Hi! > >> +Required properties: > >> + - compatible: > >> + "ti,lm3692x" > > > > Don't use wildcards in compatible strings. > > Do you mean to remove the x? How do we denote a family of parts > then? I guess you should specify the exact chip. Which will present interesting problem for me on Nokia N9/N950; in one case, compatible chip is produced by two companies, and it looks like some machines have one and some have the other; but we'd like to share the dts as user has no chance telling them apart (and it is not important, anyway). In second case, chip is refered as APDS990X and I don't know where to get more exact data. Pavel -- (english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek (cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html