From: "Humphrey van Polanen Petel" > Date: Sunday, 24 January 2021 at 12:27:20 To: "John Paul Adrian Glaubitz" > Cc: "The development of GNU GRUB" > Subject: Re: need hostname on menu Okay, I get it. I defer to your decision. Humphrey We are but sheep and here to be fleeced On 24/1/21 8:03 pm, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote: Hello! On 1/24/21 4:32 AM, Humphrey van Polanen Petel wrote: Whether it is a trivial problem or not I am not qualified to comment on, but it nevertheless seems to me that being able to identify at boot a systemby the name by which it is know is of obvious benefit simply because mnemonics are most easily remembered. I was not arguing this point. I was just talking about the development and maintenance effort. All true. But after some thoughts, and in this particular case... I would suggest to ask this question to canonical, as they produce the grub-config file. Not the people from grub-development. Afaicr, if you install different versions of Suse, you’ll get different lines in grub-config (analogue to what you asked for) Dit bericht kan informatie bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De Staat aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt met risico's verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten. This message may contain information that is not intended for you. If you are not the addressee or if this message was sent to you by mistake, you are requested to inform the sender and delete the message. The State accepts no liability for damage of any kind resulting from the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of messages.