Hi Denis, thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm using brcmfmac. I had the EBUSY errors the first time I tried iwd. I got rid of those errors setting "--interfaces wlan0" in iwd.service (I have wlan0 and uap0 interfaces, I think I just need iwd to manage the wlan0, uap0 will be managed by hostapd). After that I didn't get the EBUSY errors anymore, but now I've this "No default interface for wiphy 0" problem. Applying the 55f9639ee37c commit didn't change the behavior. I mean, I still need to set the "--interfaces wlan0" parameter to avoid the EBUSY errors, and if I set the parameter I still need to sleep some seconds to avoid the "No default interface for wiphy 0" error. Regards, Hector