Hi! In v4.10 (and probably v4.9, too) I can no longer use the in-call speaker. I can no longer use the wired headset, either. v4.4 (and probably v4.6) works ok. Any ideas? Does wired headset / in-call speaker work for you? "Mono" and "Mono DAC" options are still there.. but something else changed, as alsamixer now shows way many more options (meaning they are shorter?) and I get complains from alsactl: alsactl: set_control:1328: failed to obtain info for control #49 (No such file or directory) ... alsactl: set_control:1328: failed to obtain info for control #229 (No such file or directory) Pavel -- (english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek (cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html