Hi I know that checksums.ini returns many times on ML so many of you are bored with it. But I have some stuff to show/share about it. Sometime ago new format was suggested for conf/checksums.ini and I implemented it today. It looks simple and is simple: [archivename] url0=url-to-sources url1=alternative-url-to-sources url2=another-alternative-url-to-sources md5=md5sum sha256=sha256sum What differs from old implementation? Use of archive names instead of urls so no more "I fetch from my local Debian mirror and got hit by lack of checksums" etc problems. By default OE does not even care about urls - it just checks for section by archive name and use md5/sha256 sums to check does file is the proper one. Urls can be used by source mirror building tools. How many changes are needed? Few: 1. 3 lines patch to base.bbclass 2. new checksums sorter 3. old checksums -> new checksums converter I think that it would be nice to switch to that. Ideas? Opinions? Regards, -- JID: hrw@jabber.org Website: http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/ LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcinjuszkiewicz