On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 17:18, Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> wrote:
On Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17:08:41 -0300, Eugeni Dodonov <eugeni.dodonov@intel.com> wrote:
> Prevent a NULL pointer exception when we are trying to retrieve EDID data
> from non-existent adapter.

This just means that a HDMI with a garbage ddc_bus is never detected.
Since we control ddc_bus entirely, it means that the initialisation is
completely bogus. Please fix the root cause and not paper over
programming bugs.

Sorry, I think I wasn't clear in my cover letter about this one.. I am not hitting any issue with this current branch I sent; but the nature of the code we have after the gmbus refactoring made me a bit paranoid about accessing properties of something that could potential be NULL.

As far as I can see, we should not hit this with any combination of outputs on any hardware that is already covered by the wikipedia :). So I am fine with dropping this patch if you also think that it does not adds anything relevant to us. Or perhaps I should refactor it into adding some WARN's instead?

Eugeni Dodonov