On 28.03.2023 11:28:59, Dario Binacchi wrote: > > Applied to linux-can-next. > > Just one last question: To test this series, as described in the cover > letter, I could not use the iproute2 package since the microcontroller > is without MMU. I then extended busybox for the ip link command. I > actually also added the rtnl-link-can.c application to the libmnl > library. So now I find myself with two applications that have been > useful to me for this type of use case. > > Did I do useless work because I could use other tools? systemd-networkd also supports CAN configuration, but I this will probably not work on no-MMU systemd, too. Then there is: | https://git.pengutronix.de/cgit/tools/canutils | https://git.pengutronix.de/cgit/tools/libsocketcan that contains canconfig, but it lacks CAN-FD support. > If instead the tools for this use case are missing, what do you think > is better to do? Submit to their respective repos or add this > functionality to another project that I haven't considered ? Yes, go ahead and upstream your changes! Marc -- Pengutronix e.K. | Marc Kleine-Budde | Embedded Linux | https://www.pengutronix.de | Vertretung Nürnberg | Phone: +49-5121-206917-129 | Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686 | Fax: +49-5121-206917-9 |