On Dec 27, 2021, at 8:53 PM, Xinliang Liu <xinliang.liu@linaro.org> wrote:

Maloo is just one place to link to to actually let people see the results, but you can link to external resources too
like e.g. gatekeeper janitor helper does or assuming the information is small enough it could be entirely contained
in the comment (like say for a build failure)

Ok, understand now. Is there any other reference external CI that posts results to Lustre gerrit now?

Currently there are:
- checkpatch and Misc code checks (smach) that post their results as 100% comment only. they share codebase pretty much
- the Janitor (also started with above codebase but got changed and extended a lot)

There was external interest in the past to post results to gerrit but it never materialized in the end