Am Mon, 21 May 2018 09:18:20 +0100 schrieb Wei Liu : > What I mean is: now you seem to want to call > libxl__domain_suspend_device_model when QEMU upstream is running, > regardless of whether a guest is HVM or PV, so the check for HVM should > be gone. libxl__domain_suspend_device_model calls libxl__device_model_version_running, which may return LIBXL_DEVICE_MODEL_VERSION_QEMU_XEN_TRADITIONAL in case "dm-version" does not exist. Is it valid to assume that a non-existant "dm-version" means qemu-trad? So far I have not tested a PV domU with qemu-trad, not sure if that can work anyway. Also, libxl__device_model_version_running may return -1. Is that valid? Olaf