It was one of camera scenarios. I internally asked and heard that was not a bug but normal. I think 2GB looks too big for one graphics buffer but it could be for other purposes like camera. I think the system heap should support that.

2023년 4월 13일 (목) 오전 1:49, T.J. Mercier <>님이 작성:
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 4:38 AM Jaewon Kim <> wrote:

> Yes I think you're right. As a allocator, dma-buf system heap looks to be loose
> in memory allocation. Limiting dmabuf memory may be required. But I think there
> is no nice and reasonable way so far. And the dma-buf system heap is being
> widely used in Android mobile system. AFAIK the camera consumes huge memory
> through this dma-buf system heap. I actually even looked a huge size request
> over 2GB in one dma-buf request.
Hey can you point me to where you saw a request that big? That's a
non-buggy request?!