Hi! > > What ofono client are you using for development.. and for real usage > > on a cellphone? > > > > There are scripts in test/ which are suitable for early development, > > but not really for real use or 'does everything work?' testing. > > > > Anyway, I created some. > > > > RFone -- https://gitlab.com/tui/tui/tree/master/rfone -- command line > > tool written in Rust, by default monitors interesting events > > (incomming call, sms, signal changes, registration changes), and has > > command-line options for making/answering calls and sending sms. I'm > > starting gtk support. > > This looks like fun! Yes, it is fun :-). But I'm a bit busy. > > Is there any other software I should look at? > > I am also wondering about this. For Maemo Leste we also want a gtk or qt > (likely gtk2 for now) ofono phone UI, and I was also not able to find > much. Would like it to be written in C, C++ or Rust though (not Python > for performance and ram/memory usage concerns). > > If we can agree on some general architectural/UI direction and goals I > could try to help out. (In the end I probably want something that > monitors ofono but is not shown all the time, as on Maemo Fremantle) I agree that Python needs too much RAM; I tried with Vala, but I believe Rust is really a better solution. And yes, the long running stuff (ph monitor) should probably not display window all the time, but work with the system tray to show the signal. But I did not do too much investigation into that. My design goals are described below. Help would be certainly welcome. Best regards, Pavel # Goals One day, this should turn into "Unicsy Phone", phone support that integrates well with the rest of the Unix system. Phone functionality should be available both from command-line and from simple GUI. Important data should be stored in plain-text formats that are easy to access with common software. SMS messages should be handled in similar way e-mails currently are -- stored in maildir or mailbox formats, and accessible by common email clients. Access by two or more clients at the same time should be possible. Of course, special GUI client should be provided to work with SMS (using same maildir backend). Simple text format should be supported for contacts -- probably as simple as number '\t' name. Many users will want something a bit more advanced, I'd prefer hierarchical structure offered by emacs "org" mode, allowing me to group contacts together. We should call external program to list contacts for us, allowing easy merging of contacts from multiple sources. "ph book" should provide the merged list. # Design Non-GUI component should be responsible for maintaining call log and incoming SMSes. History plugin in ofono can probably do this. Ideally, GSM should go offline when this component fails, so that SMSes are queued by the network. There should be "ph primary" component responsible for calls and incoming SMSes -- mostly for actions not initiated by local user. On incoming events, it should play a melody. For calls, it should set up mixers, and display a window allowing user to manipulate volume, answer, reject and terminate the call. For incoming message, notification window should be displayed. "ph monitor" should be usable for monitoring phone status from the command line, displaying current network and signal status, any incoming calls and messages. There should be a GUI component for doing actions for local user. It should allow basic control (online/airplane mode, starting data connection), allow placing phone calls (but audio will be controlled and call window will still be displayed by "ph primary"), and sending SMS messages. Pavel -- (english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek (cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html