On Oct 7, 2021, at 11:22 PM, Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au> wrote:

Hi Adriana,

On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 at 19:22, Adriana Kobylak <anoo@linux.ibm.com> wrote:

From: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

Add the power-config-full-load described in:

The power-config-full-load gpio is designed to be used to specify how
many power supplies the system should have, in rainier it is 2 or 4.  If
enough power supplies fail so that the system no longer has redundancy
(no longer n+1), the hardware will signal to the Onboard Chip Controller
that the system may be oversubscribed, and performance may need to be
reduced so the system can maintain it's powered on state.

Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>

This looks good. I think the name is much easier to understand now.

Thanks, yeah agree is clearer now.

I notice you've dropped all of the other names. Do you not need them?

Right, don’t need them. If we ever do, we’ll go through the same process of proposing adequate names for them in the openbmc design doc.

It would be great if one of the people you cc'd could provide a
reviewed-by before I merge this.

Sure, seems Eddie just reviewed it.




v2: Update commit message.
v3: Updated gpio name to power-config-full-load to match design doc.

arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dts | 13 +++++++++++++
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dts
index 33fae8ad1305..10bde77fb847 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dts
@@ -1998,6 +1998,19 @@ eeprom@51 {
               reg = <0x51>;

+       pca_pres3: pca9552@60 {
+               compatible = "nxp,pca9552";
+               reg = <0x60>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <0>;
+               gpio-controller;
+               #gpio-cells = <2>;
+               gpio-line-names =
+                       "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+                       "", "", "", "", "", "", "power-config-full-load", "";
+       };
       pca_pres2: pca9552@61 {
               compatible = "nxp,pca9552";
               reg = <0x61>;