Hello Guys, Nay help on this one. We tried qemux86 and egl examples are working fine on qemux86. The difference is it is using VMware vga driver. We were not able to change the driver on qemuarm. Noor From: openembedded-core-bounces@lists.openembedded.org [mailto:openembedded-core-bounces@lists.openembedded.org] On Behalf Of sujith h Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 12:49 PM To: OE-core Subject: [OE-core] Fwd: [yocto][meta-qt5] How to increase depth of qemuarm from bootargs? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: sujith h > Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 2:53 PM Subject: [yocto][meta-qt5] How to increase depth of qemuarm from bootargs? To: "yocto@yoctoproject.org" > Cc: Noor_Ahsan@mentor.com Hi all, I am trying to build Qt5 from meta-qt5 ( master branch ) with poky( machine is qemuarm). The qtbase is built successfully and is installed into core-image-sato. When I run : runqemu qemuarm I can see the matchbox window launched successfully.The qtbase is having gles2 enabled in the PACKAGECONFIG and gl is removed from PACKAGECONFIG. In mesa I have enabled gallium. I do see a problem when I try to run qtbase opengl examples.The gui gets displayed. But the image(s) associated with it never displays. For example lets say there is an example known as cube. When I try to run cube ( with -platform xcb), I could see a black screen. The cube image never comes. So my query is if it's possible to increase the depth ( default used is 16 for qemuarm ) to 24 through bootargs? If so a helping hand would be great. Let me know if more information is required regarding my setup. I have poky + meta-qt5 + meta-oe + meta-ruby layers in bblayers.conf. Thanks, Sujith H -- സുജിത് ഹരിദാസന് Bangalore Contributor to KDE project Contributor to Yocto project http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign http://sujithh.info C-x C-c -- സുജിത് ഹരിദാസന് Bangalore Contributor to KDE project Contributor to Yocto project http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign http://sujithh.info C-x C-c