Am Freitag, 24. Februar 2012, 13:52:40 schrieb Richard Ems: > The raw storage space will then be 28 x 3 TB = 84 TB. Please remember that it will be 2,79 TiB per drive, that's 78 TiB overall. So it's missing 6 TB in reality, depending on how you calculated the source space you have and backup space you need. In Multi-TB environments people still are surprised by the big "rounding error" from harddisk TB to real TiB. And I've had customers who couldn't even do their first backup, as the backup system was full already. They calculated backup space only for one backup, and without the TB->TiB conversion. -- mit freundlichen Grüssen, Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc it-management Internet Services: Protéger [gesprochen: Prot-e-schee] Tel: +43 660 / 415 6531