Greeting, We noticed a -6% regression of hackbench.throughput due to commit: commit: bebe5811a929134c74b8ddd5919d0e7e755a499c ("sched/rt: Simplify the IPI rt balancing logic") url: in testcase: hackbench on test machine: 112 threads Skylake with 64G memory with following parameters: nr_threads: 50% mode: threads ipc: pipe cpufreq_governor: performance test-description: Hackbench is both a benchmark and a stress test for the Linux kernel scheduler. test-url: Details are as below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> To reproduce: git clone cd lkp-tests bin/lkp install job.yaml # job file is attached in this email bin/lkp run job.yaml testcase/path_params/tbox_group/run: hackbench/50%-threads-pipe-performance/lkp-skl-sp1 21173d0b4d2a0b9e bebe5811a929134c74b8ddd591 ---------------- -------------------------- %stddev change %stddev \ | \ 205737 -6% 193025 hackbench.throughput 68484 -4% 65954 hackbench.time.system_time 640 -4% 614 hackbench.time.elapsed_time 640 -4% 614 hackbench.time.elapsed_time.max 49827 -10% 44823 hackbench.time.minor_page_faults 8.799e+09 -12% 7.703e+09 hackbench.time.voluntary_context_switches 2318 ± 5% -14% 2003 hackbench.time.user_time 6.154e+09 -16% 5.179e+09 hackbench.time.involuntary_context_switches 1404 54856% 771999 interrupts.CAL:Function_call_interrupts 1:4 -25% :4 dmesg.Initramfs_unpacking_failed 1543105 4% 1601588 23382180 -10% 20986001 vmstat.system.cs hackbench.time.user_time 2600 ++-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * 2500 ++ | | :| 2400 ++ :| | *.*.*.*. .*.*. .*. .*.*. .* * :| 2300 ++*.* .*.*. : ** * ** * : .*.*. :+ : | * *.* *.* *.* * *.*.*.*.**.* | 2200 ++ | | | 2100 ++ | | O | 2000 O+O OO O O O OO O O O OO O O O O OO O O | | | 1900 ++-------------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.system_time 71000 ++---------*--*---*-*-----------------------------------------------+ | * * * * *. .**. | 70000 ++ : : : *.* * | | : : *.* : | | : : + : | 69000 ++*.**.* *.*. *.*.*.*. .*.* : | * *.* ** *.*.**.*.* 68000 ++ | | | 67000 ++ | | O O OO O O O O O | | O OO O O O O | 66000 O+ O O O O OO | | | 65000 ++------------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.elapsed_time 665 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 660 ++ *.*.*.*.**.*.* | | : : .*.**.*.*.* | 655 ++ : : .* : | 650 ++ : : .* : | 645 ++*.*.** *.*. .*.*.*. .* : | 640 *+ **.* *.** *.**. .*.* | * | 635 ++ | 630 ++ | 625 ++ | 620 ++ O O O O OO O O O | | O O OO O | 615 O+ OO O O O O O O | 610 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.elapsed_time.max 665 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 660 ++ *.*.*.*.**.*.* | | : : .*.**.*.*.* | 655 ++ : : .* : | 650 ++ : : .* : | 645 ++*.*.** *.*. .*.*.*. .* : | 640 *+ **.* *.** *.**. .*.* | * | 635 ++ | 630 ++ | 625 ++ | 620 ++ O O O O OO O O O | | O O OO O | 615 O+ OO O O O O O O | 610 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.minor_page_faults 50000 *+*-**-*-*-*-*--*-*----*-*-*-**-*-*-*-**-*-*----*-*-*--*---*----*-*-* | * ** *.* * * *.* | 49000 ++ | | | | | 48000 ++ | | | 47000 ++ | | | 46000 ++ | | | | | 45000 O+O OO O O O OO O O OO O O O OO O O O OO | | | 44000 ++------------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.voluntary_context_switches 9e+09 ++----------------------------------------------------------------+ | .**.*.*.**.*.* .*.**.*.*.* | 8.8e+09 ++**.*.* + *.* *.*.*.**.* * **.*.*.**.*.**.*.*.* | 8.6e+09 ++ | | | 8.4e+09 ++ | | | 8.2e+09 ++ | | | 8e+09 ++ | | | 7.8e+09 ++ | O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O O OO O OO O | 7.6e+09 ++----------------------------------------------------------------+ hackbench.time.involuntary_context_switches 6.4e+09 ++-------**-----**---*--------------------------------------------+ | : + .* * : *. .*.*.* | 6.2e+09 ++ : * : + ** : .*. .* | : : .* *.* ** | 6e+09 *+**.*.* **.*.*.**.*.**.*.*.** | | | 5.8e+09 ++ | | | 5.6e+09 ++ | | | 5.4e+09 ++ | | O | 5.2e+09 O+OO O O O O O OO O O OO O O OO O OO O | | | 5e+09 ++----------------------------------------------------------------+ vmstat.system.cs 2.35e+07 ++---------------------------------------------------------------* | *.*.*.** | 2.3e+07 *+**.*.*.**. *.*.*.* .*. *. .*.*.**.*.* | | *.* *.*.** *.**.*.* *.** | | | 2.25e+07 ++ | | | 2.2e+07 ++ | | | 2.15e+07 ++ | | | | | 2.1e+07 O+OO O O OO O OO O OO O O OO O O | | O OO O | 2.05e+07 ++---------------------------------------------------------------+ [*] bisect-good sample [O] bisect-bad sample Disclaimer: Results have been estimated based on internal Intel analysis and are provided for informational purposes only. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. Thanks, Xiaolong