Hi Renata

adding Jesus and xen-devel

On 18 Mar 2016, at 03:37, renata gegaj <gegajrenata@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Lars,

I am Renata Gegaj a student from Kosovo.  I study computer science and engineering. This is my first time participating in the Outreachy program, it is also the first time I contribute to an open source project. I have some basics skills in Java, SQL and HTML5 and I am interested in the Xen Code Review Dashboard. 
Is there a spot where I could contribute?

Thank you in advance.


Before thinking about contributing, you should first set up a work environment and play with it. This should be doable in a few hours. So how about, you perform the following steps and then get back to us for a little task.

@Jesus: The application deadline is on Tue next week. Maybe we can outline a task today. It would have to be around the code in https://github.com/dicortazar/xen-code-review-analysis/tree/master

To get started, you will need kibana and elasticsearch - packages for these should be in any distro and can be installed via apt-get or yum mailing lists and git. The test data sets are at http://projects.bitergia.com/xen-project-dashboard/browser/data/db/, but you can also apply the scripts (but these need access to mailboxes to be downloaded to be run - I can get you access to a month or two months worth of mailboxes).

There is lots of info on getting Kibana and Elastic search going and you may want to check out
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/_installation.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/setup.html
- Connect all to the test data sets
- Explore and get familiar with the tools
- Come back with some questions
The hosted prototype versions of the dashboards are at http://kibana-xen.bitergia.com. When you install Elasticsearch and Kibana, the pre-defined search queries and view panels won't be there by default. But you will be able to explore the raw data from the SQL test data sets. Note that they were created with MetricsGrimoire tools and the tools in https://github.com/dicortazar/xen-code-review-analysis/tree/master

As one of the goals is to use Perceval to do this, you may also want to
- Get and build Perceval from https://github.com/grimoirelab/perceval
- Explore the test data set SQL structure with an appropriate tool
- Read through the Perceval man pages and do some experimentation and come back with some questions

We can then work through the questions and chose appropriate next steps: but from that point onwards we probably need Jesus input. However, time is getting tight with the application deadline being on the 22nd.

P.S.: Jesus normally hangs out on #metrics-grimoire nick jgbarah