On Mon, 2010-01-25 at 11:55 -0800, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote: > > Although Bob has a point, we could change the way we pass the DTIM > > period to the driver, only pass it in the powersave callbacks, and then > > we could associate without it and just enable powersave only after > > receiving a beacon. That assumes that drivers don't use it for anything > > else though, of course, but I don't see anything else you could use it > > for really. > > Neat -- but that would mean doing the same for other beacon-sync IE > information. What other stuff goes out in beacons that does not go > into probe responses? I think I read a thread the other day about some > WPS information. Ah, yes, but that's a userspace thing -- and before association too. I'll need to analyse this in more detail, and also what drivers do. Kalle, could wl12x1 deal with getting the DTIM only when enabling PS? johannes