On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 09:19:42AM -0700, randy_dunlap wrote: > On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:26:08 +0200 Henk wrote: > > | On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 12:53:29AM +0200, Edgar Toernig wrote: > | > By your reasoning /usr/dict/words had to be in the kernel, > | > too. > | > | Well by my reasoning you should, if possible, define some usefull > | standards that will allow te reuse of these dictionaries within other > | applications. > | > | And while we're on the subject of whats IN or OUT, (and I'll bet if you > | ask 10 kernel developers you'll get 10 answers but I try anyway ;) > | > | In my philosophy the OS (kernel + device drivers) is an abstraction of > | the machine, it should present the 'machine' in such a way that allows > | for other abstractions such as a word processor to operate without having > | to know the specifics of hardware devices. > > The abstraction also includes libraries, and if lib7segment > could do this from userspace, that's where it should reside. > I'm not saying that it can, but if it can, then that's the > desired place for it. > Sorry for the late response, The patch that was at the beginning of this thread is just a standard, and just enough so a userspace program would never have to know anything about 7 segments. And its just enough a device driver that needs to know about this can implement it in a way that is portable and standardised. I would, with all the love of the world create an userspace lib7segment for you guys, but all I can think of is just this linux include file. Well I think that the real issue here is that many of the kernel developers feel that there´s to much fluff & features in the kernel already. >From an operational perspective I imagine its becomming harder and harder to manage kernel code so I can understand people when they are saying f**k off with 7-segments Ive got bigger fish to fry. No offense taken, I just hope I didnt offend anyone either. Ill be back,) Henk Vergonet