On Samstag, 21. November 2009 Christoph Hellwig wrote: > So your NFS exports are not the roots of their respsective > filesystems? That's the way it works with NFSv4. You create an NFS root dir with a special entry in /etc/exports: /nfsserver,rw,insecure,no_subtree_check,crossmnt) and if you want other parts exported, create a dir there and mount it: mkdir /nfsserver/data mount --bind /mydata /nfsserver/data This just takes the inodes from there and creates something like a view into this dir. From the client, you mount -t nfs4 server:/data /serverdata and you get the /nfsserver/data mounted there. > This means NFSD uses non-standard filesystem IDs in the > filehandles which have to encode the inode number of the export > root. Your best option is to simplify switch to exporting a whole > filesystem, That's how it worked until NFSv3. I tried that also, didn't work either. The whole thing worked before I reinstalled it (this server now runs virtualized within XENserver), and maybe that made some subdirs have inodes > 32bit. > alternatively you can try making sure NFSD uses the > 16byte wide UUID style export. How'd I do that? > Note thast either way will only work > with a 64bit kernel as the fs has no say in encoding the filesystem > part of the handle and ino_t is always 32bit on 32bit platforms. > This will also affect any other filesystem with 64bit inode numbers. Not my problem, everything 64bit here. I use the kernel-nfsd, and that's why I was wondering to have this problem. mfg zmi -- // Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc ----- http://it-management.at // Tel: 0660 / 415 65 31 .network.your.ideas. // PGP Key: "curl -s http://zmi.at/zmi.asc | gpg --import" // Fingerprint: AC19 F9D5 36ED CD8A EF38 500E CE14 91F7 1C12 09B4 // Keyserver: wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net Key-ID: 1C1209B4