On 9 Sep 2019, at 15:44, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xenproject.org> wrote:

Hello everyone,

Olivier had posted an RFC for this proposal on xen-devel@- see https://xen.markmail.org/thread/ermnrb3ps3okvnjr 

The proposal also has been discussed by the Advisory Board and was approved

However, for the proposal to fully pass the proposal must be run by past all mature subproject, which are Hypervisors, Windows PV Drivers and XAPI (see https://xenproject.org/developers/governance/#project-decisions). People listed under Project team visible on the right columns of following pages can vote
https://xenproject.org/developers/teams/xen-hypervisor/ - already voted: Jan, Ian, Wei, George

The RFC proposal has passed the Hypervisor team with 4/8 votes (see https://xen.markmail.org/thread/ermnrb3ps3okvnjr), but more support would be appreciated

The proposal is attached below. Please vote before next Tuesday

Best Regards

Hi all.
so no more votes which means the proposal has passed