Hello, I have a rather bizare problems with the nfs-client in Linux 2.6.20, the previously used kernel 2.6.17 worked fine: For one specific filesystem, which is exported rw, the client mounts the filesystem (according to /proc/mounts) as ro despite the fact that the mount-command asks to mount it rw. When doing a "mount -o remount,rw ..." after the first mount the filesystem is writable and all is fine (and /proc/mounts shows the mountpoint as "rw"). To make things more interesting, when doing a second mount after the rw-remount, the mount is writable. So it seems that the _first_ mount for the mountpoint fails. The mountpoint is located in a ramdisc. The problem does not happen with client kernel 2.6.17. The configuration besides the kernel is unchanged. It only happens with one filesystem, other filesystems from the same server are mounted rw as requested. For us it is always reproducible for all our clients. I found nothing special for this problematic filesystem. Server kernel is Linux vanilla 2.6.17 (unchanged), distribution is Fedora Core 6 for client and server. I checked really careful that nothing else besides the kernel changes in the systems and that there is no obvious "user error". Has anyone a glue? The workaround is simple (remount) but I do not understand the changed behaviour. Thanks in advance -Ulrich -- |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ulrich Gemkow | University of Stuttgart | Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR) |-----------------------------------------------------------------------