Hi. I have the HVM DomU with usb device assigned to it Config for xl: # This file is automatically generated by domainmgr name = "12e26d98-2f0d-450c-a1ee-d287bd37794c.1.1" type = "hvm" uuid = "12e26d98-2f0d-450c-a1ee-d287bd37794c" vnc = 0 memory = 977 maxmem = 977 vcpus = 1 maxcpus = 1 boot = "dc" disk = ['/persist/vault/volumes/630ad2a6-cd3f-4659-8ac0-cdcfd5ad6b75#0.qcow2,qcow2,xvda,rw','/run/domainmgr/cloudinit/12e26d98-2f0d-450c-a1ee-d287bd37794c.cidata,raw,xvdz,ro'] vif = ['bridge=bn1,vifname=nbu1x1,mac=00:16:3e:00:01:01,type=vif'] serial = ['pty'] usbctrl = ['type=auto, version=2, ports=6'] usbdev = ['hostbus=2,hostaddr=2,controller=0,port=1'] It boots and works as expected. But after doing xl reboot or reboot from inside DomU, I cannot see usb devices inside VM. Before reboot: #xenstore-ls ... vusb = "" 0 = "" type = "devicemodel" usb-ver = "2" num-ports = "6" port = "" 1 = "2-1" 2 = "" 3 = "" 4 = "" 5 = "" 6 = "" #xl usb-list Devid Type BE state usb-ver ports 0 devicemodel 0 0 2 6 Port 1: Bus 002 Device 002 Port 2: Port 3: Port 4: Port 5: Port 6: After reboot: #xenstore-ls ... vusb = "" 0 = "" type = "devicemodel" usb-ver = "2" num-ports = "6" port = "" 1 = "" 2 = "" 3 = "" 4 = "" 5 = "" 6 = "" #xl usb-list Devid Type BE state usb-ver ports 0 devicemodel 0 0 2 6 Port 1: Port 2: Port 3: Port 4: Port 5: Port 6: Steps to reproduce are inside https://github.com/lf-edge/eden/issues/578 xen_version : 4.14.1 Best regard, Petr Fedchenkov