Hi James, > > Side note: wpa_supplicant likely doesn't have this problem since it > does not include ATTR_WIPHY with its GET_REG call AFAIK. Anyone know if > GET_REG is intended to be per-phy? Or why we are including ATTR_WIPHY? > from linux/nl80211.h: " @NL80211_CMD_GET_REG: ask the wireless core to send us its currently set regulatory domain. If %NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY is specified and the device has a private regulatory domain, it will be returned. Otherwise, the global regdomain will be returned. A device will have a private regulatory domain if it uses the regulatory_hint() API. Even when a private regdomain is used the channel information will still be mended according to further hints from the regulatory core to help with compliance. " So looks like wpa_s always requests the global domain, while iwd is in theory more correct and requests a per-wiphy one. Regards, -Denis