On Thu, 6 May 2021 at 00:07, Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reading that disclaimer, it seems to be saying they're making it work for gtk.
> We're using it in the gtk related components it is being developed for so I'm
> not sure there is an issue. What it says not to do is use it for general non-gtk
> code. We're not using it outside gtk?

This above says

GI-DocGen is still in development. The recommended use of GI-DocGen is
to add it as a sub-project to your Meson build system, and vendor it
when releasing dist archives.

we are trying to use it in system mode and not vendored along with
packages which need it. Perhaps I am misunderstanding?

The options are:
- do not update pango and gdk-pixbuf
- update them but drop api documentation support from them, as they no longer support gtk-doc
- update them and enable gi-docgen for them, through a recipe that ensures we have reproducibility and consistency in what version of gi-docgen is being used across consumer recipes.

The gi-docgen recipe outputs would only be provided at build time into their sysroots, and won't be used otherwise. It's been tested on the AB, and it works.

I think you're inventing a problem here that does not actually exist.
