Hi! > > Second, there are more issues than just patterns with the RGB > > LED. Most important is ability to set particular colors. You want to > > set the RGB LED to "white", but that does not mean you can set > > red=green=blue=1.0. You want color to look the same on LCD and on the > > LED, which means coefficients for white and some kind of function for > > brightness-to-PWM conversion. > > Shouldn't we leave that entirely to the userspace? Can we come up > with coefficients that will guarantee the same result on all existing > LCD devices? I don't think we should. We want (red = 70%, green = 80%, blue = 20%) to look approximately the same on all the hardware. That's currently not the case; even (red = green = blue = 100%) is not white. I believe easiest solution is "the kernel does the work", as it does for LCD screens. [Now... as long as userspace has enough information to display white and specific colors, I don't care much -- having kernel present coefficients for userspace would work, too.] Pavel -- (english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek (cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html