
> This patch adds support for the APM X-Gene SoC memory controller EDAC driver
> for DT.
> v8:
> * Change ASM_EDAC_H to __ASM_EDAC_H in file edac.h
> * Add WARN_ONCE in stub function atomic_scrub
> * Update DTS binding documentation (with only memory controller node)
> * Temporary remove L1/L2, L3, and SoC driver code and update memory driver
>   code accordingly

What does that mean exactly? They'll get added later?

It is not include in this first patch set. Yes, it will be added later. I will response along with Arnd subsequent email.​

It is called now xgene_edac_mc.c. Am I to expect more
xgene_edac_<functional_unit>.c submissions?


What happened to building
everything around the shared IRQ handler?

​It was discussed with Rob already in previous email. As we don't touch the shared status registers besides reading status, it will just register as shared interrupt.​


Also, I see this SOB chain in some of the patches:

Signed-off-by: Feng Kan <fkan@apm.com>
Signed-off-by: Loc Ho <lho@apm.com>

and it is not clear who did what, from looking at the chain.

If you both authored the patches, you can write

Originally-by: Feng
[ Loc: did this and that]
Signed-off-by: Loc

for example.

See Documentation/SubmittingPatches for more info.

​Okay... Feng was the originally author.
