

I’m using bt2 to combine multiple archives and I’m noticing some weird behavior. Not sure if its something on my end.


I have a bunch of ctf trace archives and I am trying to combine them into one ctf trace archive, this works fine, but when I try to use this ctf trace plugin again to combine traces I notice that it keeps creating subdirectories. Example:
$ babeltrace2 --output-format=ctf --output tmp/ 20200402T191121+0000-20200402T191133+0000-779 20200402T191133+0000-20200402T191145+0000-780

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit`.


Now If I try to use this trace to combine again:

$ mv tmp/a46cbfc6c29d/ .

$ babeltrace2 --output-format=ctf --output tmp/ 20200402T191145+0000-20200402T191157+0000-781 a46cbfc6c29d

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit-0`.

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit`.


Repeating the procress:

$ rm -rf a46cbfc6c29d/

$ mv tmp/a46cbfc6c29d/ .

$ babeltrace2 --output-format=ctf --output tmp/ a46cbfc6c29d/ 20200402T191157+0000-20200402T191210+0000-782

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit-1`.

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit`.

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit-0`.


It created a 64-bit-0 and a 64-bit-1 directory, and if I use this newly created ctf archive again it will create a 64-bit-2 directory. Eventually the directory structure will grow so much that it causes file descriptor problem. Of course, this can be solved by changing the ulimit but that doesn’t seem like the correct approach, especially since then bt2 will just be using more and more resources when its running.


Anyways, I’m just wondering why it keeps creating more and more directories, if I combine all four archives in one command it only creates one directory:
$ babeltrace2 --output-format=ctf --output tmp/ 20200402T191121+0000-20200402T191133+0000-779 20200402T191133+0000-20200402T191145+0000-780 20200402T191145+0000-20200402T191157+0000-781 20200402T191157+0000-20200402T191210+0000-782

Created CTF trace `tmp//a46cbfc6c29d/flight_recorder-20200402T160923+0000/ust/uid/0/64-bit-2`.


Any help would be appreciated!


