On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 06:01:49PM +0200, Michael Walle wrote: > Am 2021-04-30 17:19, schrieb Mark Brown: > > Whatever is creating the regmap really ought to know what device it's > > dealing with... > But creating and using the regmap are two seperate things, no? Consider > the gpio-sl28cpld. It will just use whatever regmap the parent has created. > How would it know what type of regmap it is? But that's a driver for a specific device AFAICT which looks like it's only got an I2C binding on the MFD so the driver knows that it's for a device that's on a bus that's going to sleep and doesn't need to infer anything? This looks like the common case I'd expect where there's no variation. > > > It might be possible to pass this information via the > > > gpio_regmap_config, but this has the following drawbacks. First, that > > > property is redundant and both places might contratict each other. And > > > secondly, the driver might not even know the type of the regmap > > > because > > > it just gets an opaque pointer by querying the device tree. > > If it's a generic GPIO driver from a code correctness point of view it's > > always got a risk of sleeping... > I can't follow you here. If users happen to end up with a map flagged as fast they can work on the whatever driver uses this stuff and not realise they're breaking other users of the same driver that end up with slow I/O. The whole point of the flag in GPIO is AIUI warnings to help with that case.