On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 07:15:47PM +0800, Fengguang Wu wrote: > If 0day failed to catch the error, it might be due to > - regressions in 0day itself -- it's still in active development, > in the past year I did 1k patches to 0day build/boot scripts and > 2k patches to the follow up LKP (Linux Kernel Performance) tests. > - the "report once" logic, it's tricky and can possibly hide issues > - failed bisect, rare but possible I think some of the issues have been due to bisection getting confused by issues appearing in merge commits but ICBW. > - machine hang, network/disk fails, etc. maintenance incidents > "Loading" may add latency, however it's not the cause to miss errors. Latency seems like it might be an issue here, when I say I'm not seeing things that's issues coming up in the -next build before they're reported by 0day so they might well get fixed before 0day catches up. > > > Are people ignoring them? > > They're not reliably followed through on, no, and one of the things with > > 0day is that it just generates a one time report so if things don't get > > followed up on then that's that. A regular "these are all the issues" > > mail helps chase down those issues. > 0day has such report type. It will be sent after each git push (unless > you push too quickly) and it looks like this. Just drop me a note and > list the git trees/branches you wish to receive such notice emails. For me personally it'd be more interesting to be able to get them on demand (eg, from a web page) than e-mailed, or e-mailed by a human (possibly with fixes!). The kernelci.org reporting does a lot of this but doesn't cover anything except raw compiler warnings.