Hi, On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 04:05:22PM -0500, David Lechner wrote: > This adds a new driver for the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 battery. The EV3 is > an embedded ARM device that can use 6 AA batteries or a special rechargeable > Li-ion battery pack. The rechargeable battery pack presses a special key > switch in the battery compartment to indicate that it is present. > > The EV3 is only capable of monitoring battery voltage and current. The > charging circuit is built into the rechargeable battery pack and there is > no way to communicate with is, so we can't provide any information about > charging status. > > When not using the rechargeable battery pack, it is most common to use > alkaline batteries to power the device, but it is also common for people to > use rechargeable NiMH batteries. Since there is not a way to automatically > differentiate between these, the technology property is made writable. > > Signed-off-by: David Lechner Thanks, queued. -- Sebastian