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From: Alexander Aring <>
Subject: [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 14/14] python: add posix lockdb plot tool
Date: Thu,  2 Mar 2023 12:14:41 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

This patch adds a python tool to plot with use of python plotly [0] the
dlm_controld cluster-wide lockdb. It scans dlm_controld plock log files
for the required information about possible contention (waiters) and the
acquired lock modes over time.


./lockdb_plot /var/log/dlm_controld/plock.log

and plotly will start a webserver and you can see a generated, interactive
plot about the lockranges in y axis and time in x axis. Depending on
usage it's limited and does not scale. Ther exists arguments like --info
to get plock.log timing information and with --ts_start/ts_end you can
filter a specific time range to only show a small part of the plock log
to reduce the amount of rectangles need to be drawn by the browser.

It shows only lock modes and contention, no lock requests. Means A trylock
is only visible when it was successful. A non trylock will be drawn and
has possible contention.

With this plot it should be easy to figure out on which node a specific
lock range was acquired and resulted in contention.

 python/tools/lockdb_plot | 429 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 429 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 python/tools/lockdb_plot

diff --git a/python/tools/lockdb_plot b/python/tools/lockdb_plot
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..761bdea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/tools/lockdb_plot
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from enum import Enum
+import argparse
+import sys
+NSECS_PER_SECS = 1000000000
+def nsecs_to_secs(nsecs):
+    return nsecs/NSECS_PER_SECS
+def secs_to_nsecs(secs):
+    return secs * NSECS_PER_SECS
+# entry point of collecting data
+nodes = dict()
+# will parse log to get our_nodeid
+our_nodeid = None
+# legend groups, tmp set to show legend entry only once
+legend_groups = set()
+class EType(Enum):
+    LOCK = 1
+    WAITER = 2
+def lookup_lockdb(nodeid, ls, number):
+    if nodeid not in nodes:
+        nodes[nodeid] = dict()
+    lockspaces = nodes[nodeid]
+    if ls not in lockspaces:
+        lockspaces[ls] = dict()
+    if number not in lockspaces[ls]:
+        lockspaces[ls][number] = LockDb(nodeid, ls, number)
+    return lockspaces[ls][number]
+def plotly_rect_shape(x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity, text, group):
+    # we show it in secs
+    x0 = nsecs_to_secs(x0)
+    x1 = nsecs_to_secs(x1)
+    rv = go.Scatter(x=[x0,x0,x1,x1,x0],
+                    y=[y0,y1,y1,y0,y0],
+                    fill="toself",
+                    fillcolor=color,
+                    mode='lines',
+                    name=group,
+                    legendgroup=group,
+                    showlegend=group not in legend_groups,
+                    visible=True,
+                    text=text,
+                    line=dict(color=color,
+                              width=1),
+                    opacity=opacity)
+    legend_groups.add(group)
+    return rv
+class LockDbRect():
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ = kwargs["ls"]
+        self.number = kwargs["number"]
+ = kwargs["pid"]
+        self.nodeid = kwargs["nodeid"]
+        self.owner = kwargs["owner"]
+        self.ts_start = kwargs["ts_start"]
+        self.ts_end = kwargs["ts_end"]
+        # +1 because lock range 1000-1000 will then be 999-1000
+        # exclusive vs inclusive we need to decide how to display
+        # it but we don't set a zero height
+        self.lk_start = kwargs["lk_start"] - 1
+        self.lk_end = kwargs["lk_end"]
+    def create_shape(self):
+        return plotly_rect_shape(self.ts_start,
+                                 self.lk_start,
+                                 self.ts_end,
+                                 self.lk_end,
+                                 self.get_color(),
+                                 self.get_opacity(),
+                                 self.get_text(),
+                                 self.get_group())
+    def get_duration(self):
+        return self.ts_end - self.ts_start
+    def get_range(self):
+        return self.lk_end - self.lk_start
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.__dict__)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+class LockDbRectWaiter(LockDbRect):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(LockDbRectWaiter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+    def get_color(self):
+        return "green"
+    def get_opacity(self):
+        return 0.2
+    def get_text(self):
+        # TODO make it human readable for high numbers?
+        ts_start = nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_start);
+        ts_end = nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_end);
+        dt = nsecs_to_secs(self.get_duration());
+        text = "nodeid: {}, pid: {}, owner: {}<br>".format(self.nodeid,, hex(self.owner)) + \
+               "ts_start: {0:.3f},".format(ts_start) + \
+               "ts_end: {0:.3f},".format(ts_end) + \
+               "dt: {0:.3f}<br>".format(dt) + \
+               "lk_start: {}, lk_end: {}, dy: {}<br>".format(hex(self.lk_start), hex(self.lk_end), hex(self.get_range()))
+        return text
+    def get_text_pl(self):
+        text = "contention:<br>" + \
+                "start: {0:.3f},".format(nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_start)) + \
+                "end: {0:.3f},".format(nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_end)) + \
+                "dt: {0:.3f}".format(nsecs_to_secs(self.get_duration()))
+        return text
+    def get_group(self):
+        return "contention"
+class LockDbRectPLock(LockDbRect):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(LockDbRectPLock, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.mode = kwargs["mode"]
+        if self.mode == "WR":
+            self.color = "red"
+   = "write lock"
+        elif self.mode == "RD":
+            self.color = "blue"
+   = "read lock"
+        else:
+            print("{}: received unknown mode".format(self.ts_start))
+            return
+        self.waiter = None
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.__dict__)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    def has_waiter(self):
+        return self.waiter
+    def set_waiter(self, wa):
+        if self.has_waiter():
+            print("{}: has already a waiter set".format(self.ts_start))
+            return
+        self.waiter = wa
+    def get_waiter(self):
+        return self.waiter
+    def get_color(self):
+        return self.color
+    def get_opacity(self):
+        return 0.4
+    def get_text(self):
+        # TODO make it human readable for high numbers?
+        ts_start = nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_start);
+        ts_end = nsecs_to_secs(self.ts_end);
+        dt = nsecs_to_secs(self.get_duration());
+        text = "nodeid: {}, pid: {}, owner: {}<br>".format(self.nodeid,, hex(self.owner)) + \
+               "ts_start: {0:.3f},".format(ts_start) + \
+               "ts_end: {0:.3f},".format(ts_end) + \
+               "dt: {0:.3f}<br>".format(dt) + \
+               "lk_start: {}, lk_end: {}, dy: {}<br>".format(hex(self.lk_start), hex(self.lk_end), hex(self.get_range()))
+        if self.has_waiter():
+            text = text + "<br>{}".format(self.get_waiter().get_text_pl())
+        return text;
+    def get_group(self):
+        return
+class LockDb:
+    def __init__(self, nodeid, ls, number):
+        self.nodeid = nodeid
+ = ls
+        self.number = number
+        self.__ts = dict()
+        self.plocks = list()
+        self.__last_plock = dict()
+        self.waiters = list()
+        self.__last_waiter = dict()
+        self.__ts_start_min = None
+        self.__ts_end_max = 0
+    def event_start(self, vals):
+        self.__ts[vals["ptr"]] = vals
+    def __plock(self, vals_start, vals_end):
+        pl = LockDbRectPLock(ls=vals_start["ls"],
+                             number=vals_start["number"],
+                             pid=vals_start["pid"],
+                             nodeid=vals_start["nodeid"],
+                             owner=vals_start["owner"],
+                             ts_start=vals_start["ts"],
+                             ts_end=vals_end["ts"],
+                             lk_start=vals_start["start"],
+                             lk_end=vals_start["end"],
+                             mode=vals_start["mode"])
+        self.plocks.append(pl)
+        self.__last_plock[vals_end["ptr"]] = pl
+        try:
+            pl.set_waiter(self.__last_waiter[vals_start["owner"]])
+            del(self.__last_waiter[vals_start["owner"]])
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def __waiter(self, vals_start, vals_end):
+        wa = LockDbRectWaiter(ls=vals_start["ls"],
+                              number=vals_start["number"],
+                              pid=vals_start["pid"],
+                              nodeid=vals_start["nodeid"],
+                              owner=vals_start["owner"],
+                              ts_start=vals_start["ts"],
+                              ts_end=vals_end["ts"],
+                              lk_start=vals_start["start"],
+                              lk_end=vals_start["end"])
+        self.waiters.append(wa)
+        self.__last_waiter[vals_start["owner"]] = wa
+    def event_end(self, vals):
+        try:
+            vals_start = self.__ts[vals["ptr"]]
+            del(self.__ts[vals["ptr"]])
+        except KeyError:
+            print("{}: cannot find previous start, ignoring".format(vals["ts"]))
+            return
+        if not self.__ts_start_min:
+            self.__ts_start_min = vals_start["ts"]
+        else:
+            self.__ts_start_min = min(self.__ts_start_min, vals_start["ts"])
+        if not self.__ts_start_min:
+            self.__ts_end_max = vals["ts"]
+        else:
+            self.__ts_end_max = max(self.__ts_end_max, vals["ts"])
+        if vals["event"] == EType.LOCK:
+            self.__plock(vals_start, vals)
+        elif vals["event"] == EType.WAITER:
+            self.__waiter(vals_start, vals)
+        else:
+            print("{}: unknown event type".format(vals["ts"]))
+    def add_shapes(self, fig):
+        global legend_groups
+        legend_groups = set()
+        # first waiters to be in background
+        for wa in self.waiters:
+            fig.add_trace(wa.create_shape())
+        # next layer to draw lock states
+        for pl in self.plocks:
+            fig.add_trace(pl.create_shape())
+    def get_ts_min(self):
+        return self.__ts_start_min
+    def get_ts_max(self):
+        return self.__ts_end_max
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "ls {} inode {}".format(, self.number)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plots dlm_controld lock databases")
+parser.add_argument('-i', "--info", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument('-s', "--ts_start", type=float)
+parser.add_argument('-e', "--ts_end", type=float)
+parser.add_argument('plock_logs', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='+')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+for f in args.plock_logs:
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    # Current way to figure out our nodeid
+    for line in lines:
+        if "read plock" in line:
+            lsplit = line.split()
+            npo = lsplit[11].split('/')
+            nodeid = int(npo[0])
+            our_nodeid = nodeid
+            break
+    if not our_nodeid:
+        print("{}: could not determine our nodeid".format(f))
+        continue
+    for line in lines:
+        if "state plock" in line:
+            pass
+        elif "state waiter" in line:
+            pass
+        else:
+            continue
+        vals = dict()
+        lsplit = line.split()
+        vals["ts"] = int(lsplit[3])
+        if args.ts_start and secs_to_nsecs(args.ts_start) > int(vals["ts"]):
+            continue
+        if args.ts_end and secs_to_nsecs(args.ts_end) < int(vals["ts"]):
+            break;
+        vals["ls"] = lsplit[4]
+        vals["op"] = lsplit[7]
+        vals["number"] = int(lsplit[8], 16)
+        vals["ptr"] = lsplit[9]
+        db = lookup_lockdb(our_nodeid, vals["ls"], vals["number"])
+        if "state plock" in line:
+            vals["event"] = EType.LOCK
+            if vals["op"] == "start":
+                vals["mode"] = lsplit[10]
+                se = lsplit[11].split('-')
+                vals["start"] = int(se[0], 16)
+                vals["end"] = int(se[1], 16)
+                npo = lsplit[12].split('/')
+                vals["nodeid"] = int(npo[0])
+                vals["pid"] = int(npo[1])
+                vals["owner"] = int(npo[2], 16)
+                db.event_start(vals)
+            elif vals["op"] =="end":
+                db.event_end(vals)
+            else:
+                print("{}: unknown state plock operation: {}".format(vals["ts"], vals["op"]))
+        elif "state waiter" in line:
+            vals["event"] = EType.WAITER
+            if vals["op"] == "start":
+                se = lsplit[10].split('-')
+                vals["start"] = int(se[0], 16)
+                vals["end"] = int(se[1], 16)
+                npo = lsplit[11].split('/')
+                vals["nodeid"] = int(npo[0])
+                vals["pid"] = int(npo[1])
+                vals["owner"] = int(npo[2], 16)
+                db.event_start(vals)
+            elif vals["op"] == "end":
+                db.event_end(vals)
+            else:
+                print("{}: unknown state waiter operation: {}".format(vals["ts"], vals["op"]))
+        else:
+            print("received unknown line event: {}".format(line))
+    ts_max = None
+    ts_min = None
+    for nodeid in nodes:
+        for ls in nodes[nodeid]:
+            for number in nodes[nodeid][ls]:
+                db = lookup_lockdb(nodeid, ls, number)
+                if not ts_min:
+                    ts_min = db.get_ts_min()
+                else:
+                    ts_min = min(ts_min, db.get_ts_min())
+                if not ts_max:
+                    ts_max = db.get_ts_max()
+                else:
+                    ts_max = min(ts_max, db.get_ts_max())
+    print("global info:")
+    print("\tts_start: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(ts_min)))
+    print("\tts_end: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(ts_max)))
+    print("\tduration: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(ts_max) - nsecs_to_secs(ts_min)))
+    print()
+    print("per inode lock info:")
+    for nodeid in nodes:
+        print("nodeid: {}".format(nodeid))
+        for ls in nodes[nodeid]:
+            print("\tls: {}".format(ls))
+            for number in nodes[nodeid][ls]:
+                print("\t\tinode: {}".format(hex(number)))
+                db = lookup_lockdb(nodeid, ls, number)
+                print("\t\t\tts_start: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(db.get_ts_min())))
+                print("\t\t\tts_end: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(db.get_ts_max())))
+                print("\t\t\tduration: {0:.3f} secs".format(nsecs_to_secs(db.get_ts_max()) - nsecs_to_secs(db.get_ts_min())))
+    exit(0)
+for nodeid in nodes:
+    for ls in nodes[nodeid]:
+        for number in nodes[nodeid][ls]:
+            print("create plot: {} {} {}".format(nodeid, ls, number))
+            fig = go.Figure()
+            fig.update_layout(title_text="dlm_controld cluster-wide lock database<br>nodeid: {}, lockspace: {}, inode: {}".format(nodeid, ls, hex(number)))
+            # fill plot with shapes
+            lookup_lockdb(nodeid, ls, number).add_shapes(fig)
+            fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Time (secs)')
+            fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Lock Range (bytes decimal)')
+            config = dict({'scrollZoom': True, 'displaylogo': False})

  parent reply	other threads:[~2023-03-02 17:14 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 23+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2023-03-02 17:14 [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 01/14] dlm_tool: add fail functionality if dump failed Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 02/14] dlm_controld: always create logdir Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 03/14] dlm_controld: add plock logfile Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 04/14] dlm_controld: move processing of saved messages to plock level Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 05/14] dlm_controld: remove ls parameter Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 06/14] dlm_controld: constify timeval of dt_usec() Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 07/14] dlm_controld: add gcc format printf attribute to log_level Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 08/14] dlm_controld: enable nanosec logging Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 09/14] dlm_controld: use write_result() Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 10/14] dlm_controld: be sure we stop lockspaces before shutdown Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 11/14] dlm_controld: constify name_in in log_level() Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 12/14] dlm_controld: plock log waiters state Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 13/14] dlm_controld: plock log lock state Alexander Aring
2023-03-03 13:38   ` Andreas Gruenbacher
2023-03-03 14:35     ` Alexander Aring
2023-03-03 15:52     ` Andreas Gruenbacher
2023-03-03 16:02       ` Andreas Gruenbacher
2023-03-03 22:20         ` Alexander Aring
2023-03-03 22:28           ` Alexander Aring
2023-03-03 22:43           ` Alexander Aring
2023-03-03 22:31       ` Alexander Aring
2023-03-02 17:14 ` Alexander Aring [this message]
2023-03-03 14:40   ` [Cluster-devel] [PATCH dlm-tool 14/14] python: add posix lockdb plot tool Alexander Aring

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