On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 08:00:55AM -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote: > On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 07:20:37AM +0000, Tsugikazu Shibata wrote: > > Finally, A request to the community from LTSI's stand point is: > > We want to have some process to be expected; How or about when > > LTS would be released. So that companies can easier to create their plan > > to use LTS and that will cause more user can use stable and secure > > kernel. > So the "about when" has been pretty easy to predict for quite a while > now. And the process has also been roughly the same for a while; IIRC > the announcement came at the kernel summit, again with the caveat that No, it was more usually sometime in late spring or summer (IIRC LinuxCon Japan had some announcements). > it might be subject to change if people abused the preannouncement. > And even when it wasn't preannounced because of the historic abuse > patterns, people who had observed past practices could generally > guestimate the LTS candidate to within +/- a release. > If that is not enough of a process, could you please state what you > think would be more helpful? Personally I think what we've got at the minute with the preannouncements is fairly good, though it might help if it were a bit more explicit when announcements would be made - the change to preannouncements at a less awkward point in the release cycle has helped for the users I talk to but there was always a very awkward period where people were looking for an announcement but no information to base things on.