Hi, It's been just over a week since I sent out the doodle[1] for the new meeting time and we've got responses in. The top options we have allow everyone to attend (at least acording to the survey!): 10 - Monday 14:00 - Tuesday 16:00 - Friday 15:00 (I will have a conflict every other week) 9 - Monday 15:00 (but no Guillaume) with a bunch of other options with 8 votes. I don't know what my schedule is going to be like in a month or so but I'm guessing the other slots should be fine for me. Given that practically speaking it's difficult for Kevin to attend the Monday 14:00 slot I propose that we go with the Tuesday 16:00 slot since that's the latest one and therefore most friendly to those on PST. Thoughts? Thanks, Mark [1] https://doodle.com/poll/3yb3mzgxt7nqwg87