Attempting to build Wireguard on a Raspberry Pi will result in an assembly error

    Error: immediate expression requires a # prefix -- `moveq r5,1'

(the full build error log can be found here:

Appending # to the values and telling ARM to treat them as literals solves the issue.

I was able to test this patch out on my own Raspberry Pi 3B+ and can confirm the resulting build is successfully able to build, create the wg0 interface, generate a private key, connect to a peer, and send encrypted messages back and forth.

justw and revel assisted in providing the fix via the Wireguard irc channel.

curve25519: arm: Compile on Raspi

diff --git a/src/crypto/curve25519-arm.S b/src/crypto/curve25519-arm.S
index cb40c24..f9d50e9 100644
--- a/src/crypto/curve25519-arm.S
+++ b/src/crypto/curve25519-arm.S
@@ -1554,35 +1554,35 @@ ENTRY(curve25519_neon)
 	movw		r4, 0
 	movw		r5, 2
 	cmp		r1, #1
-	moveq		r5, 1
+	moveq		r5, #1
 	addeq		r2, r3, #336
 	addeq		r4, r3, #48
 	cmp		r1, #2
-	moveq		r5, 1
+	moveq		r5, #1
 	addeq		r2, r3, #48
 	cmp		r1, #3
-	moveq		r5, 5
+	moveq		r5, #5
 	addeq		r4, r3, #336
 	cmp		r1, #4
-	moveq		r5, 10
+	moveq		r5, #10
 	cmp		r1, #5
-	moveq		r5, 20
+	moveq		r5, #20
 	cmp		r1, #6
-	moveq		r5, 10
+	moveq		r5, #10
 	addeq		r2, r3, #336
 	addeq		r4, r3, #336
 	cmp		r1, #7
-	moveq		r5, 50
+	moveq		r5, #50
 	cmp		r1, #8
-	moveq		r5, 100
+	moveq		r5, #100
 	cmp		r1, #9
-	moveq		r5, 50
+	moveq		r5, #50
 	addeq		r2, r3, #336
 	cmp		r1, #10
-	moveq		r5, 5
+	moveq		r5, #5
 	addeq		r2, r3, #48
 	cmp		r1, #11
-	moveq		r5, 0
+	moveq		r5, #0
 	addeq		r2, r3, #96
 	add		r6, r3, #144
 	add		r7, r3, #288