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From: Jean-Marie LEMETAYER <>
Subject: [RFC][PATCH v2 1/7] npm.bbclass: refactor the npm class
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 10:39:46 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

Many issues were related to npm dependencies badly handled: package
names, installation directories, ... In fact npm is using an install
algorithm [1] which is hard to reproduce / anticipate. Moreover some
npm packages use scopes [2] which adds more complexity.

The simplest solution is to let npm do its job. Assuming the fetcher
only get the sources of the package, the class will now run
'npm install' to create a build directory. The build directory is then
copied wisely to the destination.


Signed-off-by: Jean-Marie LEMETAYER <>
 meta/classes/npm.bbclass | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 188 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/npm.bbclass b/meta/classes/npm.bbclass
index 4b1f0a39f0..1abb0f710a 100644
--- a/meta/classes/npm.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/npm.bbclass
@@ -1,19 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Savoir-Faire Linux
+# This bbclass builds and installs an npm package to the target. The package
+# sources files should be fetched in the calling recipe by using the SRC_URI
+# variable. The ${S} variable should be updated depending of your fetcher.
+# Usage:
+#  SRC_URI = "..."
+#  inherit npm
+# Optional variables:
+#       Provide a shrinkwrap file [1]. If available a shrinkwrap file in the
+#       sources has priority over the one provided. A shrinkwrap file is
+#       mandatory in order to ensure build reproducibility.
+#       1:
+#       Set to 1 to also install devDependencies.
+#       Use the specified registry.
+#       Override the auto generated npm architecture.
+#       Add extra arguments to the 'npm install' execution.
+#       Use it at your own risk.
 DEPENDS_prepend = "nodejs-native "
 RDEPENDS_${PN}_prepend = "nodejs "
-S = "${WORKDIR}/npmpkg"
-def node_pkgname(d):
-    bpn = d.getVar('BPN')
-    if bpn.startswith("node-"):
-        return bpn[5:]
-    return bpn
+NPM_SHRINKWRAP ?= "${THISDIR}/${BPN}/npm-shrinkwrap.json"
-NPMPN ?= "${@node_pkgname(d)}"
-NPM_INSTALLDIR = "${libdir}/node_modules/${NPMPN}"
 # function maps arch names to npm arch names
-def npm_oe_arch_map(target_arch, d):
+def npm_oe_arch_map(target_arch):
     import re
     if   re.match('p(pc|owerpc)(|64)', target_arch): return 'ppc'
     elif re.match('i.86$', target_arch): return 'ia32'
@@ -21,74 +46,170 @@ def npm_oe_arch_map(target_arch, d):
     elif re.match('arm64$', target_arch): return 'arm'
     return target_arch
-NPM_ARCH ?= "${@npm_oe_arch_map(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'), d)}"
+NPM_ARCH ?= "${@npm_oe_arch_map(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'))}"
+NPM_CACHE ?= "${DL_DIR}/npm_cache"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
+python do_fetch_append() {
+    import json
+    from bb.fetch2 import check_network_access
+    from bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd
+    basecmd = "npm cache"
+    basecmd += d.expand(" --cache=${NPM_CACHE}")
+    basecmd += d.expand(" --registry=${NPM_REGISTRY}")
+    # Parse the shrinkwrap file
+    def get_shrinkwrap():
+        src_shrinkwrap = d.expand("${S}/npm-shrinkwrap.json")
+        src_package_lock = d.expand("${S}/package-lock.json")
+        npm_shrinkwrap = d.getVar("NPM_SHRINKWRAP")
+        if os.path.exists(src_shrinkwrap):
+            return src_shrinkwrap
+        elif os.path.exists(src_package_lock):
+            return src_package_lock
+        elif os.path.exists(npm_shrinkwrap):
+            return npm_shrinkwrap
+        else:
+            bb.fatal("No mandatory NPM_SHRINKWRAP file found")
+    with open(get_shrinkwrap(), "r") as f:
+        shrinkwrap = json.load(f)
+    # Cache dependencies
+    def cache_npm_dependencies(dependencies):
+        for name in dependencies:
+            version = dependencies[name]["version"]
+            cmd = basecmd + " add '{}@{}'".format(name, version)
+            check_network_access(d, cmd, d.getVar("NPM_REGISTRY"))
+            runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
+            cache_npm_dependencies(dependencies[name].get("dependencies", {}))
+    cache_npm_dependencies(shrinkwrap.get("dependencies", {}))
+    # Verify the cache
+    runfetchcmd(basecmd + " verify", d)
+do_fetch[depends] = "nodejs-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+npm_install_shrinkwrap() {
+    # This function ensures that there is a shrinkwrap file in the specified
+    # directory. A shrinkwrap file is mandatory to have reproducible builds.
+    # If the shrinkwrap file is not already included in the sources,
+    # the recipe can provide one by using the NPM_SHRINKWRAP option.
+    # This function returns the filename of the installed file (if any).
+    if [ -f ${S}/npm-shrinkwrap.json ]
+    then
+        bbnote "Using the npm-shrinkwrap.json provided in the sources"
+    elif [ -f ${S}/package-lock.json ]
+    then
+        bbnote "Using the package-lock.json provided in the sources"
+    elif [ -f ${NPM_SHRINKWRAP} ]
+    then
+        install -m 644 ${NPM_SHRINKWRAP} ${S}/npm-shrinkwrap.json
+        echo ${S}/npm-shrinkwrap.json
+    else
+        bbfatal "No mandatory NPM_SHRINKWRAP file found"
+    fi
 npm_do_compile() {
-	# Copy in any additionally fetched modules
-	if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/node_modules ] ; then
-		cp -a ${WORKDIR}/node_modules ${S}/
-	fi
-	# changing the home directory to the working directory, the .npmrc will
-	# be created in this directory
-	export HOME=${WORKDIR}
-	if [  "${NPM_INSTALL_DEV}" = "1" ]; then
-		npm config set dev true
-	else
-		npm config set dev false
-	fi
-	npm set cache ${WORKDIR}/npm_cache
-	# clear cache before every build
-	npm cache clear --force
-	# Install pkg into ${S} without going to the registry
-	if [  "${NPM_INSTALL_DEV}" = "1" ]; then
-		npm --arch=${NPM_ARCH} --target_arch=${NPM_ARCH} --no-registry install
-	else
-		npm --arch=${NPM_ARCH} --target_arch=${NPM_ARCH} --production --no-registry install
-	fi
+    # This function executes the 'npm install' command which builds and
+    # installs every dependencies needed for the package. All the files are
+    # installed in a build directory ${B} without filtering anything. To do so,
+    # a combination of 'npm pack' and 'npm install' is used to ensure that the
+    # files in ${B} are actual copies instead of symbolic links (which is the
+    # default npm behavior).
+    # First ensure that there is a shrinkwrap file in the sources.
+    local NPM_SHRINKWRAP_INSTALLED=$(npm_install_shrinkwrap)
+    # Then create a tarball from a npm package whose sources must be in ${S}.
+    local NPM_PACK_FILE=$(cd ${WORKDIR} && npm pack --offline ${S}/)
+    # Clean source tree.
+    # Remove the build directory.
+    rm -rf ${B}
+    # Finally install and build the tarball package in ${B}.
+    local NPM_INSTALL_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} --offline"
+    local NPM_INSTALL_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} --loglevel silly"
+    local NPM_INSTALL_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} --prefix=${B}"
+    local NPM_INSTALL_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} --global"
+    if [ "${NPM_INSTALL_DEV}" != 1 ]
+    then
+        local NPM_INSTALL_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} --production"
+    fi
+    local NPM_INSTALL_GYP_ARGS="${NPM_INSTALL_GYP_ARGS} --target_arch=${NPM_ARCH}"
+    cd ${WORKDIR} && npm install \
+        ${NPM_INSTALL_GYP_ARGS} \
+        ${NPM_INSTALL_ARGS} \
+        ${NPM_PACK_FILE}
 npm_do_install() {
-	# changing the home directory to the working directory, the .npmrc will
-	# be created in this directory
-	export HOME=${WORKDIR}
-	mkdir -p ${D}${libdir}/node_modules
-	local NPM_PACKFILE=$(npm pack .)
-	npm install --prefix ${D}${prefix} -g --arch=${NPM_ARCH} --target_arch=${NPM_ARCH} --production --no-registry ${NPM_PACKFILE}
-	ln -fs node_modules ${D}${libdir}/node
-	find ${D}${NPM_INSTALLDIR} -type f \( -name "*.a" -o -name "*.d" -o -name "*.o" \) -delete
-	if [ -d ${D}${prefix}/etc ] ; then
-		# This will be empty
-		rmdir ${D}${prefix}/etc
-	fi
+    # This function creates the destination directory from the pre installed
+    # files in the ${B} directory.
+    # Copy the entire lib and bin directories from ${B} to ${D}.
+    install -d ${D}/${libdir}
+    cp --no-preserve=ownership --recursive ${B}/lib/. ${D}/${libdir}
+    if [ -d "${B}/bin" ]
+    then
+        install -d ${D}/${bindir}
+        cp --no-preserve=ownership --recursive ${B}/bin/. ${D}/${bindir}
+    fi
+    # If the package (or its dependencies) uses node-gyp to build native addons,
+    # object files, static libraries or other temporary files can be hidden in
+    # the lib directory. To reduce the package size and to avoid QA issues
+    # (staticdev with static library files) these files must be removed.
+    # Remove any node-gyp directory in ${D} to remove temporary build files.
+    for GYP_D_FILE in $(find ${D} -regex ".*/build/Release/[^/]*.node")
+    do
+        local GYP_D_DIR=${GYP_D_FILE%/Release/*}
+        rm --recursive --force ${GYP_D_DIR}
+    done
+    # Copy only the node-gyp release files from ${B} to ${D}.
+    for GYP_B_FILE in $(find ${B} -regex ".*/build/Release/[^/]*.node")
+    do
+        local GYP_D_FILE=${D}/${prefix}/${GYP_B_FILE#${B}}
+        install -d ${GYP_D_FILE%/*}
+        install -m 755 ${GYP_B_FILE} ${GYP_D_FILE}
+    done
+    # Remove the shrinkwrap file which does not need to be packed.
+    rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/node_modules/*/npm-shrinkwrap.json
+    rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/node_modules/@*/*/npm-shrinkwrap.json
-python populate_packages_prepend () {
-    instdir = d.expand('${D}${NPM_INSTALLDIR}')
-    extrapackages = oe.package.npm_split_package_dirs(instdir)
-    pkgnames = extrapackages.keys()
-    d.prependVar('PACKAGES', '%s ' % ' '.join(pkgnames))
-    for pkgname in pkgnames:
-        pkgrelpath, pdata = extrapackages[pkgname]
-        pkgpath = '${NPM_INSTALLDIR}/' + pkgrelpath
-        # package names can't have underscores but npm packages sometimes use them
-        oe_pkg_name = pkgname.replace('_', '-')
-        expanded_pkgname = d.expand(oe_pkg_name)
-        d.setVar('FILES_%s' % expanded_pkgname, pkgpath)
-        if pdata:
-            version = pdata.get('version', None)
-            if version:
-                d.setVar('PKGV_%s' % expanded_pkgname, version)
-            description = pdata.get('description', None)
-            if description:
-                d.setVar('SUMMARY_%s' % expanded_pkgname, description.replace(u"\u2018", "'").replace(u"\u2019", "'"))
-    d.appendVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % d.getVar('PN'), ' %s' % ' '.join(pkgnames).replace('_', '-'))
+    # node(1) is using /usr/lib/node as default include directory and npm(1) is
+    # using /usr/lib/node_modules as install directory. Let's make both happy.
+    ln -fs node_modules ${D}/${libdir}/node
 FILES_${PN} += " \
     ${bindir} \
-    ${libdir}/node \
+    ${libdir} \
 EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_compile do_install

  reply	other threads:[~2019-10-25  8:40 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 8+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2019-10-25  8:39 [RFC][PATCH v2 0/7] NPM refactoring Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` Jean-Marie LEMETAYER [this message]
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 2/7] devtool: update command line options for npm Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 3/7] recipetool/ refactor the npm recipe creation handler Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 4/7] devtool/ update the append file for the npm recipes Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 5/7] recipetool/ replace 'latest' keyword for npm Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 6/7] recipetool/ remove the 'noverify' url parameter Jean-Marie LEMETAYER
2019-10-25  8:39 ` [RFC][PATCH v2 7/7] oeqa/selftest/recipetool: add npm recipe creation test Jean-Marie LEMETAYER

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