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From: Jonah Palmer <>
Subject: [PATCH v9 8/8] hmp: add virtio commands
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 05:23:12 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

From: Laurent Vivier <>

This patch implements the HMP versions of the virtio QMP commands.

Signed-off-by: Jonah Palmer <>
 hmp-commands-info.hx  | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/monitor/hmp.h |   5 +
 monitor/hmp-cmds.c    | 358 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 581 insertions(+)

diff --git a/hmp-commands-info.hx b/hmp-commands-info.hx
index 407a1da..6bf7359 100644
--- a/hmp-commands-info.hx
+++ b/hmp-commands-info.hx
@@ -877,3 +877,221 @@ SRST
   ``info sgx``
     Show intel SGX information.
+    {
+        .name      = "virtio",
+        .args_type = "",
+        .params    = "",
+        .help      = "List all available virtio devices",
+        .cmd       = hmp_virtio_query,
+        .flags     = "p",
+    },
+  ``info virtio``
+    List all available virtio devices
+    Example:
+    List all available virtio devices in the machine::
+    (qemu) info virtio
+    /machine/peripheral/vsock0/virtio-backend [vhost-vsock]
+    /machine/peripheral/crypto0/virtio-backend [virtio-crypto]
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[2]/virtio-backend [virtio-scsi]
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[1]/virtio-backend [virtio-net]
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[0]/virtio-backend [virtio-serial]
+    {
+        .name      = "virtio-status",
+        .args_type = "path:s",
+        .params    = "path",
+        .help      = "Display status of a given virtio device",
+        .cmd       = hmp_virtio_status,
+        .flags     = "p",
+    },
+  ``info virtio-status`` *path*
+    Display status of a given virtio device
+    Example:
+    Dump the status of virtio-net (vhost on)::
+    (qemu) info virtio-status /machine/peripheral-anon/device[1]/virtio-backend
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[1]/virtio-backend:
+        device_name:             virtio-net (vhost)
+        device_id:               1
+        vhost_started:           true
+        bus_name:                (null)
+        broken:                  false
+        disabled:                false
+        disable_legacy_check:    false
+        started:                 true
+        use_started:             true
+        start_on_kick:           false
+        use_guest_notifier_mask: true
+        vm_running:              true
+        num_vqs:                 3
+        queue_sel:               2
+        isr:                     1
+        endianness:              little
+        status: acknowledge, driver, features-ok, driver-ok
+        Guest features:   event-idx, indirect-desc, version-1
+                          ctrl-mac-addr, guest-announce, ctrl-vlan, ctrl-rx, ctrl-vq, status, mrg-rxbuf,
+                          host-ufo, host-ecn, host-tso6, host-tso4, guest-ufo, guest-ecn, guest-tso6,
+                          guest-tso4, mac, ctrl-guest-offloads, guest-csum, csum
+        Host features:    protocol-features, event-idx, indirect-desc, version-1, any-layout,
+                          notify-on-empty, gso, ctrl-mac-addr, guest-announce, ctrl-rx-extra, ctrl-vlan,
+                          ctrl-rx, ctrl-vq, status, mrg-rxbuf, host-ufo, host-ecn, host-tso6, host-tso4,
+                          guest-ufo, guest-ecn, guest-tso6, guest-tso4, mac, ctrl-guest-offloads,
+                          guest-csum, csum
+        Backend features: protocol-features, event-idx, indirect-desc, version-1, any-layout,
+                          notify-on-empty, gso, ctrl-mac-addr, guest-announce, ctrl-rx-extra, ctrl-vlan,
+                          ctrl-rx, ctrl-vq, status, mrg-rxbuf, host-ufo, host-ecn, host-tso6, host-tso4,
+                          guest-ufo, guest-ecn, guest-tso6, guest-tso4, mac, ctrl-guest-offloads,
+                          guest-csum, csum
+        VHost:
+          nvqs:           2
+          vq_index:       0
+          max_queues:     1
+          n_mem_sections: 4
+          n_tmp_sections: 4
+          backend_cap:    2
+          log_enabled:    false
+          log_size:       0
+          Features:       event-idx, indirect-desc, iommu-platform, version-1, any-layout,
+                          notify-on-empty, log-all, mrg-rxbuf
+        Acked features:   event-idx, indirect-desc, version-1, mrg-rxbuf
+        Backend features:
+        Protocol features:
+    {
+        .name      = "virtio-queue-status",
+        .args_type = "path:s,queue:i",
+        .params    = "path queue",
+        .help      = "Display status of a given virtio queue",
+        .cmd       = hmp_virtio_queue_status,
+        .flags     = "p",
+    },
+  ``info virtio-queue-status`` *path* *queue*
+    Display status of a given virtio queue
+    Example:
+    Dump the status of the 6th queue of virtio-scsi::
+    (qemu) info virtio-queue-status /machine/peripheral-anon/device[2]/virtio-backend 5
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[2]/virtio-backend:
+        device_name:          virtio-scsi
+        queue_index:          5
+        inuse:                0
+        used_idx:             605
+        signalled_used:       605
+        signalled_used_valid: true
+        last_avail_idx:       605
+        shadow_avail_idx:     605
+        VRing:
+          num:          256
+          num_default:  256
+          align:        4096
+          desc:         0x000000011f0bc000
+          avail:        0x000000011f0bd000
+          used:         0x000000011f0bd240
+    {
+        .name      = "virtio-vhost-queue-status",
+        .args_type = "path:s,queue:i",
+        .params    = "path queue",
+        .help      = "Display status of a given vhost queue",
+        .cmd       = hmp_vhost_queue_status,
+        .flags     = "p",
+    },
+  ``info virtio-vhost-queue-status`` *path* *queue*
+    Display status of a given vhost queue
+    Example:
+    (qemu) info virtio-vhost-queue-status /machine/peripheral/vsock0/virtio-backend 1
+    /machine/peripheral/vsock0/virtio-backend:
+        device_name:          vhost-vsock (vhost)
+        kick:                 0
+        call:                 0
+        VRing:
+          num:         128
+          desc:        0x00007f44fe5b2000
+          desc_phys:   0x000000011f3fb000
+          desc_size:   2048
+          avail:       0x00007f44fe5b2800
+          avail_phys:  0x000000011f3fb800
+          avail_size:  262
+          used:        0x00007f44fe5b2940
+          used_phys:   0x000000011f3fb940
+          used_size:   1030
+    {
+        .name       = "virtio-queue-element",
+        .args_type  = "path:s,queue:i,index:i?",
+        .params     = "path queue [index]",
+        .help       = "Display element of a given virtio queue",
+        .cmd        = hmp_virtio_queue_element,
+        .flags      = "p",
+    },
+  ``info virtio-queue-element`` *path* *queue* [*index*]
+    Display element of a given virtio queue
+    Example:
+    Dump the information of the head element of the first queue of
+    virtio-net (vhost on)::
+    (qemu) info virtio-queue-element /machine/peripheral-anon/device[1]/virtio-backend 0
+    /machine/peripheral-anon/device[1]/virtio-backend:
+        device_name: virtio-net
+        index:       0
+        desc:
+          ndescs:  1
+          descs:   addr 0x1312c8000 len 1536 (write)
+        avail:
+          flags: 0
+          idx:   256
+          ring:  0
+        used:
+          flags: 0
+          idx:   32
+    Since device[1] is a virtio-net device, we can see the MAC address
+    of the NIC in the element buffer::
+    (qemu) xp/128bx 0x1312c8000
+    00000001312c8000: 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x22 0x00
+    00000001312c8008: 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x52 0x54 0x00 0x12
+    00000001312c8010: 0x34 0x56 0xe6 0x94 0xf2 0xc1 0x51 0x2a
+    ...
+    [root@guest: ~]# ip link show eth0
+    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode
+    DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
+        link/ether 52:54:00:12:34:56 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+    And we can see the MAC address of the gateway immediately after::
+    [root@guest: ~]# arp -a
+    gateway ( at e6:94:f2:c1:51:2a [ether] on eth0
diff --git a/include/monitor/hmp.h b/include/monitor/hmp.h
index 96d0148..47446d8 100644
--- a/include/monitor/hmp.h
+++ b/include/monitor/hmp.h
@@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ void hmp_qom_list(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
 void hmp_qom_get(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
 void hmp_qom_set(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
 void hmp_info_qom_tree(Monitor *mon, const QDict *dict);
+void hmp_virtio_query(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
+void hmp_virtio_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
+void hmp_virtio_queue_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
+void hmp_vhost_queue_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
+void hmp_virtio_queue_element(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict);
 void object_add_completion(ReadLineState *rs, int nb_args, const char *str);
 void object_del_completion(ReadLineState *rs, int nb_args, const char *str);
 void device_add_completion(ReadLineState *rs, int nb_args, const char *str);
diff --git a/monitor/hmp-cmds.c b/monitor/hmp-cmds.c
index 9c91bf9..343b266 100644
--- a/monitor/hmp-cmds.c
+++ b/monitor/hmp-cmds.c
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-run-state.h"
 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-tpm.h"
 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-ui.h"
+#include "qapi/qapi-commands-virtio.h"
+#include "qapi/qapi-visit-virtio.h"
 #include "qapi/qapi-visit-net.h"
 #include "qapi/qapi-visit-migration.h"
 #include "qapi/qmp/qdict.h"
@@ -2165,3 +2167,359 @@ void hmp_info_memory_size_summary(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
     hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+#define DUMP_FEATURES(type, field)                                        \
+    do {                                                                  \
+        type##FeatureList *list = features->u.field.features;             \
+        if (list) {                                                       \
+            monitor_printf(mon, "                    ");                  \
+            while (list) {                                                \
+                monitor_printf(mon, "%s", type##Feature_str(list->value));\
+                list = list->next;                                        \
+                if (list != NULL) {                                       \
+                    monitor_printf(mon, ", ");                            \
+                }                                                         \
+            }                                                             \
+            monitor_printf(mon, "\n");                                    \
+        }                                                                 \
+    } while (0)
+static void hmp_virtio_dump_protocols(Monitor *mon,
+                                      VhostDeviceProtocols *pcol)
+    VhostProtocolFeatureList *pcol_list = pcol->features;
+    while (pcol_list) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "%s",
+                       VhostProtocolFeature_str(pcol_list->value));
+        pcol_list = pcol_list->next;
+        if (pcol_list != NULL) {
+            monitor_printf(mon, ", ");
+        }
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "\n");
+    if (pcol->has_unknown_protocols) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  unknown-protocols(0x%016"PRIx64")\n",
+                       pcol->unknown_protocols);
+    }
+static void hmp_virtio_dump_status(Monitor *mon,
+                                   VirtioDeviceStatus *status)
+    VirtioConfigStatusList *status_list = status->dev_status;
+    while (status_list) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "%s",
+                       VirtioConfigStatus_str(status_list->value));
+        status_list = status_list->next;
+        if (status_list != NULL) {
+            monitor_printf(mon, ", ");
+        }
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "\n");
+    if (status->has_unknown_statuses) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  unknown-statuses(0x%016"PRIx32")\n",
+                       status->unknown_statuses);
+    }
+static void hmp_virtio_dump_features(Monitor *mon,
+                                     VirtioDeviceFeatures *features)
+    VirtioTransportFeatureList *transport_list = features->transport;
+    while (transport_list) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "%s",
+                       VirtioTransportFeature_str(transport_list->value));
+        transport_list = transport_list->next;
+        if (transport_list != NULL) {
+            monitor_printf(mon, ", ");
+        }
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "\n");
+    switch (features->type) {
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioSerial, virtio_serial);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioBlk, virtio_blk);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioGpu, virtio_gpu);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioNet, virtio_net);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioScsi, virtio_scsi);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioBalloon, virtio_balloon);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioIommu, virtio_iommu);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioInput, virtio_input);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VhostUserFs, vhost_user_fs);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VhostVsock, vhost_vsock);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioCrypto, virtio_crypto);
+        break;
+        DUMP_FEATURES(VirtioMem, virtio_mem);
+        break;
+    default:
+        g_assert_not_reached();
+    }
+    if (features->has_unknown_features) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  unknown-features(0x%016"PRIx64")\n",
+                       features->unknown_features);
+    }
+void hmp_virtio_query(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    VirtioInfoList *list = qmp_x_query_virtio(&err);
+    VirtioInfoList *node;
+    if (err != NULL) {
+        hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (list == NULL) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "No VirtIO devices\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    node = list;
+    while (node) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "%s [%s]\n", node->value->path,
+                       node->value->type);
+        node = node->next;
+    }
+    qapi_free_VirtioInfoList(list);
+void hmp_virtio_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    const char *path = qdict_get_try_str(qdict, "path");
+    VirtioStatus *s = qmp_x_query_virtio_status(path, &err);
+    if (err != NULL) {
+        hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+        return;
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%s:\n", path);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  device_name:             %s %s\n",
+                   s->name, s->has_vhost_dev ? "(vhost)" : "");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  device_id:               %d\n", s->device_id);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  vhost_started:           %s\n",
+                   s->vhost_started ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  bus_name:                %s\n", s->bus_name);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  broken:                  %s\n",
+                   s->broken ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  disabled:                %s\n",
+                   s->disabled ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  disable_legacy_check:    %s\n",
+                   s->disable_legacy_check ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  started:                 %s\n",
+                   s->started ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  use_started:             %s\n",
+                   s->use_started ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  start_on_kick:           %s\n",
+                   s->start_on_kick ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  use_guest_notifier_mask: %s\n",
+                   s->use_guest_notifier_mask ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  vm_running:              %s\n",
+                   s->vm_running ? "true" : "false");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  num_vqs:                 %ld\n", s->num_vqs);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  queue_sel:               %d\n",
+                   s->queue_sel);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  isr:                     %d\n", s->isr);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  endianness:              %s\n",
+                   VirtioStatusEndianness_str(s->device_endian));
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  status: ");
+    hmp_virtio_dump_status(mon, s->status);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  Guest features:   ");
+    hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->guest_features);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  Host features:    ");
+    hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->host_features);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  Backend features: ");
+    hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->backend_features);
+    if (s->has_vhost_dev) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  VHost:\n");
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    nvqs:           %d\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->nvqs);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    vq_index:       %ld\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->vq_index);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    max_queues:     %lu\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->max_queues);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    n_mem_sections: %ld\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->n_mem_sections);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    n_tmp_sections: %ld\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->n_tmp_sections);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    backend_cap:    %lu\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->backend_cap);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    log_enabled:    %s\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->log_enabled ? "true" : "false");
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    log_size:       %lu\n",
+                       s->vhost_dev->log_size);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    Features:          ");
+        hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->vhost_dev->features);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    Acked features:    ");
+        hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->vhost_dev->acked_features);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    Backend features:  ");
+        hmp_virtio_dump_features(mon, s->vhost_dev->backend_features);
+        monitor_printf(mon, "    Protocol features: ");
+        hmp_virtio_dump_protocols(mon, s->vhost_dev->protocol_features);
+    }
+    qapi_free_VirtioStatus(s);
+void hmp_vhost_queue_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    const char *path = qdict_get_try_str(qdict, "path");
+    int queue = qdict_get_int(qdict, "queue");
+    VirtVhostQueueStatus *s =
+        qmp_x_query_virtio_vhost_queue_status(path, queue, &err);
+    if (err != NULL) {
+        hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+        return;
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%s:\n", path);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  device_name:          %s (vhost)\n",
+                   s->device_name);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  kick:                 %ld\n", s->kick);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  call:                 %ld\n", s->call);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  VRing:\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    num:         %ld\n", s->num);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    desc:        0x%016"PRIx64"\n", s->desc);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    desc_phys:   0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->desc_phys);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    desc_size:   %"PRId32"\n", s->desc_size);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    avail:       0x%016"PRIx64"\n", s->avail);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    avail_phys:  0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->avail_phys);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    avail_size:  %"PRId32"\n", s->avail_size);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    used:        0x%016"PRIx64"\n", s->used);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    used_phys:   0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->used_phys);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    used_size:   %"PRId32"\n", s->used_size);
+    qapi_free_VirtVhostQueueStatus(s);
+void hmp_virtio_queue_status(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    const char *path = qdict_get_try_str(qdict, "path");
+    int queue = qdict_get_int(qdict, "queue");
+    VirtQueueStatus *s = qmp_x_query_virtio_queue_status(path, queue, &err);
+    if (err != NULL) {
+        hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+        return;
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%s:\n", path);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  device_name:          %s\n", s->device_name);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  queue_index:          %d\n", s->queue_index);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  inuse:                %d\n", s->inuse);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  used_idx:             %d\n", s->used_idx);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  signalled_used:       %d\n",
+                   s->signalled_used);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  signalled_used_valid: %s\n",
+                   s->signalled_used_valid ? "true" : "false");
+    if (s->has_last_avail_idx) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  last_avail_idx:       %d\n",
+                       s->last_avail_idx);
+    }
+    if (s->has_shadow_avail_idx) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "  shadow_avail_idx:     %d\n",
+                       s->shadow_avail_idx);
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  VRing:\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    num:          %"PRId32"\n", s->vring_num);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    num_default:  %"PRId32"\n",
+                   s->vring_num_default);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    align:        %"PRId32"\n",
+                   s->vring_align);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    desc:         0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->vring_desc);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    avail:        0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->vring_avail);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    used:         0x%016"PRIx64"\n",
+                   s->vring_used);
+    qapi_free_VirtQueueStatus(s);
+void hmp_virtio_queue_element(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
+    Error *err = NULL;
+    const char *path = qdict_get_try_str(qdict, "path");
+    int queue = qdict_get_int(qdict, "queue");
+    int index = qdict_get_try_int(qdict, "index", -1);
+    VirtioQueueElement *e;
+    VirtioRingDescList *list;
+    e = qmp_x_query_virtio_queue_element(path, queue, index != -1,
+                                         index, &err);
+    if (err != NULL) {
+        hmp_handle_error(mon, err);
+        return;
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "%s:\n", path);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  device_name: %s\n", e->device_name);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  index:       %d\n", e->index);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  desc:\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    ndescs:  %d\n", e->ndescs);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    descs:   ");
+    list = e->descs;
+    while (list) {
+        monitor_printf(mon, "addr 0x%"PRIx64" len %d", list->value->addr,
+                       list->value->len);
+        if (list->value->flags) {
+            VirtioRingDescFlagsList *flag = list->value->flags;
+            monitor_printf(mon, " (");
+            while (flag) {
+                monitor_printf(mon, "%s",
+                               VirtioRingDescFlags_str(flag->value));
+                flag = flag->next;
+                if (flag) {
+                    monitor_printf(mon, ", ");
+                }
+            }
+            monitor_printf(mon, ")");
+        }
+        list = list->next;
+        if (list) {
+            monitor_printf(mon, ", ");
+        }
+    }
+    monitor_printf(mon, "\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  avail:\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    flags: %d\n", e->avail->flags);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    idx:   %d\n", e->avail->idx);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    ring:  %d\n", e->avail->ring);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "  used:\n");
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    flags: %d\n", e->used->flags);
+    monitor_printf(mon, "    idx:   %d\n", e->used->idx);
+    qapi_free_VirtioQueueElement(e);

  parent reply	other threads:[~2021-11-10 10:26 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 21+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-11-10 10:23 [PATCH v9 0/8] hmp,qmp: Add commands to introspect virtio devices Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 1/8] virtio: drop name parameter for virtio_init() Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 2/8] virtio: add vhost support for virtio devices Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 3/8] qmp: add QMP command x-query-virtio Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 12:03   ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-11  9:07     ` Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 4/8] qmp: add QMP command x-query-virtio-status Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 13:08   ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-11  9:09     ` Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 5/8] qmp: decode feature & status bits in virtio-status Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 13:49   ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-11 10:15     ` Jonah Palmer
2021-11-19 12:32       ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 6/8] qmp: add QMP commands for virtio/vhost queue-status Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 10:23 ` [PATCH v9 7/8] qmp: add QMP command x-query-virtio-queue-element Jonah Palmer
2021-11-10 13:52   ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-11 10:18     ` Jonah Palmer
2021-11-19 12:33       ` Markus Armbruster
2021-11-10 10:23 ` Jonah Palmer [this message]
2021-11-10 13:30   ` [PATCH v9 8/8] hmp: add virtio commands Markus Armbruster
2021-11-11 10:25     ` Jonah Palmer

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