On Montag, 19. Dezember 2016 11:50:27 CET Linus Lüssing wrote: > And didn't use "void *ctx" as a parameter of _pack_ctx() directly, > to have at least some compile-time verification regarding the > types. I was not talking about the packing functions. I was talking about the function which is used to trigger the handlers. It is not necessary (unless I miss something) to have some explicit void * casting when its parameter type is already void *. > I wanted to have something a little similar to the way icmp_hdr(), > icmp6_hdr(), ipv6_hdr() etc. do the casting, for instance, hm. I think these functions cast from char * to something like struct icmphdr * by first retrieving the transport header from the skb. So they do a lot more than your more-than-necessary-explicit casting function. Kind regards, Sven