Hi guys, Apologies if this is documented somewhere, I have fairly bad search vudu skills. I'm looking for a way to cause a full refresh of the index without causing any read of the files, basically telling git "trust me, all worktree files are matching the index, but their stat information have changed". I have read about the update-index --assume-unchanged and --skip-worktree flags in the documentation, but these do not cause any index refresh - rather, they fake that the respective worktree files are matching the index until you remove those assume-unchanged/skip-worktree bits. This might sound like a really weird thing to do, but I do have a use case for it - we have some build farm setup where the resulting objects of a compilation are stored on a shared server. The source files are not stored on the shared server, but locally on each of the build server (as to decrease network load and make good use of local storage as caches). We then use an onion filesystem to mount the compiled objects on top of the local sources - and change the modification time of the source to be older than the object files, so that on subsequent builds, make does not rebuild the whole world. This works fine except for one thing, after changing the mtime of the source files, the first subsequent git command needing to compare the tree with the index will take a LONG time since it will read all of the object content: cd linux-2.6 # Less than a second when the index is up to date time git status > /dev/null git status 0.06s user 0.09s system 172% cpu 0.087 total ~~~~~~~~~~~ # Change the mtime.. git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | xargs -n 1024 touch # Now 30s.. time git status > /dev/null git status 2.73s user 1.79s system 13% cpu 32.453 total ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The timing information above was captured on my laptop SSD and the penalty is obviously much higher on spinning disks - especially when this operation is done on *hundreds* of different work tree in parallel, all hosted on the same filesystem (it can take tens of minutes!). Is there any way to tell git, after the git ls-tree command above, to refresh its stat cache information and trust us that the file content has not changed, as to avoid any useless file read (though it will obviously will have to stat all of them, but that's not something we can really avoid) If not, I am willing to implement a --assume-content-unchanged to the git update-index if you guys don't see something fundamentally wrong with this approach. Thanks for any hints you can give! :) Q