On 9 May 2019, at 19:43, Rich Persaud <persaur@gmail.com> wrote:

On May 9, 2019, at 21:28, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth.xen@gmail.com> wrote:

With regards to Windows testing we have some restrictions. We have tried several times to buy additional test licenses, but this never went anywhere (some of the VM licenses are not available for our environment, unless you bulk buy, which is very expensive). The only approach that would allow us to test against different windows versions would be to require everyone who may touch OSSTEST which is not doable.

Are the 90-day test/eval versions of Windows incompatible with OSSTEST?

Actually, that's a possibility. Our use may not be compatible with the T&D's of the eval license though. It wasn't when we checked last time. But that can be checked.