Hi, I just joined this list and am referring to https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2018-12/msg00938.html We have experienced several crashes of a recent Debian 9 Dom0 on new hardware with Xen version "4.8.4+xsa273+shim4.10.1+xsa273-1+deb9u10". After reporting it within Debian bug #912975 (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=912975) it was pointed out, that this would be the same error, and I was asked to join discussion here. Unfortunately we are unable to reliably reproduce the behaviour. Currently we are running the Dom0 with Xen version "4.8.3+xsa267+shim4.10.1+xsa267-1+deb9u9" to test the assumption, that a bug was introduced between these versions. We have not yet tried setting pcid=0. Please let me know, if you think, that this would be a more reasonable test for now. Best Regards, Patrick Beckmann