Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:49:20 -0500
From: Andrew Geissler <>
To: OpenBMC Maillist <>
Subject: ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I'd had on my list for a while to move us over to a jenkins instance
running on the same server as our gerrit server. The reasoning was:

1. OpenBMC has grown to the point where it deserves it's own jenkins
instance, and tying it to doesn't really fit anymore.
2. The gerrit server (and the new jenkins server) are running within
Softlayer which has 24x7 support ( is running on donated
hardware from Rackspace, which is awesome, but support is mainly 2nd
hand via emails to contacts we have at Rackspace)
3. There have been a few instances where the openpower builds have
affected openbmc (and vice versa).

I went ahead and created a new jenkins instance at the above domain,
but haven't done anything with it. I've been kind of wishy-washy on
whether the extra work is really worth it. It's been quite nice having
Joel maintain our server with all the security updates
and such :)

Thoughts from the community?

Andrew, your email reads like a plea for help with OpenBMC project infrastructure (systems that host OpenBMC servers for Gerrit, Jenkins, and related CI).  If so, it may help to understand the current configuration.  Here is my understanding:

 - GitHub (source code mirror), hosted by GitHub at (various repos).
 - Gerrit (code review tool), hosted by (and redirected from
 - Jenkins (CI server), hosted by, proposal to move to a new server at
 - Various CI build and test servers (run jobs on different hardware architectures).
 - See history in

Then reading questions into the email:

ps: will also redirect to our gerrit in case anyone
was interested.
