Hi [This is an automated email] This commit has been processed because it contains a "Fixes:" tag fixing commit: 548193cba2a7 ("test_firmware: add support for firmware_request_platform"). The bot has tested the following trees: v5.7.10. v5.7.10: Build failed! Errors: drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:25:38: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_list’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:26:33: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_checked’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:25:38: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_list’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:26:33: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_checked’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:25:38: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_list’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:26:33: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_checked’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:25:38: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_list’ follows non-static declaration drivers/firmware/efi/embedded-firmware.c:26:33: error: static declaration of ‘efi_embedded_fw_checked’ follows non-static declaration NOTE: The patch will not be queued to stable trees until it is upstream. How should we proceed with this patch? -- Thanks Sasha