->scratch[0])) /* set to 0 on clones */
-		return;
-	for (i = 1; i <= vm->top; i++) {
-		if (!px_dma(&vm->scratch[i]))
-			break;
-		cleanup_page_dma(vm, px_base(&vm->scratch[i]));
-	}
-	cleanup_scratch_page(vm);
-static struct i915_page_table *alloc_pt(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct i915_page_table *pt;
-	pt = kmalloc(sizeof(*pt), I915_GFP_ALLOW_FAIL);
-	if (unlikely(!pt))
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	if (unlikely(setup_page_dma(vm, &pt->base))) {
-		kfree(pt);
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	}
-	atomic_set(&pt->used, 0);
-	return pt;
-static struct i915_page_directory *__alloc_pd(size_t sz)
-	struct i915_page_directory *pd;
-	pd = kzalloc(sz, I915_GFP_ALLOW_FAIL);
-	if (unlikely(!pd))
-		return NULL;
-	spin_lock_init(&pd->lock);
-	return pd;
-static struct i915_page_directory *alloc_pd(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct i915_page_directory *pd;
-	pd = __alloc_pd(sizeof(*pd));
-	if (unlikely(!pd))
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	if (unlikely(setup_page_dma(vm, px_base(pd)))) {
-		kfree(pd);
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	}
-	return pd;
-static void free_pd(struct i915_address_space *vm, struct i915_page_dma *pd)
-	cleanup_page_dma(vm, pd);
-	kfree(pd);
-#define free_px(vm, px) free_pd(vm, px_base(px))
-static inline void
-write_dma_entry(struct i915_page_dma * const pdma,
-		const unsigned short idx,
-		const u64 encoded_entry)
-	u64 * const vaddr = kmap_atomic(pdma->page);
-	vaddr[idx] = encoded_entry;
-	kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-static inline void
-__set_pd_entry(struct i915_page_directory * const pd,
-	       const unsigned short idx,
-	       struct i915_page_dma * const to,
-	       u64 (*encode)(const dma_addr_t, const enum i915_cache_level))
-	/* Each thread pre-pins the pd, and we may have a thread per pde. */
-	GEM_BUG_ON(atomic_read(px_used(pd)) > 2 * ARRAY_SIZE(pd->entry));
-	atomic_inc(px_used(pd));
-	pd->entry[idx] = to;
-	write_dma_entry(px_base(pd), idx, encode(to->daddr, I915_CACHE_LLC));
-#define set_pd_entry(pd, idx, to) \
-	__set_pd_entry((pd), (idx), px_base(to), gen8_pde_encode)
-static inline void
-clear_pd_entry(struct i915_page_directory * const pd,
-	       const unsigned short idx,
-	       const struct i915_page_scratch * const scratch)
-	GEM_BUG_ON(atomic_read(px_used(pd)) == 0);
-	write_dma_entry(px_base(pd), idx, scratch->encode);
-	pd->entry[idx] = NULL;
-	atomic_dec(px_used(pd));
-static bool
-release_pd_entry(struct i915_page_directory * const pd,
-		 const unsigned short idx,
-		 struct i915_page_table * const pt,
-		 const struct i915_page_scratch * const scratch)
-	bool free = false;
-	if (atomic_add_unless(&pt->used, -1, 1))
-		return false;
-	spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&pt->used)) {
-		clear_pd_entry(pd, idx, scratch);
-		free = true;
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-	return free;
-static void gen8_ppgtt_notify_vgt(struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt, bool create)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = ppgtt->vm.i915;
-	enum vgt_g2v_type msg;
-	int i;
-	if (create)
-		atomic_inc(px_used(ppgtt->pd)); /* never remove */
-	else
-		atomic_dec(px_used(ppgtt->pd));
-	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->vgpu.lock);
-	if (i915_vm_is_4lvl(&ppgtt->vm)) {
-		const u64 daddr = px_dma(ppgtt->pd);
-		I915_WRITE(vgtif_reg(pdp[0].lo), lower_32_bits(daddr));
-		I915_WRITE(vgtif_reg(pdp[0].hi), upper_32_bits(daddr));
-		msg = (create ? VGT_G2V_PPGTT_L4_PAGE_TABLE_CREATE :
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < GEN8_3LVL_PDPES; i++) {
-			const u64 daddr = i915_page_dir_dma_addr(ppgtt, i);
-			I915_WRITE(vgtif_reg(pdp[i].lo), lower_32_bits(daddr));
-			I915_WRITE(vgtif_reg(pdp[i].hi), upper_32_bits(daddr));
-		}
-		msg = (create ? VGT_G2V_PPGTT_L3_PAGE_TABLE_CREATE :
-	}
-	/* g2v_notify atomically (via hv trap) consumes the message packet. */
-	I915_WRITE(vgtif_reg(g2v_notify), msg);
-	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->vgpu.lock);
-/* Index shifts into the pagetable are offset by GEN8_PTE_SHIFT [12] */
-#define GEN8_PAGE_SIZE (SZ_4K) /* page and page-directory sizes are the same */
-#define GEN8_PTE_SHIFT (ilog2(GEN8_PAGE_SIZE))
-#define GEN8_PDES (GEN8_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(u64))
-#define gen8_pd_shift(lvl) ((lvl) * ilog2(GEN8_PDES))
-#define gen8_pd_index(i, lvl) i915_pde_index((i), gen8_pd_shift(lvl))
-#define __gen8_pte_shift(lvl) (GEN8_PTE_SHIFT + gen8_pd_shift(lvl))
-#define __gen8_pte_index(a, lvl) i915_pde_index((a), __gen8_pte_shift(lvl))
-static inline unsigned int
-gen8_pd_range(u64 start, u64 end, int lvl, unsigned int *idx)
-	const int shift = gen8_pd_shift(lvl);
-	const u64 mask = ~0ull << gen8_pd_shift(lvl + 1);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(start >= end);
-	end += ~mask >> gen8_pd_shift(1);
-	*idx = i915_pde_index(start, shift);
-	if ((start ^ end) & mask)
-		return GEN8_PDES - *idx;
-	else
-		return i915_pde_index(end, shift) - *idx;
-static inline bool gen8_pd_contains(u64 start, u64 end, int lvl)
-	const u64 mask = ~0ull << gen8_pd_shift(lvl + 1);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(start >= end);
-	return (start ^ end) & mask && (start & ~mask) == 0;
-static inline unsigned int gen8_pt_count(u64 start, u64 end)
-	GEM_BUG_ON(start >= end);
-	if ((start ^ end) >> gen8_pd_shift(1))
-		return GEN8_PDES - (start & (GEN8_PDES - 1));
-	else
-		return end - start;
-static inline unsigned int gen8_pd_top_count(const struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	unsigned int shift = __gen8_pte_shift(vm->top);
-	return (vm->total + (1ull << shift) - 1) >> shift;
-static inline struct i915_page_directory *
-gen8_pdp_for_page_index(struct i915_address_space * const vm, const u64 idx)
-	struct i915_ppgtt * const ppgtt = i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm);
-	if (vm->top == 2)
-		return ppgtt->pd;
-	else
-		return i915_pd_entry(ppgtt->pd, gen8_pd_index(idx, vm->top));
-static inline struct i915_page_directory *
-gen8_pdp_for_page_address(struct i915_address_space * const vm, const u64 addr)
-	return gen8_pdp_for_page_index(vm, addr >> GEN8_PTE_SHIFT);
-static void __gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				 struct i915_page_directory *pd,
-				 int count, int lvl)
-	if (lvl) {
-		void **pde = pd->entry;
-		do {
-			if (!*pde)
-				continue;
-			__gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(vm, *pde, GEN8_PDES, lvl - 1);
-		} while (pde++, --count);
-	}
-	free_px(vm, pd);
-static void gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt = i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm);
-	if (intel_vgpu_active(vm->i915))
-		gen8_ppgtt_notify_vgt(ppgtt, false);
-	__gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(vm, ppgtt->pd, gen8_pd_top_count(vm), vm->top);
-	free_scratch(vm);
-static u64 __gen8_ppgtt_clear(struct i915_address_space * const vm,
-			      struct i915_page_directory * const pd,
-			      u64 start, const u64 end, int lvl)
-	const struct i915_page_scratch * const scratch = &vm->scratch[lvl];
-	unsigned int idx, len;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(end > vm->total >> GEN8_PTE_SHIFT);
-	len = gen8_pd_range(start, end, lvl--, &idx);
-	DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, start:%llx, end:%llx, idx:%d, len:%d, used:%d }\n",
-	    __func__, vm, lvl + 1, start, end,
-	    idx, len, atomic_read(px_used(pd)));
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!len || len >= atomic_read(px_used(pd)));
-	do {
-		struct i915_page_table *pt = pd->entry[idx];
-		if (atomic_fetch_inc(&pt->used) >> gen8_pd_shift(1) &&
-		    gen8_pd_contains(start, end, lvl)) {
-			DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, idx:%d, start:%llx, end:%llx } removing pd\n",
-			    __func__, vm, lvl + 1, idx, start, end);
-			clear_pd_entry(pd, idx, scratch);
-			__gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(vm, as_pd(pt), I915_PDES, lvl);
-			start += (u64)I915_PDES << gen8_pd_shift(lvl);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (lvl) {
-			start = __gen8_ppgtt_clear(vm, as_pd(pt),
-						   start, end, lvl);
-		} else {
-			unsigned int count;
-			u64 *vaddr;
-			count = gen8_pt_count(start, end);
-			DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, start:%llx, end:%llx, idx:%d, len:%d, used:%d } removing pte\n",
-			    __func__, vm, lvl, start, end,
-			    gen8_pd_index(start, 0), count,
-			    atomic_read(&pt->used));
-			GEM_BUG_ON(!count || count >= atomic_read(&pt->used));
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(pt);
-			memset64(vaddr + gen8_pd_index(start, 0),
-				 vm->scratch[0].encode,
-				 count);
-			kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-			atomic_sub(count, &pt->used);
-			start += count;
-		}
-		if (release_pd_entry(pd, idx, pt, scratch))
-			free_px(vm, pt);
-	} while (idx++, --len);
-	return start;
-static void gen8_ppgtt_clear(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-			     u64 start, u64 length)
-	GEM_BUG_ON(range_overflows(start, length, vm->total));
-	start >>= GEN8_PTE_SHIFT;
-	length >>= GEN8_PTE_SHIFT;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(length == 0);
-	__gen8_ppgtt_clear(vm, i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm)->pd,
-			   start, start + length, vm->top);
-static int __gen8_ppgtt_alloc(struct i915_address_space * const vm,
-			      struct i915_page_directory * const pd,
-			      u64 * const start, const u64 end, int lvl)
-	const struct i915_page_scratch * const scratch = &vm->scratch[lvl];
-	struct i915_page_table *alloc = NULL;
-	unsigned int idx, len;
-	int ret = 0;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(end > vm->total >> GEN8_PTE_SHIFT);
-	len = gen8_pd_range(*start, end, lvl--, &idx);
-	DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, start:%llx, end:%llx, idx:%d, len:%d, used:%d }\n",
-	    __func__, vm, lvl + 1, *start, end,
-	    idx, len, atomic_read(px_used(pd)));
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!len || (idx + len - 1) >> gen8_pd_shift(1));
-	spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!atomic_read(px_used(pd))); /* Must be pinned! */
-	do {
-		struct i915_page_table *pt = pd->entry[idx];
-		if (!pt) {
-			spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-			DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, idx:%d } allocating new tree\n",
-			    __func__, vm, lvl + 1, idx);
-			pt = fetch_and_zero(&alloc);
-			if (lvl) {
-				if (!pt) {
-					pt = &alloc_pd(vm)->pt;
-					if (IS_ERR(pt)) {
-						ret = PTR_ERR(pt);
-						goto out;
-					}
-				}
-				fill_px(pt, vm->scratch[lvl].encode);
-			} else {
-				if (!pt) {
-					pt = alloc_pt(vm);
-					if (IS_ERR(pt)) {
-						ret = PTR_ERR(pt);
-						goto out;
-					}
-				}
-				if (intel_vgpu_active(vm->i915) ||
-				    gen8_pt_count(*start, end) < I915_PDES)
-					fill_px(pt, vm->scratch[lvl].encode);
-			}
-			spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-			if (likely(!pd->entry[idx]))
-				set_pd_entry(pd, idx, pt);
-			else
-				alloc = pt, pt = pd->entry[idx];
-		}
-		if (lvl) {
-			atomic_inc(&pt->used);
-			spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-			ret = __gen8_ppgtt_alloc(vm, as_pd(pt),
-						 start, end, lvl);
-			if (unlikely(ret)) {
-				if (release_pd_entry(pd, idx, pt, scratch))
-					free_px(vm, pt);
-				goto out;
-			}
-			spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-			atomic_dec(&pt->used);
-			GEM_BUG_ON(!atomic_read(&pt->used));
-		} else {
-			unsigned int count = gen8_pt_count(*start, end);
-			DBG("%s(%p):{ lvl:%d, start:%llx, end:%llx, idx:%d, len:%d, used:%d } inserting pte\n",
-			    __func__, vm, lvl, *start, end,
-			    gen8_pd_index(*start, 0), count,
-			    atomic_read(&pt->used));
-			atomic_add(count, &pt->used);
-			/* All other pdes may be simultaneously removed */
-			GEM_BUG_ON(atomic_read(&pt->used) > 2 * I915_PDES);
-			*start += count;
-		}
-	} while (idx++, --len);
-	spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-	if (alloc)
-		free_px(vm, alloc);
-	return ret;
-static int gen8_ppgtt_alloc(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-			    u64 start, u64 length)
-	u64 from;
-	int err;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(range_overflows(start, length, vm->total));
-	start >>= GEN8_PTE_SHIFT;
-	length >>= GEN8_PTE_SHIFT;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(length == 0);
-	from = start;
-	err = __gen8_ppgtt_alloc(vm, i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm)->pd,
-				 &start, start + length, vm->top);
-	if (unlikely(err && from != start))
-		__gen8_ppgtt_clear(vm, i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm)->pd,
-				   from, start, vm->top);
-	return err;
-static inline struct sgt_dma {
-	struct scatterlist *sg;
-	dma_addr_t dma, max;
-} sgt_dma(struct i915_vma *vma) {
-	struct scatterlist *sg = vma->pages->sgl;
-	dma_addr_t addr = sg_dma_address(sg);
-	return (struct sgt_dma) { sg, addr, addr + sg->length };
-static __always_inline u64
-gen8_ppgtt_insert_pte(struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt,
-		      struct i915_page_directory *pdp,
-		      struct sgt_dma *iter,
-		      u64 idx,
-		      enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-		      u32 flags)
-	struct i915_page_directory *pd;
-	const gen8_pte_t pte_encode = gen8_pte_encode(0, cache_level, flags);
-	gen8_pte_t *vaddr;
-	pd = i915_pd_entry(pdp, gen8_pd_index(idx, 2));
-	vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(i915_pt_entry(pd, gen8_pd_index(idx, 1)));
-	do {
-		GEM_BUG_ON(iter->sg->length < I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE);
-		vaddr[gen8_pd_index(idx, 0)] = pte_encode | iter->dma;
-		iter->dma += I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-		if (iter->dma >= iter->max) {
-			iter->sg = __sg_next(iter->sg);
-			if (!iter->sg) {
-				idx = 0;
-				break;
-			}
-			iter->dma = sg_dma_address(iter->sg);
-			iter->max = iter->dma + iter->sg->length;
-		}
-		if (gen8_pd_index(++idx, 0) == 0) {
-			if (gen8_pd_index(idx, 1) == 0) {
-				/* Limited by sg length for 3lvl */
-				if (gen8_pd_index(idx, 2) == 0)
-					break;
-				pd = pdp->entry[gen8_pd_index(idx, 2)];
-			}
-			kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(i915_pt_entry(pd, gen8_pd_index(idx, 1)));
-		}
-	} while (1);
-	kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-	return idx;
-static void gen8_ppgtt_insert_huge(struct i915_vma *vma,
-				   struct sgt_dma *iter,
-				   enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-				   u32 flags)
-	const gen8_pte_t pte_encode = gen8_pte_encode(0, cache_level, flags);
-	u64 start = vma->node.start;
-	dma_addr_t rem = iter->sg->length;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!i915_vm_is_4lvl(vma->vm));
-	do {
-		struct i915_page_directory * const pdp =
-			gen8_pdp_for_page_address(vma->vm, start);
-		struct i915_page_directory * const pd =
-			i915_pd_entry(pdp, __gen8_pte_index(start, 2));
-		gen8_pte_t encode = pte_encode;
-		unsigned int maybe_64K = -1;
-		unsigned int page_size;
-		gen8_pte_t *vaddr;
-		u16 index;
-		if (vma-> & I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M &&
-		    IS_ALIGNED(iter->dma, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M) &&
-		    rem >= I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M &&
-		    !__gen8_pte_index(start, 0)) {
-			index = __gen8_pte_index(start, 1);
-			encode |= GEN8_PDE_PS_2M;
-			page_size = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M;
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(pd);
-		} else {
-			struct i915_page_table *pt =
-				i915_pt_entry(pd, __gen8_pte_index(start, 1));
-			index = __gen8_pte_index(start, 0);
-			page_size = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-			if (!index &&
-			    vma-> & I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K &&
-			    IS_ALIGNED(iter->dma, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K) &&
-			    (IS_ALIGNED(rem, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K) ||
-			     rem >= (I915_PDES - index) * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE))
-				maybe_64K = __gen8_pte_index(start, 1);
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(pt);
-		}
-		do {
-			GEM_BUG_ON(iter->sg->length < page_size);
-			vaddr[index++] = encode | iter->dma;
-			start += page_size;
-			iter->dma += page_size;
-			rem -= page_size;
-			if (iter->dma >= iter->max) {
-				iter->sg = __sg_next(iter->sg);
-				if (!iter->sg)
-					break;
-				rem = iter->sg->length;
-				iter->dma = sg_dma_address(iter->sg);
-				iter->max = iter->dma + rem;
-				if (maybe_64K != -1 && index < I915_PDES &&
-				    !(IS_ALIGNED(iter->dma, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K) &&
-				      (IS_ALIGNED(rem, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K) ||
-				       rem >= (I915_PDES - index) * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE)))
-					maybe_64K = -1;
-				if (unlikely(!IS_ALIGNED(iter->dma, page_size)))
-					break;
-			}
-		} while (rem >= page_size && index < I915_PDES);
-		kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-		/*
-		 * Is it safe to mark the 2M block as 64K? -- Either we have
-		 * filled whole page-table with 64K entries, or filled part of
-		 * it and have reached the end of the sg table and we have
-		 * enough padding.
-		 */
-		if (maybe_64K != -1 &&
-		    (index == I915_PDES ||
-		     (i915_vm_has_scratch_64K(vma->vm) &&
-		      !iter->sg && IS_ALIGNED(vma->node.start +
-					      vma->node.size,
-					      I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M)))) {
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(pd);
-			vaddr[maybe_64K] |= GEN8_PDE_IPS_64K;
-			kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-			page_size = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K;
-			/*
-			 * We write all 4K page entries, even when using 64K
-			 * pages. In order to verify that the HW isn't cheating
-			 * by using the 4K PTE instead of the 64K PTE, we want
-			 * to remove all the surplus entries. If the HW skipped
-			 * the 64K PTE, it will read/write into the scratch page
-			 * instead - which we detect as missing results during
-			 * selftests.
-			 */
-			if (I915_SELFTEST_ONLY(vma->vm->scrub_64K)) {
-				u16 i;
-				encode = vma->vm->scratch[0].encode;
-				vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(i915_pt_entry(pd, maybe_64K));
-				for (i = 1; i < index; i += 16)
-					memset64(vaddr + i, encode, 15);
-				kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-			}
-		}
-		vma->page_sizes.gtt |= page_size;
-	} while (iter->sg);
-static void gen8_ppgtt_insert(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-			      struct i915_vma *vma,
-			      enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-			      u32 flags)
-	struct i915_ppgtt * const ppgtt = i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm);
-	struct sgt_dma iter = sgt_dma(vma);
-	if (vma-> > I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE) {
-		gen8_ppgtt_insert_huge(vma, &iter, cache_level, flags);
-	} else  {
-		u64 idx = vma->node.start >> GEN8_PTE_SHIFT;
-		do {
-			struct i915_page_directory * const pdp =
-				gen8_pdp_for_page_index(vm, idx);
-			idx = gen8_ppgtt_insert_pte(ppgtt, pdp, &iter, idx,
-						    cache_level, flags);
-		} while (idx);
-		vma->page_sizes.gtt = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	}
-static int gen8_init_scratch(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	int ret;
-	int i;
-	/*
-	 * If everybody agrees to not to write into the scratch page,
-	 * we can reuse it for all vm, keeping contexts and processes separate.
-	 */
-	if (vm->has_read_only &&
-	    vm->i915->kernel_context &&
-	    vm->i915->kernel_context->vm) {
-		struct i915_address_space *clone =
-			rcu_dereference_protected(vm->i915->kernel_context->vm,
-						  true); /* static */
-		GEM_BUG_ON(!clone->has_read_only);
-		vm->scratch_order = clone->scratch_order;
-		memcpy(vm->scratch, clone->scratch, sizeof(vm->scratch));
-		px_dma(&vm->scratch[0]) = 0; /* no xfer of ownership */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	ret = setup_scratch_page(vm, __GFP_HIGHMEM);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	vm->scratch[0].encode =
-		gen8_pte_encode(px_dma(&vm->scratch[0]),
-				I915_CACHE_LLC, vm->has_read_only);
-	for (i = 1; i <= vm->top; i++) {
-		if (unlikely(setup_page_dma(vm, px_base(&vm->scratch[i]))))
-			goto free_scratch;
-		fill_px(&vm->scratch[i], vm->scratch[i - 1].encode);
-		vm->scratch[i].encode =
-			gen8_pde_encode(px_dma(&vm->scratch[i]),
-					I915_CACHE_LLC);
-	}
-	return 0;
-	free_scratch(vm);
-	return -ENOMEM;
-static int gen8_preallocate_top_level_pdp(struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt)
-	struct i915_address_space *vm = &ppgtt->vm;
-	struct i915_page_directory *pd = ppgtt->pd;
-	unsigned int idx;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(vm->top != 2);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(gen8_pd_top_count(vm) != GEN8_3LVL_PDPES);
-	for (idx = 0; idx < GEN8_3LVL_PDPES; idx++) {
-		struct i915_page_directory *pde;
-		pde = alloc_pd(vm);
-		if (IS_ERR(pde))
-			return PTR_ERR(pde);
-		fill_px(pde, vm->scratch[1].encode);
-		set_pd_entry(pd, idx, pde);
-		atomic_inc(px_used(pde)); /* keep pinned */
-	}
-	wmb();
-	return 0;
-static void ppgtt_init(struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt, struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = gt->i915;
-	ppgtt-> = gt;
-	ppgtt->vm.i915 = i915;
-	ppgtt->vm.dma = &i915->drm.pdev->dev;
-	ppgtt-> = BIT_ULL(INTEL_INFO(i915)->ppgtt_size);
-	i915_address_space_init(&ppgtt->vm, VM_CLASS_PPGTT);
-	ppgtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma    = ppgtt_bind_vma;
-	ppgtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma  = ppgtt_unbind_vma;
-	ppgtt->vm.vma_ops.set_pages   = ppgtt_set_pages;
-	ppgtt->vm.vma_ops.clear_pages = clear_pages;
-static struct i915_page_directory *
-gen8_alloc_top_pd(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	const unsigned int count = gen8_pd_top_count(vm);
-	struct i915_page_directory *pd;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(count > ARRAY_SIZE(pd->entry));
-	pd = __alloc_pd(offsetof(typeof(*pd), entry[count]));
-	if (unlikely(!pd))
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	if (unlikely(setup_page_dma(vm, px_base(pd)))) {
-		kfree(pd);
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	}
-	fill_page_dma(px_base(pd), vm->scratch[vm->top].encode, count);
-	atomic_inc(px_used(pd)); /* mark as pinned */
-	return pd;
- * GEN8 legacy ppgtt programming is accomplished through a max 4 PDP registers
- * with a net effect resembling a 2-level page table in normal x86 terms. Each
- * PDP represents 1GB of memory 4 * 512 * 512 * 4096 = 4GB legacy 32b address
- * space.
- *
- */
-static struct i915_ppgtt *gen8_ppgtt_create(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt;
-	int err;
-	ppgtt = kzalloc(sizeof(*ppgtt), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!ppgtt)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	ppgtt_init(ppgtt, &i915->gt);
-	ppgtt-> = i915_vm_is_4lvl(&ppgtt->vm) ? 3 : 2;
-	/*
-	 * From bdw, there is hw support for read-only pages in the PPGTT.
-	 *
-	 * Gen11 has HSDES#:1807136187 unresolved. Disable ro support
-	 * for now.
-	 *
-	 * Gen12 has inherited the same read-only fault issue from gen11.
-	 */
-	ppgtt->vm.has_read_only = !IS_GEN_RANGE(i915, 11, 12);
-	/* There are only few exceptions for gen >=6. chv and bxt.
-	 * And we are not sure about the latter so play safe for now.
-	 */
-	if (IS_CHERRYVIEW(i915) || IS_BROXTON(i915))
-		ppgtt->vm.pt_kmap_wc = true;
-	err = gen8_init_scratch(&ppgtt->vm);
-	if (err)
-		goto err_free;
-	ppgtt->pd = gen8_alloc_top_pd(&ppgtt->vm);
-	if (IS_ERR(ppgtt->pd)) {
-		err = PTR_ERR(ppgtt->pd);
-		goto err_free_scratch;
-	}
-	if (!i915_vm_is_4lvl(&ppgtt->vm)) {
-		err = gen8_preallocate_top_level_pdp(ppgtt);
-		if (err)
-			goto err_free_pd;
-	}
-	ppgtt->vm.bind_async_flags = I915_VMA_LOCAL_BIND;
-	ppgtt->vm.insert_entries = gen8_ppgtt_insert;
-	ppgtt->vm.allocate_va_range = gen8_ppgtt_alloc;
-	ppgtt->vm.clear_range = gen8_ppgtt_clear;
-	if (intel_vgpu_active(i915))
-		gen8_ppgtt_notify_vgt(ppgtt, true);
-	ppgtt->vm.cleanup = gen8_ppgtt_cleanup;
-	return ppgtt;
-	__gen8_ppgtt_cleanup(&ppgtt->vm, ppgtt->pd,
-			     gen8_pd_top_count(&ppgtt->vm), ppgtt->;
-	free_scratch(&ppgtt->vm);
-	kfree(ppgtt);
-	return ERR_PTR(err);
-/* Write pde (index) from the page directory @pd to the page table @pt */
-static inline void gen6_write_pde(const struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt,
-				  const unsigned int pde,
-				  const struct i915_page_table *pt)
-	/* Caller needs to make sure the write completes if necessary */
-	iowrite32(GEN6_PDE_ADDR_ENCODE(px_dma(pt)) | GEN6_PDE_VALID,
-		  ppgtt->pd_addr + pde);
-static void gen7_ppgtt_enable(struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = gt->i915;
-	struct intel_uncore *uncore = gt->uncore;
-	struct intel_engine_cs *engine;
-	enum intel_engine_id id;
-	u32 ecochk;
-	intel_uncore_rmw(uncore, GAC_ECO_BITS, 0, ECOBITS_PPGTT_CACHE64B);
-	ecochk = intel_uncore_read(uncore, GAM_ECOCHK);
-	if (IS_HASWELL(i915)) {
-		ecochk |= ECOCHK_PPGTT_WB_HSW;
-	} else {
-		ecochk |= ECOCHK_PPGTT_LLC_IVB;
-		ecochk &= ~ECOCHK_PPGTT_GFDT_IVB;
-	}
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GAM_ECOCHK, ecochk);
-	for_each_engine(engine, gt, id) {
-		/* GFX_MODE is per-ring on gen7+ */
-		ENGINE_WRITE(engine,
-			     RING_MODE_GEN7,
-	}
-static void gen6_ppgtt_enable(struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct intel_uncore *uncore = gt->uncore;
-	intel_uncore_rmw(uncore,
-			 0,
-	intel_uncore_rmw(uncore,
-			 GAB_CTL,
-			 0,
-	intel_uncore_rmw(uncore,
-			 0,
-	if (HAS_PPGTT(uncore->i915)) /* may be disabled for VT-d */
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   GFX_MODE,
-/* PPGTT support for Sandybdrige/Gen6 and later */
-static void gen6_ppgtt_clear_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				   u64 start, u64 length)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt * const ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm));
-	const unsigned int first_entry = start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	const gen6_pte_t scratch_pte = vm->scratch[0].encode;
-	unsigned int pde = first_entry / GEN6_PTES;
-	unsigned int pte = first_entry % GEN6_PTES;
-	unsigned int num_entries = length / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	while (num_entries) {
-		struct i915_page_table * const pt =
-			i915_pt_entry(ppgtt->base.pd, pde++);
-		const unsigned int count = min(num_entries, GEN6_PTES - pte);
-		gen6_pte_t *vaddr;
-		GEM_BUG_ON(px_base(pt) == px_base(&vm->scratch[1]));
-		num_entries -= count;
-		GEM_BUG_ON(count > atomic_read(&pt->used));
-		if (!atomic_sub_return(count, &pt->used))
-			ppgtt->scan_for_unused_pt = true;
-		/*
-		 * Note that the hw doesn't support removing PDE on the fly
-		 * (they are cached inside the context with no means to
-		 * invalidate the cache), so we can only reset the PTE
-		 * entries back to scratch.
-		 */
-		vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(pt);
-		memset32(vaddr + pte, scratch_pte, count);
-		kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-		pte = 0;
-	}
-static void gen6_ppgtt_insert_entries(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				      struct i915_vma *vma,
-				      enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-				      u32 flags)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt = i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm);
-	struct i915_page_directory * const pd = ppgtt->pd;
-	unsigned first_entry = vma->node.start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	unsigned act_pt = first_entry / GEN6_PTES;
-	unsigned act_pte = first_entry % GEN6_PTES;
-	const u32 pte_encode = vm->pte_encode(0, cache_level, flags);
-	struct sgt_dma iter = sgt_dma(vma);
-	gen6_pte_t *vaddr;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(pd->entry[act_pt] == &vm->scratch[1]);
-	vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(i915_pt_entry(pd, act_pt));
-	do {
-		GEM_BUG_ON(>length < I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE);
-		vaddr[act_pte] = pte_encode | GEN6_PTE_ADDR_ENCODE(iter.dma);
-		iter.dma += I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-		if (iter.dma == iter.max) {
- = __sg_next(;
-			if (!
-				break;
-			iter.dma = sg_dma_address(;
-			iter.max = iter.dma +>length;
-		}
-		if (++act_pte == GEN6_PTES) {
-			kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-			vaddr = kmap_atomic_px(i915_pt_entry(pd, ++act_pt));
-			act_pte = 0;
-		}
-	} while (1);
-	kunmap_atomic(vaddr);
-	vma->page_sizes.gtt = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-static int gen6_alloc_va_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-			       u64 start, u64 length)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm));
-	struct i915_page_directory * const pd = ppgtt->base.pd;
-	struct i915_page_table *pt, *alloc = NULL;
-	intel_wakeref_t wakeref;
-	u64 from = start;
-	unsigned int pde;
-	bool flush = false;
-	int ret = 0;
-	wakeref = intel_runtime_pm_get(&vm->i915->runtime_pm);
-	spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-	gen6_for_each_pde(pt, pd, start, length, pde) {
-		const unsigned int count = gen6_pte_count(start, length);
-		if (px_base(pt) == px_base(&vm->scratch[1])) {
-			spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-			pt = fetch_and_zero(&alloc);
-			if (!pt)
-				pt = alloc_pt(vm);
-			if (IS_ERR(pt)) {
-				ret = PTR_ERR(pt);
-				goto unwind_out;
-			}
-			fill32_px(pt, vm->scratch[0].encode);
-			spin_lock(&pd->lock);
-			if (pd->entry[pde] == &vm->scratch[1]) {
-				pd->entry[pde] = pt;
-				if (i915_vma_is_bound(ppgtt->vma,
-						      I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND)) {
-					gen6_write_pde(ppgtt, pde, pt);
-					flush = true;
-				}
-			} else {
-				alloc = pt;
-				pt = pd->entry[pde];
-			}
-		}
-		atomic_add(count, &pt->used);
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&pd->lock);
-	if (flush)
-		gen6_ggtt_invalidate(vm->gt->ggtt);
-	goto out;
-	gen6_ppgtt_clear_range(vm, from, start - from);
-	if (alloc)
-		free_px(vm, alloc);
-	intel_runtime_pm_put(&vm->i915->runtime_pm, wakeref);
-	return ret;
-static int gen6_ppgtt_init_scratch(struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt)
-	struct i915_address_space * const vm = &ppgtt->base.vm;
-	struct i915_page_directory * const pd = ppgtt->base.pd;
-	int ret;
-	ret = setup_scratch_page(vm, __GFP_HIGHMEM);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	vm->scratch[0].encode =
-		vm->pte_encode(px_dma(&vm->scratch[0]),
-			       I915_CACHE_NONE, PTE_READ_ONLY);
-	if (unlikely(setup_page_dma(vm, px_base(&vm->scratch[1])))) {
-		cleanup_scratch_page(vm);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	fill32_px(&vm->scratch[1], vm->scratch[0].encode);
-	memset_p(pd->entry, &vm->scratch[1], I915_PDES);
-	return 0;
-static void gen6_ppgtt_free_pd(struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt)
-	struct i915_page_directory * const pd = ppgtt->base.pd;
-	struct i915_page_dma * const scratch =
-		px_base(&ppgtt->base.vm.scratch[1]);
-	struct i915_page_table *pt;
-	u32 pde;
-	gen6_for_all_pdes(pt, pd, pde)
-		if (px_base(pt) != scratch)
-			free_px(&ppgtt->base.vm, pt);
-static void gen6_ppgtt_cleanup(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(i915_vm_to_ppgtt(vm));
-	i915_vma_destroy(ppgtt->vma);
-	gen6_ppgtt_free_pd(ppgtt);
-	free_scratch(vm);
-	mutex_destroy(&ppgtt->pin_mutex);
-	kfree(ppgtt->base.pd);
-static int pd_vma_set_pages(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	vma->pages = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
-	return 0;
-static void pd_vma_clear_pages(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!vma->pages);
-	vma->pages = NULL;
-static int pd_vma_bind(struct i915_vma *vma,
-		       enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-		       u32 unused)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vma->vm);
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = vma->private;
-	u32 ggtt_offset = i915_ggtt_offset(vma) / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	struct i915_page_table *pt;
-	unsigned int pde;
-	px_base(ppgtt->base.pd)->ggtt_offset = ggtt_offset * sizeof(gen6_pte_t);
-	ppgtt->pd_addr = (gen6_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm + ggtt_offset;
-	gen6_for_all_pdes(pt, ppgtt->base.pd, pde)
-		gen6_write_pde(ppgtt, pde, pt);
-	gen6_ggtt_invalidate(ggtt);
-	return 0;
-static void pd_vma_unbind(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = vma->private;
-	struct i915_page_directory * const pd = ppgtt->base.pd;
-	struct i915_page_dma * const scratch =
-		px_base(&ppgtt->base.vm.scratch[1]);
-	struct i915_page_table *pt;
-	unsigned int pde;
-	if (!ppgtt->scan_for_unused_pt)
-		return;
-	/* Free all no longer used page tables */
-	gen6_for_all_pdes(pt, ppgtt->base.pd, pde) {
-		if (px_base(pt) == scratch || atomic_read(&pt->used))
-			continue;
-		free_px(&ppgtt->base.vm, pt);
-		pd->entry[pde] = scratch;
-	}
-	ppgtt->scan_for_unused_pt = false;
-static const struct i915_vma_ops pd_vma_ops = {
-	.set_pages = pd_vma_set_pages,
-	.clear_pages = pd_vma_clear_pages,
-	.bind_vma = pd_vma_bind,
-	.unbind_vma = pd_vma_unbind,
-static struct i915_vma *pd_vma_create(struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt, int size)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = ppgtt->>ggtt;
-	struct i915_vma *vma;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(size > ggtt->;
-	vma = i915_vma_alloc();
-	if (!vma)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	i915_active_init(&vma->active, NULL, NULL);
-	mutex_init(&vma->pages_mutex);
-	vma->vm = i915_vm_get(&ggtt->vm);
-	vma->ops = &pd_vma_ops;
-	vma->private = ppgtt;
-	vma->size = size;
-	vma->fence_size = size;
-	atomic_set(&vma->flags, I915_VMA_GGTT);
-	vma->ggtt_view.type = I915_GGTT_VIEW_ROTATED; /* prevent fencing */
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vma->obj_link);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vma->closed_link);
-	return vma;
-int gen6_ppgtt_pin(struct i915_ppgtt *base)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(base);
-	int err = 0;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!atomic_read(&ppgtt->;
-	/*
-	 * Workaround the limited maximum vma->pin_count and the aliasing_ppgtt
-	 * which will be pinned into every active context.
-	 * (When vma->pin_count becomes atomic, I expect we will naturally
-	 * need a larger, unpacked, type and kill this redundancy.)
-	 */
-	if (atomic_add_unless(&ppgtt->pin_count, 1, 0))
-		return 0;
-	if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&ppgtt->pin_mutex))
-		return -EINTR;
-	/*
-	 * PPGTT PDEs reside in the GGTT and consists of 512 entries. The
-	 * allocator works in address space sizes, so it's multiplied by page
-	 * size. We allocate at the top of the GTT to avoid fragmentation.
-	 */
-	if (!atomic_read(&ppgtt->pin_count)) {
-		err = i915_vma_pin(ppgtt->vma,
-				   0, GEN6_PD_ALIGN,
-	}
-	if (!err)
-		atomic_inc(&ppgtt->pin_count);
-	mutex_unlock(&ppgtt->pin_mutex);
-	return err;
-void gen6_ppgtt_unpin(struct i915_ppgtt *base)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(base);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!atomic_read(&ppgtt->pin_count));
-	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ppgtt->pin_count))
-		i915_vma_unpin(ppgtt->vma);
-void gen6_ppgtt_unpin_all(struct i915_ppgtt *base)
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt = to_gen6_ppgtt(base);
-	if (!atomic_read(&ppgtt->pin_count))
-		return;
-	i915_vma_unpin(ppgtt->vma);
-	atomic_set(&ppgtt->pin_count, 0);
-static struct i915_ppgtt *gen6_ppgtt_create(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	struct i915_ggtt * const ggtt = &i915->ggtt;
-	struct gen6_ppgtt *ppgtt;
-	int err;
-	ppgtt = kzalloc(sizeof(*ppgtt), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!ppgtt)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	mutex_init(&ppgtt->pin_mutex);
-	ppgtt_init(&ppgtt->base, &i915->gt);
-	ppgtt-> = 1;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.bind_async_flags = I915_VMA_LOCAL_BIND;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.allocate_va_range = gen6_alloc_va_range;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.clear_range = gen6_ppgtt_clear_range;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.insert_entries = gen6_ppgtt_insert_entries;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.cleanup = gen6_ppgtt_cleanup;
-	ppgtt->base.vm.pte_encode = ggtt->vm.pte_encode;
-	ppgtt->base.pd = __alloc_pd(sizeof(*ppgtt->base.pd));
-	if (!ppgtt->base.pd) {
-		err = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err_free;
-	}
-	err = gen6_ppgtt_init_scratch(ppgtt);
-	if (err)
-		goto err_pd;
-	ppgtt->vma = pd_vma_create(ppgtt, GEN6_PD_SIZE);
-	if (IS_ERR(ppgtt->vma)) {
-		err = PTR_ERR(ppgtt->vma);
-		goto err_scratch;
-	}
-	return &ppgtt->base;
-	free_scratch(&ppgtt->base.vm);
-	kfree(ppgtt->base.pd);
-	kfree(ppgtt);
-	return ERR_PTR(err);
-static void gtt_write_workarounds(struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = gt->i915;
-	struct intel_uncore *uncore = gt->uncore;
-	/* This function is for gtt related workarounds. This function is
-	 * called on driver load and after a GPU reset, so you can place
-	 * workarounds here even if they get overwritten by GPU reset.
-	 */
-	/* WaIncreaseDefaultTLBEntries:chv,bdw,skl,bxt,kbl,glk,cfl,cnl,icl */
-	if (IS_BROADWELL(i915))
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   GEN8_L3_LRA_1_GPGPU,
-	else if (IS_CHERRYVIEW(i915))
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   GEN8_L3_LRA_1_GPGPU,
-	else if (IS_GEN9_LP(i915))
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   GEN8_L3_LRA_1_GPGPU,
-	else if (INTEL_GEN(i915) >= 9 && INTEL_GEN(i915) <= 11)
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   GEN8_L3_LRA_1_GPGPU,
-	/*
-	 * To support 64K PTEs we need to first enable the use of the
-	 * Intermediate-Page-Size(IPS) bit of the PDE field via some magical
-	 * mmio, otherwise the page-walker will simply ignore the IPS bit. This
-	 * shouldn't be needed after GEN10.
-	 *
-	 * 64K pages were first introduced from BDW+, although technically they
-	 * only *work* from gen9+. For pre-BDW we instead have the option for
-	 * 32K pages, but we don't currently have any support for it in our
-	 * driver.
-	 */
-	if (HAS_PAGE_SIZES(i915, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_64K) &&
-	    INTEL_GEN(i915) <= 10)
-		intel_uncore_rmw(uncore,
-				 0,
-	if (IS_GEN_RANGE(i915, 8, 11)) {
-		bool can_use_gtt_cache = true;
-		/*
-		 * According to the BSpec if we use 2M/1G pages then we also
-		 * need to disable the GTT cache. At least on BDW we can see
-		 * visual corruption when using 2M pages, and not disabling the
-		 * GTT cache.
-		 */
-		if (HAS_PAGE_SIZES(i915, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE_2M))
-			can_use_gtt_cache = false;
-		/* WaGttCachingOffByDefault */
-		intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-				   can_use_gtt_cache ? GTT_CACHE_EN_ALL : 0);
-		WARN_ON_ONCE(can_use_gtt_cache &&
-			     intel_uncore_read(uncore,
-					       HSW_GTT_CACHE_EN) == 0);
-	}
-int i915_ppgtt_init_hw(struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = gt->i915;
-	gtt_write_workarounds(gt);
-	if (IS_GEN(i915, 6))
-		gen6_ppgtt_enable(gt);
-	else if (IS_GEN(i915, 7))
-		gen7_ppgtt_enable(gt);
-	return 0;
-static struct i915_ppgtt *
-__ppgtt_create(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	if (INTEL_GEN(i915) < 8)
-		return gen6_ppgtt_create(i915);
-	else
-		return gen8_ppgtt_create(i915);
-struct i915_ppgtt *
-i915_ppgtt_create(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt;
-	ppgtt = __ppgtt_create(i915);
-	if (IS_ERR(ppgtt))
-		return ppgtt;
-	trace_i915_ppgtt_create(&ppgtt->vm);
-	return ppgtt;
-/* Certain Gen5 chipsets require require idling the GPU before
- * unmapping anything from the GTT when VT-d is enabled.
- */
-static bool needs_idle_maps(struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv)
-	/* Query intel_iommu to see if we need the workaround. Presumably that
-	 * was loaded first.
-	 */
-	return IS_GEN(dev_priv, 5) && IS_MOBILE(dev_priv) && intel_vtd_active();
-static void ggtt_suspend_mappings(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	/* Don't bother messing with faults pre GEN6 as we have little
-	 * documentation supporting that it's a good idea.
-	 */
-	if (INTEL_GEN(i915) < 6)
-		return;
-	intel_gt_check_and_clear_faults(ggtt->;
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range(&ggtt->vm, 0, ggtt->;
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-void i915_gem_suspend_gtt_mappings(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	ggtt_suspend_mappings(&i915->ggtt);
-int i915_gem_gtt_prepare_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj,
-			       struct sg_table *pages)
-	do {
-		if (dma_map_sg_attrs(&obj->>pdev->dev,
-				     pages->sgl, pages->nents,
-				     DMA_ATTR_NO_WARN))
-			return 0;
-		/*
-		 * If the DMA remap fails, one cause can be that we have
-		 * too many objects pinned in a small remapping table,
-		 * such as swiotlb. Incrementally purge all other objects and
-		 * try again - if there are no more pages to remove from
-		 * the DMA remapper, i915_gem_shrink will return 0.
-		 */
-		GEM_BUG_ON(obj->mm.pages == pages);
-	} while (i915_gem_shrink(to_i915(obj->,
-				 obj->base.size >> PAGE_SHIFT, NULL,
-				 I915_SHRINK_BOUND |
-				 I915_SHRINK_UNBOUND));
-	return -ENOSPC;
-static void gen8_set_pte(void __iomem *addr, gen8_pte_t pte)
-	writeq(pte, addr);
-static void gen8_ggtt_insert_page(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  dma_addr_t addr,
-				  u64 offset,
-				  enum i915_cache_level level,
-				  u32 unused)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	gen8_pte_t __iomem *pte =
-		(gen8_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm + offset / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	gen8_set_pte(pte, gen8_pte_encode(addr, level, 0));
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-static void gen8_ggtt_insert_entries(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				     struct i915_vma *vma,
-				     enum i915_cache_level level,
-				     u32 flags)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	struct sgt_iter sgt_iter;
-	gen8_pte_t __iomem *gtt_entries;
-	const gen8_pte_t pte_encode = gen8_pte_encode(0, level, 0);
-	dma_addr_t addr;
-	/*
-	 * Note that we ignore PTE_READ_ONLY here. The caller must be careful
-	 * not to allow the user to override access to a read only page.
-	 */
-	gtt_entries = (gen8_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm;
-	gtt_entries += vma->node.start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	for_each_sgt_daddr(addr, sgt_iter, vma->pages)
-		gen8_set_pte(gtt_entries++, pte_encode | addr);
-	/*
-	 * We want to flush the TLBs only after we're certain all the PTE
-	 * updates have finished.
-	 */
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-static void gen6_ggtt_insert_page(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  dma_addr_t addr,
-				  u64 offset,
-				  enum i915_cache_level level,
-				  u32 flags)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	gen6_pte_t __iomem *pte =
-		(gen6_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm + offset / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	iowrite32(vm->pte_encode(addr, level, flags), pte);
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
- * Binds an object into the global gtt with the specified cache level. The object
- * will be accessible to the GPU via commands whose operands reference offsets
- * within the global GTT as well as accessible by the GPU through the GMADR
- * mapped BAR (dev_priv->mm.gtt->gtt).
- */
-static void gen6_ggtt_insert_entries(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				     struct i915_vma *vma,
-				     enum i915_cache_level level,
-				     u32 flags)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	gen6_pte_t __iomem *entries = (gen6_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm;
-	unsigned int i = vma->node.start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	struct sgt_iter iter;
-	dma_addr_t addr;
-	for_each_sgt_daddr(addr, iter, vma->pages)
-		iowrite32(vm->pte_encode(addr, level, flags), &entries[i++]);
-	/*
-	 * We want to flush the TLBs only after we're certain all the PTE
-	 * updates have finished.
-	 */
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-static void nop_clear_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-			    u64 start, u64 length)
-static void gen8_ggtt_clear_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  u64 start, u64 length)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	unsigned first_entry = start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	unsigned num_entries = length / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	const gen8_pte_t scratch_pte = vm->scratch[0].encode;
-	gen8_pte_t __iomem *gtt_base =
-		(gen8_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm + first_entry;
-	const int max_entries = ggtt_total_entries(ggtt) - first_entry;
-	int i;
-	if (WARN(num_entries > max_entries,
-		 "First entry = %d; Num entries = %d (max=%d)\n",
-		 first_entry, num_entries, max_entries))
-		num_entries = max_entries;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
-		gen8_set_pte(&gtt_base[i], scratch_pte);
-static void bxt_vtd_ggtt_wa(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = vm->i915;
-	/*
-	 * Make sure the internal GAM fifo has been cleared of all GTT
-	 * writes before exiting stop_machine(). This guarantees that
-	 * any aperture accesses waiting to start in another process
-	 * cannot back up behind the GTT writes causing a hang.
-	 * The register can be any arbitrary GAM register.
-	 */
-struct insert_page {
-	struct i915_address_space *vm;
-	dma_addr_t addr;
-	u64 offset;
-	enum i915_cache_level level;
-static int bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_page__cb(void *_arg)
-	struct insert_page *arg = _arg;
-	gen8_ggtt_insert_page(arg->vm, arg->addr, arg->offset, arg->level, 0);
-	bxt_vtd_ggtt_wa(arg->vm);
-	return 0;
-static void bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_page__BKL(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-					  dma_addr_t addr,
-					  u64 offset,
-					  enum i915_cache_level level,
-					  u32 unused)
-	struct insert_page arg = { vm, addr, offset, level };
-	stop_machine(bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_page__cb, &arg, NULL);
-struct insert_entries {
-	struct i915_address_space *vm;
-	struct i915_vma *vma;
-	enum i915_cache_level level;
-	u32 flags;
-static int bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_entries__cb(void *_arg)
-	struct insert_entries *arg = _arg;
-	gen8_ggtt_insert_entries(arg->vm, arg->vma, arg->level, arg->flags);
-	bxt_vtd_ggtt_wa(arg->vm);
-	return 0;
-static void bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_entries__BKL(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-					     struct i915_vma *vma,
-					     enum i915_cache_level level,
-					     u32 flags)
-	struct insert_entries arg = { vm, vma, level, flags };
-	stop_machine(bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_entries__cb, &arg, NULL);
-struct clear_range {
-	struct i915_address_space *vm;
-	u64 start;
-	u64 length;
-static int bxt_vtd_ggtt_clear_range__cb(void *_arg)
-	struct clear_range *arg = _arg;
-	gen8_ggtt_clear_range(arg->vm, arg->start, arg->length);
-	bxt_vtd_ggtt_wa(arg->vm);
-	return 0;
-static void bxt_vtd_ggtt_clear_range__BKL(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-					  u64 start,
-					  u64 length)
-	struct clear_range arg = { vm, start, length };
-	stop_machine(bxt_vtd_ggtt_clear_range__cb, &arg, NULL);
-static void gen6_ggtt_clear_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  u64 start, u64 length)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	unsigned first_entry = start / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	unsigned num_entries = length / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	gen6_pte_t scratch_pte, __iomem *gtt_base =
-		(gen6_pte_t __iomem *)ggtt->gsm + first_entry;
-	const int max_entries = ggtt_total_entries(ggtt) - first_entry;
-	int i;
-	if (WARN(num_entries > max_entries,
-		 "First entry = %d; Num entries = %d (max=%d)\n",
-		 first_entry, num_entries, max_entries))
-		num_entries = max_entries;
-	scratch_pte = vm->scratch[0].encode;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
-		iowrite32(scratch_pte, &gtt_base[i]);
-static void i915_ggtt_insert_page(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  dma_addr_t addr,
-				  u64 offset,
-				  enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-				  u32 unused)
-	unsigned int flags = (cache_level == I915_CACHE_NONE) ?
-	intel_gtt_insert_page(addr, offset >> PAGE_SHIFT, flags);
-static void i915_ggtt_insert_entries(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				     struct i915_vma *vma,
-				     enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-				     u32 unused)
-	unsigned int flags = (cache_level == I915_CACHE_NONE) ?
-	intel_gtt_insert_sg_entries(vma->pages, vma->node.start >> PAGE_SHIFT,
-				    flags);
-static void i915_ggtt_clear_range(struct i915_address_space *vm,
-				  u64 start, u64 length)
-	intel_gtt_clear_range(start >> PAGE_SHIFT, length >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-static int ggtt_bind_vma(struct i915_vma *vma,
-			 enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-			 u32 flags)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = vma->vm->i915;
-	struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj = vma->obj;
-	intel_wakeref_t wakeref;
-	u32 pte_flags;
-	/* Applicable to VLV (gen8+ do not support RO in the GGTT) */
-	pte_flags = 0;
-	if (i915_gem_object_is_readonly(obj))
-		pte_flags |= PTE_READ_ONLY;
-	with_intel_runtime_pm(&i915->runtime_pm, wakeref)
-		vma->vm->insert_entries(vma->vm, vma, cache_level, pte_flags);
-	vma->page_sizes.gtt = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	/*
-	 * Without aliasing PPGTT there's no difference between
-	 * GLOBAL/LOCAL_BIND, it's all the same ptes. Hence unconditionally
-	 * upgrade to both bound if we bind either to avoid double-binding.
-	 */
-	atomic_or(I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND | I915_VMA_LOCAL_BIND, &vma->flags);
-	return 0;
-static void ggtt_unbind_vma(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = vma->vm->i915;
-	intel_wakeref_t wakeref;
-	with_intel_runtime_pm(&i915->runtime_pm, wakeref)
-		vma->vm->clear_range(vma->vm, vma->node.start, vma->size);
-static int aliasing_gtt_bind_vma(struct i915_vma *vma,
-				 enum i915_cache_level cache_level,
-				 u32 flags)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = vma->vm->i915;
-	u32 pte_flags;
-	int ret;
-	/* Currently applicable only to VLV */
-	pte_flags = 0;
-	if (i915_gem_object_is_readonly(vma->obj))
-		pte_flags |= PTE_READ_ONLY;
-	if (flags & I915_VMA_LOCAL_BIND) {
-		struct i915_ppgtt *alias = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vma->vm)->alias;
-		if (flags & I915_VMA_ALLOC) {
-			ret = alias->vm.allocate_va_range(&alias->vm,
-							  vma->node.start,
-							  vma->size);
-			if (ret)
-				return ret;
-			set_bit(I915_VMA_ALLOC_BIT, __i915_vma_flags(vma));
-		}
-		GEM_BUG_ON(!test_bit(I915_VMA_ALLOC_BIT,
-				     __i915_vma_flags(vma)));
-		alias->vm.insert_entries(&alias->vm, vma,
-					 cache_level, pte_flags);
-	}
-	if (flags & I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND) {
-		intel_wakeref_t wakeref;
-		with_intel_runtime_pm(&i915->runtime_pm, wakeref) {
-			vma->vm->insert_entries(vma->vm, vma,
-						cache_level, pte_flags);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void aliasing_gtt_unbind_vma(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = vma->vm->i915;
-	if (i915_vma_is_bound(vma, I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND)) {
-		struct i915_address_space *vm = vma->vm;
-		intel_wakeref_t wakeref;
-		with_intel_runtime_pm(&i915->runtime_pm, wakeref)
-			vm->clear_range(vm, vma->node.start, vma->size);
-	}
-	if (test_and_clear_bit(I915_VMA_ALLOC_BIT, __i915_vma_flags(vma))) {
-		struct i915_address_space *vm =
-			&i915_vm_to_ggtt(vma->vm)->alias->vm;
-		vm->clear_range(vm, vma->node.start, vma->size);
-	}
-void i915_gem_gtt_finish_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj,
-			       struct sg_table *pages)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = to_i915(obj->;
-	struct device *kdev = &dev_priv->drm.pdev->dev;
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = &dev_priv->ggtt;
-	if (unlikely(ggtt->do_idle_maps)) {
-		/* XXX This does not prevent more requests being submitted! */
-		if (intel_gt_retire_requests_timeout(ggtt->,
-						     -MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT)) {
-			DRM_ERROR("Failed to wait for idle; VT'd may hang.\n");
-			/* Wait a bit, in hopes it avoids the hang */
-			udelay(10);
-		}
-	}
-	dma_unmap_sg(kdev, pages->sgl, pages->nents, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
-static int ggtt_set_pages(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	int ret;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(vma->pages);
-	ret = i915_get_ggtt_vma_pages(vma);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	vma->page_sizes = vma->obj->mm.page_sizes;
-	return 0;
-static void i915_ggtt_color_adjust(const struct drm_mm_node *node,
-				   unsigned long color,
-				   u64 *start,
-				   u64 *end)
-	if (i915_node_color_differs(node, color))
-		*start += I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	/* Also leave a space between the unallocated reserved node after the
-	 * GTT and any objects within the GTT, i.e. we use the color adjustment
-	 * to insert a guard page to prevent prefetches crossing over the
-	 * GTT boundary.
-	 */
-	node = list_next_entry(node, node_list);
-	if (node->color != color)
-		*end -= I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-static int init_aliasing_ppgtt(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt;
-	int err;
-	ppgtt = i915_ppgtt_create(ggtt->vm.i915);
-	if (IS_ERR(ppgtt))
-		return PTR_ERR(ppgtt);
-	if (GEM_WARN_ON(ppgtt-> < ggtt-> {
-		err = -ENODEV;
-		goto err_ppgtt;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Note we only pre-allocate as far as the end of the global
-	 * GTT. On 48b / 4-level page-tables, the difference is very,
-	 * very significant! We have to preallocate as GVT/vgpu does
-	 * not like the page directory disappearing.
-	 */
-	err = ppgtt->vm.allocate_va_range(&ppgtt->vm, 0, ggtt->;
-	if (err)
-		goto err_ppgtt;
-	ggtt->alias = ppgtt;
-	ggtt->vm.bind_async_flags |= ppgtt->vm.bind_async_flags;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma != ggtt_bind_vma);
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma = aliasing_gtt_bind_vma;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma != ggtt_unbind_vma);
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma = aliasing_gtt_unbind_vma;
-	return 0;
-	i915_vm_put(&ppgtt->vm);
-	return err;
-static void fini_aliasing_ppgtt(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct i915_ppgtt *ppgtt;
-	ppgtt = fetch_and_zero(&ggtt->alias);
-	if (!ppgtt)
-		return;
-	i915_vm_put(&ppgtt->vm);
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma   = ggtt_bind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma = ggtt_unbind_vma;
-static int ggtt_reserve_guc_top(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	u64 size;
-	int ret;
-	if (!USES_GUC(ggtt->vm.i915))
-		return 0;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(ggtt-> <= GUC_GGTT_TOP);
-	size = ggtt-> - GUC_GGTT_TOP;
-	ret = i915_gem_gtt_reserve(&ggtt->vm, &ggtt->uc_fw, size,
-				   PIN_NOEVICT);
-	if (ret)
-		DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Failed to reserve top of GGTT for GuC\n");
-	return ret;
-static void ggtt_release_guc_top(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	if (drm_mm_node_allocated(&ggtt->uc_fw))
-		drm_mm_remove_node(&ggtt->uc_fw);
-static void cleanup_init_ggtt(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	ggtt_release_guc_top(ggtt);
-	if (drm_mm_node_allocated(&ggtt->error_capture))
-		drm_mm_remove_node(&ggtt->error_capture);
-static int init_ggtt(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	/* Let GEM Manage all of the aperture.
-	 *
-	 * However, leave one page at the end still bound to the scratch page.
-	 * There are a number of places where the hardware apparently prefetches
-	 * past the end of the object, and we've seen multiple hangs with the
-	 * GPU head pointer stuck in a batchbuffer bound at the last page of the
-	 * aperture.  One page should be enough to keep any prefetching inside
-	 * of the aperture.
-	 */
-	unsigned long hole_start, hole_end;
-	struct drm_mm_node *entry;
-	int ret;
-	/*
-	 * GuC requires all resources that we're sharing with it to be placed in
-	 * non-WOPCM memory. If GuC is not present or not in use we still need a
-	 * small bias as ring wraparound at offset 0 sometimes hangs. No idea
-	 * why.
-	 */
-	ggtt->pin_bias = max_t(u32, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE,
-			       intel_wopcm_guc_size(&ggtt->vm.i915->wopcm));
-	ret = intel_vgt_balloon(ggtt);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if (ggtt->mappable_end) {
-		/* Reserve a mappable slot for our lockless error capture */
-		ret = drm_mm_insert_node_in_range(&ggtt->, &ggtt->error_capture,
-						  0, ggtt->mappable_end,
-						  DRM_MM_INSERT_LOW);
-		if (ret)
-			return ret;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The upper portion of the GuC address space has a sizeable hole
-	 * (several MB) that is inaccessible by GuC. Reserve this range within
-	 * GGTT as it can comfortably hold GuC/HuC firmware images.
-	 */
-	ret = ggtt_reserve_guc_top(ggtt);
-	if (ret)
-		goto err;
-	/* Clear any non-preallocated blocks */
-	drm_mm_for_each_hole(entry, &ggtt->, hole_start, hole_end) {
-		DRM_DEBUG_KMS("clearing unused GTT space: [%lx, %lx]\n",
-			      hole_start, hole_end);
-		ggtt->vm.clear_range(&ggtt->vm, hole_start,
-				     hole_end - hole_start);
-	}
-	/* And finally clear the reserved guard page */
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range(&ggtt->vm, ggtt-> - PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);
-	return 0;
-	cleanup_init_ggtt(ggtt);
-	return ret;
-int i915_init_ggtt(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	int ret;
-	ret = init_ggtt(&i915->ggtt);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-		ret = init_aliasing_ppgtt(&i915->ggtt);
-		if (ret)
-			cleanup_init_ggtt(&i915->ggtt);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void ggtt_cleanup_hw(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct i915_vma *vma, *vn;
-	atomic_set(&ggtt->, 0);
-	rcu_barrier(); /* flush the RCU'ed__i915_vm_release */
-	flush_workqueue(ggtt->vm.i915->wq);
-	mutex_lock(&ggtt->vm.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(vma, vn, &ggtt->vm.bound_list, vm_link)
-		WARN_ON(__i915_vma_unbind(vma));
-	if (drm_mm_node_allocated(&ggtt->error_capture))
-		drm_mm_remove_node(&ggtt->error_capture);
-	ggtt_release_guc_top(ggtt);
-	intel_vgt_deballoon(ggtt);
-	ggtt->vm.cleanup(&ggtt->vm);
-	mutex_unlock(&ggtt->vm.mutex);
-	i915_address_space_fini(&ggtt->vm);
-	arch_phys_wc_del(ggtt->mtrr);
-	if (ggtt->iomap.size)
-		io_mapping_fini(&ggtt->iomap);
- * i915_ggtt_driver_release - Clean up GGTT hardware initialization
- * @i915: i915 device
- */
-void i915_ggtt_driver_release(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	struct pagevec *pvec;
-	fini_aliasing_ppgtt(&i915->ggtt);
-	ggtt_cleanup_hw(&i915->ggtt);
-	pvec = &i915->mm.wc_stash.pvec;
-	if (pvec->nr) {
-		set_pages_array_wb(pvec->pages, pvec->nr);
-		__pagevec_release(pvec);
-	}
-static unsigned int gen6_get_total_gtt_size(u16 snb_gmch_ctl)
-	snb_gmch_ctl >>= SNB_GMCH_GGMS_SHIFT;
-	snb_gmch_ctl &= SNB_GMCH_GGMS_MASK;
-	return snb_gmch_ctl << 20;
-static unsigned int gen8_get_total_gtt_size(u16 bdw_gmch_ctl)
-	bdw_gmch_ctl >>= BDW_GMCH_GGMS_SHIFT;
-	bdw_gmch_ctl &= BDW_GMCH_GGMS_MASK;
-	if (bdw_gmch_ctl)
-		bdw_gmch_ctl = 1 << bdw_gmch_ctl;
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
-	/* Limit 32b platforms to a 2GB GGTT: 4 << 20 / pte size * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE */
-	if (bdw_gmch_ctl > 4)
-		bdw_gmch_ctl = 4;
-	return bdw_gmch_ctl << 20;
-static unsigned int chv_get_total_gtt_size(u16 gmch_ctrl)
-	gmch_ctrl >>= SNB_GMCH_GGMS_SHIFT;
-	gmch_ctrl &= SNB_GMCH_GGMS_MASK;
-	if (gmch_ctrl)
-		return 1 << (20 + gmch_ctrl);
-	return 0;
-static int ggtt_probe_common(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt, u64 size)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = dev_priv->drm.pdev;
-	phys_addr_t phys_addr;
-	int ret;
-	/* For Modern GENs the PTEs and register space are split in the BAR */
-	phys_addr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0) + pci_resource_len(pdev, 0) / 2;
-	/*
-	 * On BXT+/CNL+ writes larger than 64 bit to the GTT pagetable range
-	 * will be dropped. For WC mappings in general we have 64 byte burst
-	 * writes when the WC buffer is flushed, so we can't use it, but have to
-	 * resort to an uncached mapping. The WC issue is easily caught by the
-	 * readback check when writing GTT PTE entries.
-	 */
-	if (IS_GEN9_LP(dev_priv) || INTEL_GEN(dev_priv) >= 10)
-		ggtt->gsm = ioremap_nocache(phys_addr, size);
-	else
-		ggtt->gsm = ioremap_wc(phys_addr, size);
-	if (!ggtt->gsm) {
-		DRM_ERROR("Failed to map the ggtt page table\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	ret = setup_scratch_page(&ggtt->vm, GFP_DMA32);
-	if (ret) {
-		DRM_ERROR("Scratch setup failed\n");
-		/* iounmap will also get called at remove, but meh */
-		iounmap(ggtt->gsm);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	ggtt->vm.scratch[0].encode =
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode(px_dma(&ggtt->vm.scratch[0]),
-				    I915_CACHE_NONE, 0);
-	return 0;
-static void tgl_setup_private_ppat(struct intel_uncore *uncore)
-	/* TGL doesn't support LLC or AGE settings */
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(0), GEN8_PPAT_WB);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(1), GEN8_PPAT_WC);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(2), GEN8_PPAT_WT);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(3), GEN8_PPAT_UC);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(4), GEN8_PPAT_WB);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(5), GEN8_PPAT_WB);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(6), GEN8_PPAT_WB);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN12_PAT_INDEX(7), GEN8_PPAT_WB);
-static void cnl_setup_private_ppat(struct intel_uncore *uncore)
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(0),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(1),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(2),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(3),
-			   GEN8_PPAT_UC);
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(4),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(5),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(6),
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore,
-			   GEN10_PAT_INDEX(7),
-/* The GGTT and PPGTT need a private PPAT setup in order to handle cacheability
- * bits. When using advanced contexts each context stores its own PAT, but
- * writing this data shouldn't be harmful even in those cases. */
-static void bdw_setup_private_ppat(struct intel_uncore *uncore)
-	u64 pat;
-	pat = GEN8_PPAT(0, GEN8_PPAT_WB | GEN8_PPAT_LLC) |	/* for normal objects, no eLLC */
-	      GEN8_PPAT(1, GEN8_PPAT_WC | GEN8_PPAT_LLCELLC) |	/* for something pointing to ptes? */
-	      GEN8_PPAT(2, GEN8_PPAT_WT | GEN8_PPAT_LLCELLC) |	/* for scanout with eLLC */
-	      GEN8_PPAT(3, GEN8_PPAT_UC) |			/* Uncached objects, mostly for scanout */
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN8_PRIVATE_PAT_LO, lower_32_bits(pat));
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN8_PRIVATE_PAT_HI, upper_32_bits(pat));
-static void chv_setup_private_ppat(struct intel_uncore *uncore)
-	u64 pat;
-	/*
-	 * Map WB on BDW to snooped on CHV.
-	 *
-	 * Only the snoop bit has meaning for CHV, the rest is
-	 * ignored.
-	 *
-	 * The hardware will never snoop for certain types of accesses:
-	 * - CPU GTT (GMADR->GGTT->no snoop->memory)
-	 * - PPGTT page tables
-	 * - some other special cycles
-	 *
-	 * As with BDW, we also need to consider the following for GT accesses:
-	 * "For GGTT, there is NO pat_sel[2:0] from the entry,
-	 * so RTL will always use the value corresponding to
-	 * pat_sel = 000".
-	 * Which means we must set the snoop bit in PAT entry 0
-	 * in order to keep the global status page working.
-	 */
-	pat = GEN8_PPAT(0, CHV_PPAT_SNOOP) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(1, 0) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(2, 0) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(3, 0) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(4, CHV_PPAT_SNOOP) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(5, CHV_PPAT_SNOOP) |
-	      GEN8_PPAT(6, CHV_PPAT_SNOOP) |
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN8_PRIVATE_PAT_LO, lower_32_bits(pat));
-	intel_uncore_write(uncore, GEN8_PRIVATE_PAT_HI, upper_32_bits(pat));
-static void gen6_gmch_remove(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = i915_vm_to_ggtt(vm);
-	iounmap(ggtt->gsm);
-	cleanup_scratch_page(vm);
-static void setup_private_pat(struct intel_uncore *uncore)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = uncore->i915;
-	GEM_BUG_ON(INTEL_GEN(i915) < 8);
-	if (INTEL_GEN(i915) >= 12)
-		tgl_setup_private_ppat(uncore);
-	else if (INTEL_GEN(i915) >= 10)
-		cnl_setup_private_ppat(uncore);
-	else if (IS_CHERRYVIEW(i915) || IS_GEN9_LP(i915))
-		chv_setup_private_ppat(uncore);
-	else
-		bdw_setup_private_ppat(uncore);
-static struct resource pci_resource(struct pci_dev *pdev, int bar)
-	return (struct resource)DEFINE_RES_MEM(pci_resource_start(pdev, bar),
-					       pci_resource_len(pdev, bar));
-static int gen8_gmch_probe(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = dev_priv->drm.pdev;
-	unsigned int size;
-	u16 snb_gmch_ctl;
-	int err;
-	/* TODO: We're not aware of mappable constraints on gen8 yet */
-	if (!IS_DGFX(dev_priv)) {
-		ggtt->gmadr = pci_resource(pdev, 2);
-		ggtt->mappable_end = resource_size(&ggtt->gmadr);
-	}
-	err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(39));
-	if (!err)
-		err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(39));
-	if (err)
-		DRM_ERROR("Can't set DMA mask/consistent mask (%d)\n", err);
-	pci_read_config_word(pdev, SNB_GMCH_CTRL, &snb_gmch_ctl);
-	if (IS_CHERRYVIEW(dev_priv))
-		size = chv_get_total_gtt_size(snb_gmch_ctl);
-	else
-		size = gen8_get_total_gtt_size(snb_gmch_ctl);
-	ggtt-> = (size / sizeof(gen8_pte_t)) * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	ggtt->vm.cleanup = gen6_gmch_remove;
-	ggtt->vm.insert_page = gen8_ggtt_insert_page;
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range = nop_clear_range;
-	if (intel_scanout_needs_vtd_wa(dev_priv))
-		ggtt->vm.clear_range = gen8_ggtt_clear_range;
-	ggtt->vm.insert_entries = gen8_ggtt_insert_entries;
-	/* Serialize GTT updates with aperture access on BXT if VT-d is on. */
-	if (intel_ggtt_update_needs_vtd_wa(dev_priv) ||
-	    IS_CHERRYVIEW(dev_priv) /* fails with concurrent use/update */) {
-		ggtt->vm.insert_entries = bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_entries__BKL;
-		ggtt->vm.insert_page    = bxt_vtd_ggtt_insert_page__BKL;
-		if (ggtt->vm.clear_range != nop_clear_range)
-			ggtt->vm.clear_range = bxt_vtd_ggtt_clear_range__BKL;
-	}
-	ggtt->invalidate = gen6_ggtt_invalidate;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma    = ggtt_bind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma  = ggtt_unbind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.set_pages   = ggtt_set_pages;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.clear_pages = clear_pages;
-	ggtt->vm.pte_encode = gen8_pte_encode;
-	setup_private_pat(ggtt->>uncore);
-	return ggtt_probe_common(ggtt, size);
-static int gen6_gmch_probe(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = dev_priv->drm.pdev;
-	unsigned int size;
-	u16 snb_gmch_ctl;
-	int err;
-	ggtt->gmadr =
-		(struct resource) DEFINE_RES_MEM(pci_resource_start(pdev, 2),
-						 pci_resource_len(pdev, 2));
-	ggtt->mappable_end = resource_size(&ggtt->gmadr);
-	/* 64/512MB is the current min/max we actually know of, but this is just
-	 * a coarse sanity check.
-	 */
-	if (ggtt->mappable_end < (64<<20) || ggtt->mappable_end > (512<<20)) {
-		DRM_ERROR("Unknown GMADR size (%pa)\n", &ggtt->mappable_end);
-		return -ENXIO;
-	}
-	err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(40));
-	if (!err)
-		err = pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(40));
-	if (err)
-		DRM_ERROR("Can't set DMA mask/consistent mask (%d)\n", err);
-	pci_read_config_word(pdev, SNB_GMCH_CTRL, &snb_gmch_ctl);
-	size = gen6_get_total_gtt_size(snb_gmch_ctl);
-	ggtt-> = (size / sizeof(gen6_pte_t)) * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range = nop_clear_range;
-	if (!HAS_FULL_PPGTT(dev_priv) || intel_scanout_needs_vtd_wa(dev_priv))
-		ggtt->vm.clear_range = gen6_ggtt_clear_range;
-	ggtt->vm.insert_page = gen6_ggtt_insert_page;
-	ggtt->vm.insert_entries = gen6_ggtt_insert_entries;
-	ggtt->vm.cleanup = gen6_gmch_remove;
-	ggtt->invalidate = gen6_ggtt_invalidate;
-	if (HAS_EDRAM(dev_priv))
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode = iris_pte_encode;
-	else if (IS_HASWELL(dev_priv))
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode = hsw_pte_encode;
-	else if (IS_VALLEYVIEW(dev_priv))
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode = byt_pte_encode;
-	else if (INTEL_GEN(dev_priv) >= 7)
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode = ivb_pte_encode;
-	else
-		ggtt->vm.pte_encode = snb_pte_encode;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma    = ggtt_bind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma  = ggtt_unbind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.set_pages   = ggtt_set_pages;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.clear_pages = clear_pages;
-	return ggtt_probe_common(ggtt, size);
-static void i915_gmch_remove(struct i915_address_space *vm)
-	intel_gmch_remove();
-static int i915_gmch_probe(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	phys_addr_t gmadr_base;
-	int ret;
-	ret = intel_gmch_probe(dev_priv->bridge_dev, dev_priv->drm.pdev, NULL);
-	if (!ret) {
-		DRM_ERROR("failed to set up gmch\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	intel_gtt_get(&ggtt->, &gmadr_base, &ggtt->mappable_end);
-	ggtt->gmadr =
-		(struct resource) DEFINE_RES_MEM(gmadr_base,
-						 ggtt->mappable_end);
-	ggtt->do_idle_maps = needs_idle_maps(dev_priv);
-	ggtt->vm.insert_page = i915_ggtt_insert_page;
-	ggtt->vm.insert_entries = i915_ggtt_insert_entries;
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range = i915_ggtt_clear_range;
-	ggtt->vm.cleanup = i915_gmch_remove;
-	ggtt->invalidate = gmch_ggtt_invalidate;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.bind_vma    = ggtt_bind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.unbind_vma  = ggtt_unbind_vma;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.set_pages   = ggtt_set_pages;
-	ggtt->vm.vma_ops.clear_pages = clear_pages;
-	if (unlikely(ggtt->do_idle_maps))
-		dev_notice(dev_priv->,
-			   "Applying Ironlake quirks for intel_iommu\n");
-	return 0;
-static int ggtt_probe_hw(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt, struct intel_gt *gt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = gt->i915;
-	int ret;
-	ggtt-> = gt;
-	ggtt->vm.i915 = i915;
-	ggtt->vm.dma = &i915->drm.pdev->dev;
-	if (INTEL_GEN(i915) <= 5)
-		ret = i915_gmch_probe(ggtt);
-	else if (INTEL_GEN(i915) < 8)
-		ret = gen6_gmch_probe(ggtt);
-	else
-		ret = gen8_gmch_probe(ggtt);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if ((ggtt-> - 1) >> 32) {
-		DRM_ERROR("We never expected a Global GTT with more than 32bits"
-			  " of address space! Found %lldM!\n",
-			  ggtt-> >> 20);
-		ggtt-> = 1ULL << 32;
-		ggtt->mappable_end =
-			min_t(u64, ggtt->mappable_end, ggtt->;
-	}
-	if (ggtt->mappable_end > ggtt-> {
-		DRM_ERROR("mappable aperture extends past end of GGTT,"
-			  " aperture=%pa, total=%llx\n",
-			  &ggtt->mappable_end, ggtt->;
-		ggtt->mappable_end = ggtt->;
-	}
-	/* GMADR is the PCI mmio aperture into the global GTT. */
-	DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("GGTT size = %lluM\n", ggtt-> >> 20);
-	DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("GMADR size = %lluM\n", (u64)ggtt->mappable_end >> 20);
-	DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("DSM size = %lluM\n",
-			 (u64)resource_size(&intel_graphics_stolen_res) >> 20);
-	return 0;
- * i915_ggtt_probe_hw - Probe GGTT hardware location
- * @i915: i915 device
- */
-int i915_ggtt_probe_hw(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	int ret;
-	ret = ggtt_probe_hw(&i915->ggtt, &i915->gt);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if (intel_vtd_active())
-		dev_info(i915->, "VT-d active for gfx access\n");
-	return 0;
-static int ggtt_init_hw(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct drm_i915_private *i915 = ggtt->vm.i915;
-	i915_address_space_init(&ggtt->vm, VM_CLASS_GGTT);
-	ggtt->vm.is_ggtt = true;
-	/* Only VLV supports read-only GGTT mappings */
-	ggtt->vm.has_read_only = IS_VALLEYVIEW(i915);
-	if (!HAS_LLC(i915) && !HAS_PPGTT(i915))
-		ggtt-> = i915_ggtt_color_adjust;
-	if (ggtt->mappable_end) {
-		if (!io_mapping_init_wc(&ggtt->iomap,
-					ggtt->gmadr.start,
-					ggtt->mappable_end)) {
-			ggtt->vm.cleanup(&ggtt->vm);
-			return -EIO;
-		}
-		ggtt->mtrr = arch_phys_wc_add(ggtt->gmadr.start,
-					      ggtt->mappable_end);
-	}
-	i915_ggtt_init_fences(ggtt);
-	return 0;
- * i915_ggtt_init_hw - Initialize GGTT hardware
- * @dev_priv: i915 device
- */
-int i915_ggtt_init_hw(struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv)
-	int ret;
-	stash_init(&dev_priv->mm.wc_stash);
-	/* Note that we use page colouring to enforce a guard page at the
-	 * end of the address space. This is required as the CS may prefetch
-	 * beyond the end of the batch buffer, across the page boundary,
-	 * and beyond the end of the GTT if we do not provide a guard.
-	 */
-	ret = ggtt_init_hw(&dev_priv->ggtt);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	return 0;
-int i915_ggtt_enable_hw(struct drm_i915_private *dev_priv)
-	if (INTEL_GEN(dev_priv) < 6 && !intel_enable_gtt())
-		return -EIO;
-	return 0;
-void i915_ggtt_enable_guc(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	GEM_BUG_ON(ggtt->invalidate != gen6_ggtt_invalidate);
-	ggtt->invalidate = guc_ggtt_invalidate;
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-void i915_ggtt_disable_guc(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	/* XXX Temporary pardon for error unload */
-	if (ggtt->invalidate == gen6_ggtt_invalidate)
-		return;
-	/* We should only be called after i915_ggtt_enable_guc() */
-	GEM_BUG_ON(ggtt->invalidate != guc_ggtt_invalidate);
-	ggtt->invalidate = gen6_ggtt_invalidate;
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-static void ggtt_restore_mappings(struct i915_ggtt *ggtt)
-	struct i915_vma *vma;
-	bool flush = false;
-	int open;
-	intel_gt_check_and_clear_faults(ggtt->;
-	mutex_lock(&ggtt->vm.mutex);
-	/* First fill our portion of the GTT with scratch pages */
-	ggtt->vm.clear_range(&ggtt->vm, 0, ggtt->;
-	/* Skip rewriting PTE on VMA unbind. */
-	open = atomic_xchg(&ggtt->, 0);
-	/* clflush objects bound into the GGTT and rebind them. */
-	list_for_each_entry(vma, &ggtt->vm.bound_list, vm_link) {
-		struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj = vma->obj;
-		if (!i915_vma_is_bound(vma, I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND))
-			continue;
-		clear_bit(I915_VMA_GLOBAL_BIND_BIT, __i915_vma_flags(vma));
-		WARN_ON(i915_vma_bind(vma,
-				      obj ? obj->cache_level : 0,
-				      PIN_GLOBAL, NULL));
-		if (obj) { /* only used during resume => exclusive access */
-			flush |= fetch_and_zero(&obj->write_domain);
-			obj->read_domains |= I915_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT;
-		}
-	}
-	atomic_set(&ggtt->, open);
-	ggtt->invalidate(ggtt);
-	mutex_unlock(&ggtt->vm.mutex);
-	if (flush)
-		wbinvd_on_all_cpus();
-void i915_gem_restore_gtt_mappings(struct drm_i915_private *i915)
-	struct i915_ggtt *ggtt = &i915->ggtt;
-	ggtt_restore_mappings(ggtt);
-	if (INTEL_GEN(i915) >= 8)
-		setup_private_pat(ggtt->>uncore);
-static struct scatterlist *
-rotate_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj, unsigned int offset,
-	     unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
-	     unsigned int stride,
-	     struct sg_table *st, struct scatterlist *sg)
-	unsigned int column, row;
-	unsigned int src_idx;
-	for (column = 0; column < width; column++) {
-		src_idx = stride * (height - 1) + column + offset;
-		for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
-			st->nents++;
-			/* We don't need the pages, but need to initialize
-			 * the entries so the sg list can be happily traversed.
-			 * The only thing we need are DMA addresses.
-			 */
-			sg_set_page(sg, NULL, I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
-			sg_dma_address(sg) =
-				i915_gem_object_get_dma_address(obj, src_idx);
-			sg_dma_len(sg) = I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-			sg = sg_next(sg);
-			src_idx -= stride;
-		}
-	}
-	return sg;
-static noinline struct sg_table *
-intel_rotate_pages(struct intel_rotation_info *rot_info,
-		   struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj)
-	unsigned int size = intel_rotation_info_size(rot_info);
-	struct sg_table *st;
-	struct scatterlist *sg;
-	int ret = -ENOMEM;
-	int i;
-	/* Allocate target SG list. */
-	st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!st)
-		goto err_st_alloc;
-	ret = sg_alloc_table(st, size, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (ret)
-		goto err_sg_alloc;
-	st->nents = 0;
-	sg = st->sgl;
-	for (i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rot_info->plane); i++) {
-		sg = rotate_pages(obj, rot_info->plane[i].offset,
-				  rot_info->plane[i].width, rot_info->plane[i].height,
-				  rot_info->plane[i].stride, st, sg);
-	}
-	return st;
-	kfree(st);
-	DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Failed to create rotated mapping for object size %zu! (%ux%u tiles, %u pages)\n",
-			 obj->base.size, rot_info->plane[0].width, rot_info->plane[0].height, size);
-	return ERR_PTR(ret);
-static struct scatterlist *
-remap_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj, unsigned int offset,
-	    unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
-	    unsigned int stride,
-	    struct sg_table *st, struct scatterlist *sg)
-	unsigned int row;
-	for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
-		unsigned int left = width * I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-		while (left) {
-			dma_addr_t addr;
-			unsigned int length;
-			/* We don't need the pages, but need to initialize
-			 * the entries so the sg list can be happily traversed.
-			 * The only thing we need are DMA addresses.
-			 */
-			addr = i915_gem_object_get_dma_address_len(obj, offset, &length);
-			length = min(left, length);
-			st->nents++;
-			sg_set_page(sg, NULL, length, 0);
-			sg_dma_address(sg) = addr;
-			sg_dma_len(sg) = length;
-			sg = sg_next(sg);
-			offset += length / I915_GTT_PAGE_SIZE;
-			left -= length;
-		}
-		offset += stride - width;
-	}
-	return sg;
-static noinline struct sg_table *
-intel_remap_pages(struct intel_remapped_info *rem_info,
-		  struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj)
-	unsigned int size = intel_remapped_info_size(rem_info);
-	struct sg_table *st;
-	struct scatterlist *sg;
-	int ret = -ENOMEM;
-	int i;
-	/* Allocate target SG list. */
-	st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!st)
-		goto err_st_alloc;
-	ret = sg_alloc_table(st, size, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (ret)
-		goto err_sg_alloc;
-	st->nents = 0;
-	sg = st->sgl;
-	for (i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rem_info->plane); i++) {
-		sg = remap_pages(obj, rem_info->plane[i].offset,
-				 rem_info->plane[i].width, rem_info->plane[i].height,
-				 rem_info->plane[i].stride, st, sg);
-	}
-	i915_sg_trim(st);
-	return st;
-	kfree(st);
-	DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Failed to create remapped mapping for object size %zu! (%ux%u tiles, %u pages)\n",
-			 obj->base.size, rem_info->plane[0].width, rem_info->plane[0].height, size);
-	return ERR_PTR(ret);
-static noinline struct sg_table *
-intel_partial_pages(const struct i915_ggtt_view *view,
-		    struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj)
-	struct sg_table *st;
-	struct scatterlist *sg, *iter;
-	unsigned int count = view->partial.size;
-	unsigned int offset;
-	int ret = -ENOMEM;
-	st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!st)
-		goto err_st_alloc;
-	ret = sg_alloc_table(st, count, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (ret)
-		goto err_sg_alloc;
-	iter = i915_gem_object_get_sg(obj, view->partial.offset, &offset);
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!iter);
-	sg = st->sgl;
-	st->nents = 0;
-	do {
-		unsigned int len;
-		len = min(iter->length - (offset << PAGE_SHIFT),
-			  count << PAGE_SHIFT);
-		sg_set_page(sg, NULL, len, 0);
-		sg_dma_address(sg) =
-			sg_dma_address(iter) + (offset << PAGE_SHIFT);
-		sg_dma_len(sg) = len;
-		st->nents++;
-		count -= len >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-		if (count == 0) {
-			sg_mark_end(sg);
-			i915_sg_trim(st); /* Drop any unused tail entries. */
-			return st;
-		}
-		sg = __sg_next(sg);
-		iter = __sg_next(iter);
-		offset = 0;
-	} while (1);
-	kfree(st);
-	return ERR_PTR(ret);
-static int
-i915_get_ggtt_vma_pages(struct i915_vma *vma)
-	int ret;
-	/* The vma->pages are only valid within the lifespan of the borrowed
-	 * obj->mm.pages. When the obj->mm.pages sg_table is regenerated, so
-	 * must be the vma->pages. A simple rule is that vma->pages must only
-	 * be accessed when the obj->mm.pages are pinned.
-	 */
-	GEM_BUG_ON(!i915_gem_object_has_pinned_pages(vma->obj));
-	switch (vma->ggtt_view.type) {
-	default:
-		GEM_BUG_ON(vma->ggtt_view.type);
-		/* fall through */
-		vma->pages = vma->obj->mm.pages;
-		return 0;
-		vma->pages =
-			intel_rotate_pages(&vma->ggtt_view.rotated, vma->obj);
-		break;
-		vma->pages =
-			intel_remap_pages(&vma->ggtt_view.remapped, vma->obj);
-		break;
-		vma->pages = intel_partial_pages(&vma->ggtt_view, vma->obj);
-		break;
-	}
-	ret = 0;
-	if (IS_ERR(vma->pages)) {
-		ret = PTR_ERR(vma->pages);
-		vma->pages = NULL;
-		DRM_ERROR("Failed to get pages for VMA view type %u (%d)!\n",
-			  vma->ggtt_view.type, ret);
-	}
-	return ret;
 	dma_unmap_sg(kdev, pages->sgl, pages->nents, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
->>>>>>> linux-next/akpm-base

Patches currently in -mm which might be from are


             reply	other threads:[~2020-01-25  2:20 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 431+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2020-01-25  2:20 akpm [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2022-04-24 20:17 + linux-next-git-rejects.patch added to -mm tree Andrew Morton
2022-04-15 18:36 Andrew Morton
2022-04-13  2:43 Andrew Morton
2022-04-08 17:44 Andrew Morton
2022-04-05 18:14 Andrew Morton
2022-03-31 21:10 Andrew Morton
2022-03-11  1:19 Andrew Morton
2022-03-06 22:08 Andrew Morton
2022-03-03 21:56 Andrew Morton
2022-02-25  4:05 Andrew Morton
2022-02-04  5:44 Andrew Morton
2022-01-13  0:47 akpm
2022-01-07 22:23 akpm
2021-12-21 21:18 akpm
2021-12-10 16:38 akpm
2021-12-03 17:30 akpm
2021-11-18 21:17 akpm
2021-10-28 18:58 akpm
2021-10-22 18:01 akpm
2021-10-10 20:42 akpm
2021-10-06  1:48 akpm
2021-09-27 23:28 akpm
2021-09-19 18:13 akpm
2021-09-14  1:16 akpm
2021-08-31 18:05 akpm
2021-08-12 20:39 akpm
2021-08-05 23:03 akpm
2021-08-01 19:11 akpm
2021-06-24 20:21 akpm
2021-06-08 20:11 akpm
2021-06-04 19:22 akpm
2021-05-31 21:23 akpm
2021-05-20  6:24 akpm
2021-05-08 22:38 akpm
2021-04-30  0:18 akpm
2021-04-23 18:47 akpm
2021-04-16 17:13 akpm
2021-04-15  1:10 akpm
2021-04-11 22:48 akpm
2021-03-31 20:57 akpm
2021-03-28 22:26 akpm
2021-03-18 23:47 akpm
2021-03-16 19:10 akpm
2021-03-12  5:30 akpm
2021-03-10 17:05 akpm
2021-03-05 23:05 akpm
2021-02-23 21:06 akpm
2021-02-04 23:55 akpm
2021-01-28 20:12 akpm
2021-01-25 21:34 akpm
2021-01-17 18:53 akpm
2021-01-07 22:33 akpm
2020-12-23 18:27 akpm
2020-12-16 17:06 akpm
2020-12-02 21:38 akpm
2020-11-25 20:33 akpm
2020-11-20 19:12 akpm
2020-11-08  2:07 akpm
2020-10-30 22:58 akpm
2020-10-09 21:42 akpm
2020-10-02 23:36 akpm
2020-09-26  1:47 akpm
2020-09-04 17:45 akpm
2020-08-30 19:58 akpm
2020-08-22 17:29 akpm
2020-07-28 20:26 akpm
2020-07-24 23:37 akpm
2020-07-23  3:18 akpm
2020-07-15 23:54 akpm
2020-07-10 20:31 akpm
2020-06-26  3:28 incoming Andrew Morton
2020-06-27  3:32 ` + linux-next-git-rejects.patch added to -mm tree Andrew Morton
2020-06-20 19:37 akpm
2020-06-05 20:00 akpm
2020-06-02 18:28 akpm
2020-06-01 22:04 akpm
2020-05-24 23:17 akpm
2020-05-07 16:54 akpm
2020-04-25 22:55 akpm
2020-04-22  0:55 akpm
2020-04-09  0:08 akpm
2020-04-06 21:37 akpm
2020-04-01  1:07 akpm
2020-03-26 18:15 akpm
2020-03-21 19:39 akpm
2020-03-13 20:56 akpm
2020-03-11 21:19 akpm
2020-03-06  1:20 akpm
2020-02-27 21:31 akpm
2020-02-19 19:16 akpm
2020-02-10 21:58 akpm
2020-02-11  9:04 ` Thomas Gleixner
2020-01-30 18:06 akpm
2020-01-22 19:42 akpm
2020-01-14 22:49 akpm
2020-01-10 20:34 akpm
2018-02-16 20:23 akpm
2018-02-07 19:54 akpm
2018-02-05 22:47 akpm
2018-02-01  0:31 akpm
2018-01-22 20:10 akpm
2018-01-12 21:44 akpm
2018-01-09 20:12 akpm
2018-01-04 21:54 akpm
2017-12-21 20:04 akpm
2017-12-15 21:38 akpm
2017-12-13 22:25 akpm
2017-11-30 20:17 akpm
2017-11-21 20:04 akpm
2017-11-09 19:50 akpm
2017-11-02 19:46 akpm
2017-10-18 19:20 akpm
2017-10-13 20:25 akpm
2017-10-02 18:48 akpm
2017-09-13 22:30 akpm
2017-09-07 18:36 akpm
2017-09-05 19:51 akpm
2017-08-23 19:57 akpm
2017-08-18 19:51 akpm
2017-08-04 21:17 akpm
2017-08-01 19:36 akpm
2017-07-28 20:37 akpm
2017-07-18 19:26 akpm
2017-07-05 19:38 akpm
2017-06-29 19:33 akpm
2017-06-15 17:16 akpm
2017-06-01 19:42 akpm
2017-05-12 19:35 akpm
2017-05-10 17:58 akpm
2017-04-26 21:44 akpm
2017-04-13 19:20 akpm
2017-04-06 21:02 akpm
2017-04-03 19:07 akpm
2017-03-30 20:34 akpm
2017-03-16 23:18 akpm
2017-02-28 20:49 akpm
2017-02-21 19:31 akpm
2017-02-07 21:01 akpm
2017-02-03 20:04 akpm
2017-02-01 21:18 akpm
2017-01-26 21:14 akpm
2017-01-20 22:03 akpm
2017-01-17 19:28 akpm
2017-01-11 22:27 akpm
2017-01-06 23:25 akpm
2016-12-14 23:23 akpm
2016-12-07 23:43 akpm
2016-12-05 19:01 akpm
2016-11-22 21:49 akpm
2016-11-14 20:01 akpm
2016-10-28 18:33 akpm
2016-10-21 20:13 akpm
2016-10-11 20:58 akpm
2016-10-04 19:43 akpm
2016-09-12 20:25 akpm
2016-08-29 19:53 akpm
2016-08-18 21:01 akpm
2016-08-15 20:40 akpm
2016-08-09 19:28 akpm
2016-07-26 22:39 akpm
2016-07-08 21:33 akpm
2016-06-24 19:23 akpm
2016-06-16 20:26 akpm
2016-06-10 19:11 akpm
2016-06-01 17:49 akpm
2016-05-26 18:10 akpm
2016-05-24 17:49 akpm
2016-05-20  0:20 akpm
2016-05-05 19:47 akpm
2016-05-02 17:49 akpm
2016-04-27 22:09 akpm
2016-03-15 17:50 akpm
2016-03-10 18:57 akpm
2016-03-08 22:09 akpm
2016-02-24 21:56 akpm
2016-02-11 20:38 akpm
2016-02-09  0:39 akpm
2016-02-02  0:55 akpm
2016-01-12 23:28 akpm
2016-01-07 22:15 akpm
2015-12-28 21:10 akpm
2015-12-04  0:49 akpm
2015-11-25 23:04 akpm
2015-10-30 19:44 akpm
2015-10-14 19:43 akpm
2015-10-02 19:35 akpm
2015-09-21 18:23 akpm
2015-08-21 20:00 akpm
2015-08-17 21:16 akpm
2015-08-03 19:23 akpm
2015-07-23 20:13 akpm
2015-07-17 20:58 akpm
2015-07-01 20:37 akpm
2015-06-25 19:05 akpm
2015-06-23 19:22 akpm
2015-06-16 18:59 akpm
2015-06-02 18:26 akpm
2015-05-22 20:07 akpm
2015-05-13 19:51 akpm
2015-05-05 22:28 akpm
2015-04-24 17:04 akpm
2015-04-22 18:04 akpm
2015-04-03 19:11 akpm
2015-03-25 19:23 akpm
2015-03-23 19:25 akpm
2015-03-04 23:43 akpm
2015-02-18 23:32 akpm
2015-02-06 21:06 akpm
2015-01-27 20:22 akpm
2015-01-16 21:22 akpm
2014-12-18  1:07 akpm
2014-12-15 20:35 akpm
2014-12-04 22:36 akpm
2014-11-26 20:38 akpm
2014-11-10 21:40 akpm
2014-10-13 19:43 akpm
2014-10-02 19:23 akpm
2014-09-29 20:21 akpm
2014-08-01 18:54 akpm
2014-07-30 20:19 akpm
2014-07-22 19:31 akpm
2014-07-16 20:31 akpm
2014-07-09 19:36 akpm
2014-06-26 19:15 akpm
2014-06-10 19:48 akpm
2014-06-02 19:10 akpm
2014-05-20 18:15 akpm
2014-05-13 18:53 akpm
2014-04-21 18:10 akpm
2014-04-09 17:54 akpm
2014-04-04 23:01 akpm
2014-04-02 19:58 akpm
2014-03-21 19:08 akpm
2014-03-18 20:22 akpm
2014-03-10 18:48 akpm
2014-02-19 23:04 akpm
2014-02-11 19:22 akpm
2014-01-21 20:36 akpm
2013-12-26 21:16 akpm
2013-12-12 20:38 akpm
2013-12-09 21:51 akpm
2013-12-02 20:35 akpm
2013-11-22 21:21 akpm
2013-11-19 21:28 akpm
2013-11-07 19:02 akpm
2013-11-04 19:20 akpm
2013-09-25 19:03 akpm
2013-09-23 18:24 akpm
2013-08-23 18:57 akpm
2013-08-19 19:45 akpm
2013-08-08 19:21 akpm
2013-07-18 20:22 akpm
2013-07-09 21:04 akpm
2013-07-02 19:29 akpm
2013-06-27 20:05 akpm
2013-06-10 20:41 akpm
2013-06-05 19:15 akpm
2013-06-03 20:02 akpm
2013-05-29 19:00 akpm
2013-05-23 19:54 akpm
2013-05-10 18:42 akpm
2013-04-29 18:39 akpm
2013-04-09 19:42 akpm
2013-03-27 18:55 akpm
2013-03-25 19:33 akpm
2013-03-18 19:26 akpm
2013-03-08 20:08 akpm
2013-03-06 20:23 akpm
2013-02-20 20:38 akpm
2013-02-12 20:24 akpm
2013-01-24 22:37 akpm
2013-01-22 21:18 akpm
2013-01-17 20:49 akpm
2013-01-04 21:56 akpm
2012-12-20 20:13 akpm
2012-12-17 20:19 akpm
2012-12-12 22:31 akpm
2012-11-30 20:49 akpm
2012-11-19 20:19 akpm
2012-10-29 19:41 akpm
2012-10-24 22:10 akpm
2012-10-22 19:01 akpm
2012-10-17 21:16 akpm
2012-10-10 19:48 akpm
2012-10-05 20:09 akpm
2012-10-01 19:11 akpm
2012-09-13 18:18 akpm
2012-09-11 19:28 akpm
2012-09-06 19:12 akpm
2012-08-21 18:35 akpm
2012-08-14 19:47 akpm
2012-07-17 19:49 akpm
2012-07-13 19:48 akpm
2012-06-29 20:17 akpm
2012-06-19 18:24 akpm
2012-06-08 19:40 akpm
2012-06-01 19:39 akpm
2012-05-23 23:09 akpm
2012-05-22 22:41 akpm
2012-05-09 20:38 akpm
2012-05-04 19:18 akpm
2012-04-20 18:47 akpm
2012-03-29 19:11 akpm
2012-03-22 19:42 akpm
2012-03-20 19:11 akpm
2012-03-15 22:51 akpm
2012-03-12 22:18 akpm
2012-03-02 21:59 akpm
2012-02-24 21:15 akpm
2012-02-14 20:20 akpm
2012-02-08 19:57 akpm
2012-01-31 20:10 akpm
2012-01-26 23:01 akpm
2012-01-24 22:23 akpm
2012-01-24 22:19 akpm
2012-01-12  0:16 akpm
2012-01-06 21:01 akpm
2011-12-15 20:57 akpm
2011-12-09 19:57 akpm
2011-12-01 20:31 akpm
2011-11-28 20:57 akpm
2011-11-21 20:28 akpm
2011-11-17 20:19 akpm
2011-08-26 19:05 akpm
2011-08-19 20:46 akpm
2011-08-03 18:57 akpm
2011-07-26  7:51 akpm
2011-07-25 19:14 akpm
2011-07-08 18:13 akpm
2011-07-06 19:20 akpm
2011-06-22 18:34 akpm
2011-06-08 19:52 akpm
2011-05-26 19:39 akpm
2011-05-24 18:53 akpm
2011-05-18 18:24 akpm
2011-05-12 18:49 akpm
2011-05-06 19:53 akpm
2011-05-02 19:18 akpm
2011-04-26 18:37 akpm
2011-04-13 19:15 akpm
2011-03-28 20:39 akpm
2011-03-23 20:30 akpm
2011-03-15 20:27 akpm
2011-02-22 22:13 akpm
2011-01-25 23:25 akpm
2011-01-13 19:54 akpm
2011-01-10 21:28 akpm
2010-12-21 20:48 akpm
2010-12-17 22:24 akpm
2010-12-02 21:05 akpm
2010-11-08 19:57 akpm
2010-10-22 19:17 akpm
2010-10-14 20:05 akpm
2010-09-22 19:44 akpm
2010-09-10 21:48 akpm
2010-08-24 22:14 akpm
2010-08-10 19:44 akpm
2010-08-04 19:07 akpm
2010-07-21 19:03 akpm
2010-07-15 18:02 akpm
2010-07-08 19:08 akpm
2010-07-01 18:18 akpm
2010-05-28 18:48 akpm
2010-05-20 14:18 akpm
2010-05-11 21:02 akpm
2010-04-19 16:58 akpm
2010-04-01 15:05 akpm
2010-03-30 15:00 akpm
2010-03-19 16:47 akpm
2010-03-15  3:51 akpm
2010-03-03 19:54 akpm
2010-02-24 19:37 akpm
2010-02-10 23:20 akpm
2010-02-05 19:56 akpm
2010-01-27 21:35 akpm
2010-01-14 21:19 akpm
2009-12-18 20:24 akpm
2009-12-15 21:48 akpm
2009-12-10 20:20 akpm
2009-12-08 21:02 akpm
2009-11-25 18:52 akpm
2009-11-09 19:36 akpm
2009-10-09 21:59 akpm
2009-09-15 21:00 akpm
2009-09-10  4:47 akpm
2009-08-27 22:34 akpm
2009-08-21 20:51 akpm
2009-07-27 20:33 akpm
2009-07-05 18:33 akpm
2009-06-26 18:20 akpm
2009-06-23 19:28 akpm
2009-06-17 18:16 akpm
2009-06-10 17:40 akpm
2009-06-02 22:24 akpm
2009-05-29 18:41 akpm
2009-05-17 16:30 akpm
2009-04-24 19:26 akpm
2009-04-15 19:37 akpm
2009-04-10 20:07 akpm
2009-04-07 19:01 akpm
2009-03-31 18:54 akpm
2009-03-11 18:04 akpm
2009-03-09 23:02 akpm
2009-03-04 18:32 akpm
2009-02-23 21:51 akpm
2009-02-11 19:18 akpm
2009-02-09 19:43 akpm
2009-02-03 19:52 akpm
2009-01-27 19:13 akpm
2009-01-16 19:15 akpm
2008-12-30 19:53 akpm
2008-12-19 21:31 akpm
2008-12-16 19:49 akpm
2008-12-09 18:50 akpm
2008-12-03 23:23 akpm
2008-10-28 19:06 akpm
2008-09-22  6:53 akpm
2008-09-08 19:00 akpm
2008-09-02 20:14 akpm
2008-08-22 22:54 akpm
2008-08-19 22:42 akpm
2008-08-08 22:03 akpm
2008-07-30 19:06 akpm
2008-07-22 20:26 akpm
2008-07-04  6:32 akpm
2008-06-16  6:26 akpm
2008-06-08 19:40 akpm
2008-05-16 22:26 akpm
2008-05-14 21:21 akpm
2008-05-13 21:08 akpm
2008-05-13  2:09 akpm

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