James Carlson wrote: > If it isn't, then possibly it's something else. I think that the last > time I looked at the PPPoE implementation on Linux it was a bit hokey -- > it ran PPP over a pty pair and then decoded the framing in user space > and wrote it back out over Ethernet using PPPoE. I hope it's not still > like that, as I haven't looked at it in years, but it may well be. An > internal error in that logic could also cause a "hangup" message, > although hopefully along with some kind of system log about a core file > as well. No, that's not how PPPoE has worked for at least 15 years. There is a PPPoE socket and the IP packets do not leave the kernel. I have built BMS systems that handle thousands of sessions on 8-core systems. We had to move to 64-bit kernels because we needed such a lot of control structures that we'd run out 32-bit kernel memory long before we ran out of CPU. (this was for oversubscribed rather slow last miles, not VDSL2) -- ] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [ ] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | IoT architect [ ] mcr@sandelman.ca http://www.sandelman.ca/ | ruby on rails [