On Thu, 2018-01-18 at 11:41 -0800, Guenter Roeck wrote: > > > Not sure, does your gcc have retpolines?  Give me your .o file and I can > > diagnose it. > >  > Yes, it does, only it is the gcc from the Google toolchain which may > generate different code than the upstream version. > > I attached an affected object file. Please let me know if there is anything else > I can do to help. Disassembly of section .text.__x86.indirect_thunk: 0000000000000000 <__x86.indirect_thunk>:    0: e8 04 00 00 00        callq  9 <__x86.indirect_thunk+0x9>    5: f3 90                 pause      7: eb fc                 jmp    5 <__x86.indirect_thunk+0x5>    9: 48 8d 64 24 08        lea    0x8(%rsp),%rsp    e: c3                    retq    That has the old-style CET-incompatible retpoline in a COMDAT section in the .o file. What compiler options are being used for that? The kernel should only use retpoline if GCC supports both of -mindirect-branch=thunk-extern and -mindirect-branch-register, and this compiler is doing *neither* of those.