Hi gentlemen I have a similar problem as the issue described in the commit d48584aa8bed06f9b728579ea64deb8d30b03b86. The connection never passes online. I have tried different ways wifi ethernet and a shared connection with a mobile without success. The systemctl status connman always returns: août 04 09:23:16 yaolinux2 connmand[2138]: Failed to find URL:http://ipv6.connman.net/online/status.html août 04 12:22:32 yaolinux2 connmand[2240]: Failed to find URL:http://ipv4.connman.net/online/status.html When the link is not online , I have no access to internet in a VM (virt-manager) I have the main.conf file provide in /etc/connman without option validated I send you a log of the start of connman done with the command connmand -n -d 2>&1 | tee cm-log.txt It looks like it never reach the default URL for the check online. Best regards Dania