On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 06:50:30AM -0000, Dmitry Sutyagin wrote: > I have recurring problems with VM installation and usage - data on VM disk gets corrupted at some point and it causes all sorts of problems - sometimes I cannot even install base system, other times some .so files are corrupt after isntallation, etc - totally random. ... > -drive file=/home/virtual-disks/fuel.vdi,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,format=vdi Hi Dmitry, A bug that can lead to corruption was recently discovered in the vdi image format code in QEMU. The vdi image format code is only designed to work for importing/exporting image files in qemu-img convert. It is not suitable for running guests and achieving good I/O performance. I recommend using raw or qcow2 image files instead. Stefan