Hi Paul, In this case ?= and = would be equivalent. If your setting SUPPORTS_SGX in your local.conf then it will override the value in the arago.conf file. I do see your point for the other two recipes. Currently it isn't friendly for people wanting to support am3352. I'll send updated patches. Thanks! From: Paul Kovitz [mailto:paul.kovitz@welchallyn.com] Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 6:26 PM To: fcooperjr27@gmail.com Cc: meta-arago@arago-project.org; Cooper Jr., Franklin Subject: Re: [meta-arago] [PATCH 07/18] arago.conf: Add SUPPORTS_SGX variable Please comment on coding SUPPORTS_SGX ?= "YES" instead of SUPPORTS_SGX = "YES" For example, if you want to simulate an AM3352 device on an AM335x eval board, you could write SUPPORTS_SGX = "NO" in local.conf. This change requires a base_conditional checks for SUPPORTS_SGX in task-arago-tisdk-matrix.bb and task-arago-tisdk-graphics-sdk-target.bb to avoid other dependencies on OpenGL for the AM3352. I have a similar patch in the code I am currently using for my own development. Thanks for your help.