Hi! What ofono client are you using for development.. and for real usage on a cellphone? There are scripts in test/ which are suitable for early development, but not really for real use or 'does everything work?' testing. Anyway, I created some. RFone -- https://gitlab.com/tui/tui/tree/master/rfone -- command line tool written in Rust, by default monitors interesting events (incomming call, sms, signal changes, registration changes), and has command-line options for making/answering calls and sending sms. I'm starting gtk support. Unicsy Demo -- https://github.com/pavelmachek/unicsy_demo -- gtk phone application meant for a phone, written in Python so a bit slow on Nokia N900. But it has integrated phonebook, log of sms messages, is fully graphical so possible to control from touchscreen, and actually plays melody on incoming call. [Few GPL compatible melodies would be good.] Quite basic, but should be useable. Is there any other software I should look at? Best regards, Pavel -- (english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek (cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html